Monday, June 17, 2019

Episode 406 - Sifu Abe Santos

Sifu Abe Santos is a martial arts practitioner and instructor at the Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute of Seattle, the first school of Bruce Lee.

You have to have something that you are passionate about. Something you really enjoy in life, it doesn't have to be martial arts, it could be anything...

Sifu Abe Santos - Episode 406

The legacy of Bruce Lee in the martial arts is unquestionably influential to a point that it's become legendary. Sifu Abe Santos was not only inspired by Bruce Lee but Sifu Santos studied under Lee's student and assistant, Sifu Taky Kimura,  on his first school in Seattle. Today, Sifu Santos is the bearer of Bruce Lee's legacy and somehow tasked to continue teaching it for the next generations. Sifu Abe Santos had a lot of very interesting stories so, listen to find out more!

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Show Notes

On this episode, we mentioned Bruce Lee, Shannon Lee, and Gary Dill.

You may reach Sifu Abe Santos by visiting www.junfangungfuseattle.comand their social media below:

Jun Fan Gung Fu Academy Facebook Page, Jun Fan Gung Fu Academy Instagram

Check out this episode!

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