Monday, June 3, 2019

Episode 402 - Mr. Brent Philpot

Mr. Brent Philpot is a martial arts practitioner and He recently got his first-degree black belt on Taekwondo.

People ask me before I receive my black belt, "why do you want to become a black belt?" I said, and I still believe this to this day, to inspire others.

Mr. Brent Philpot - Episode 402

Getting inspired to be in the martial arts by a movie is a common thread with us martial artist and Mr. Brent Philpot is not different. After seeing Bloodsport, he immediately fell in love with martial arts. However, all of that went to a halt when Mr. Philpot suffered a horrifying accident where he's been hit by a delivery truck sending him into a coma. Mr. Philpot successfully recovered but he never trained until three years ago. Today, he's achieved his first-degree black belt and he's studying to be a Taekwondo instructor. Listen and find out about Mr. Brent Philpot's incredible story!

Show Notes

On this episode, we mentioned Jean-Claude van Damme and Bloodsport

You can reach Mr. Brent Philpot on these:

Check out this episode!

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