Thursday, June 27, 2019

Episode 409 - Handling Risky Students

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the ways on how to handle different types of risky students whether they are fit to train.

Handling Risky Students - Episode 409

Sometimes, we encounter students that were once convicted for a crime who want to train to get reacquainted with other people or for whatever reasons. There are times that students are being threatened by other students. As an instructor and students, how do we deal with these risky students? Do we ask them not to train or let them? On this episode, Jeremy talks about the different ways on how to deal with risky students who could be harmful to the rest of the class. Listen to find out more!


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Monday, June 24, 2019

Episode 408 - Shihan Beth Bielat

Shihan Beth Bielat is a martial arts practitioner and instructor. She is Jeremy's first martial arts teacher from Maine.

I think when you have to create, make and invent things, there's something to be said about that. That you're not part of the horde, that you're not just following, that it becomes you...

Episode 408 - Shihan Beth Bielat

A lot of us have love and passion with martial arts but Shihan Beth Bielat's is definitely unique. Shihan Bielat never saw a martial arts movie before she tried martial arts, it was pure love at first sight. On this episode, other than Shihan Bielat's wonderful journey, we talk about some of the memorable stories of Jeremy when he was starting his own journey to the martial arts. Listen to find out more!

Show Notes

You can check out Shihan Beth Bielat's book here: The LifeBreath Book. You can find Mainely Women here.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Episode 407 - I am a Martial Artist

On this episode, Jeremy is joined by Sensei Amanda Cass and they talk about the I am a Martial Artist project.

I am a Martial Artist - Episode 407

The #IamaMartialArtist Project aims to unify martial artist around the world through creating videos about what you do as a martial artist. It is to celebrate each martial artist, their background and where they are coming from. On this episode, Jeremy and Sensei Amanda Cass talks about the I am a Martial Artist project. Listen to Learn more!

Show Notes

You can check out Sensei Amanda Cass' episode here.

Check out this episode!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Episode 406 - Sifu Abe Santos

Sifu Abe Santos is a martial arts practitioner and instructor at the Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute of Seattle, the first school of Bruce Lee.

You have to have something that you are passionate about. Something you really enjoy in life, it doesn't have to be martial arts, it could be anything...

Sifu Abe Santos - Episode 406

The legacy of Bruce Lee in the martial arts is unquestionably influential to a point that it's become legendary. Sifu Abe Santos was not only inspired by Bruce Lee but Sifu Santos studied under Lee's student and assistant, Sifu Taky Kimura,  on his first school in Seattle. Today, Sifu Santos is the bearer of Bruce Lee's legacy and somehow tasked to continue teaching it for the next generations. Sifu Abe Santos had a lot of very interesting stories so, listen to find out more!

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Show Notes

On this episode, we mentioned Bruce Lee, Shannon Lee, and Gary Dill.

You may reach Sifu Abe Santos by visiting www.junfangungfuseattle.comand their social media below:

Jun Fan Gung Fu Academy Facebook Page, Jun Fan Gung Fu Academy Instagram

Check out this episode!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Episode 405 - The Value of Pain

On this episode, Jeremy talks about the one thing that we feel whenever we have good training, the value of pain.

The Value of Pain - Episode 405

Pain gives us experiences that we remember for the rest of our lives. Pain provides us value in our training so we would learn how we avoid it as we grow and progress as martial artists. On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the value of pain in our training, how is it a wonderful educator and motivator. Listen to this episode to learn more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, June 10, 2019

Episode 404 - Tarek Alsaleh

Tarek Alsaleh is a martial arts instructor who founded the Capoeira4Refugees, capoeira classes for street kids and refugee children.

Basically, the winner in Capoeira is who has the most fun. That's the winner in Capoeira...

Tarek Alsaleh - Episode 404

Doing martial arts for a noble cause is a dream for all of us martial artists especially if it's giving back to unfortunate children. Tarek Alsaleh founded a non-governmental organization in 2007, Capoeira4Refugees, that teaches capoeira to refugee children and street kids. Tarek saw how capoeira gave children and youth something positive to do with their time. Listen to know more about Tarek Alsaleh's movement, Capoeira4Refugees.

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Show Notes

You may find out more about Capoeira4Refugees on their websites at:

More information about Tarek Alsaleh

Twenty Thirty Blog

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Thursday, June 6, 2019

Episode 403 - The Problem with Normalcy Bias in Social Media

On this episode, Jeremy talks about the problem with normalcy bias in social media and how it affects us, martial artists.

The Problem with Normalcy Bias in Social Media - Episode 403

More often than not, we see people in great shape and do exceptional things who classify themselves as martial artists and most of us see them like it's the usual thing that many people experience. The truth is, nobody is perfect and it's true for these people on social media. On this episode, Jeremy talks about how normalcy bias affects us as martial artists. Listen to learn more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, June 3, 2019

Episode 402 - Mr. Brent Philpot

Mr. Brent Philpot is a martial arts practitioner and He recently got his first-degree black belt on Taekwondo.

People ask me before I receive my black belt, "why do you want to become a black belt?" I said, and I still believe this to this day, to inspire others.

Mr. Brent Philpot - Episode 402

Getting inspired to be in the martial arts by a movie is a common thread with us martial artist and Mr. Brent Philpot is not different. After seeing Bloodsport, he immediately fell in love with martial arts. However, all of that went to a halt when Mr. Philpot suffered a horrifying accident where he's been hit by a delivery truck sending him into a coma. Mr. Philpot successfully recovered but he never trained until three years ago. Today, he's achieved his first-degree black belt and he's studying to be a Taekwondo instructor. Listen and find out about Mr. Brent Philpot's incredible story!

Show Notes

On this episode, we mentioned Jean-Claude van Damme and Bloodsport

You can reach Mr. Brent Philpot on these:

Check out this episode!