Monday, February 7, 2022

Episode 682 - Mr. Andy Allen

Mr. Andy Allen is a Martial Arts practitioner and instructor at the Nova Karate Jutsu in Bedford, Canada.

When I was 25, I was decent with what I was doing but I didn’t know what else was out there. So, if I could go back and talk to my young self I’d say look, here’s what you can do with Karate. Here’s a whole world of grappling arts that you’re missing out on. Keep doing what you’re doing but supplement that…

Mr. Andy Allen - Episode 682

Mr. Andy Allen, a high school teacher, did weightlifting as a young man influenced mainly by his father who’s a champion weightlifter in Canada. Eventually, the lack of gym and access to weightlifting in college, Mr. Andy Allen found Karate. Through the years, Mr. Andy Allen competed in a lot of tournaments in and out of Canada. Presently, he is a school teacher and an instructor at the Nova Karate Jutsu in Bedford, Canada.

In this episode, Mr. Andy Allen talks about how he started his journey into the martial arts, what are his regrets and teaching practical application of Martial Arts. Listen and join the conversation!

Show Notes

You may check out Mr. Andy Allen’s school at or follow him on Instagram at @appliedshotokan

Subscribe on Mr. Andy Allen’s YouTube Channel here

In this episode, we mentioned how Iain Abernathy inspired Mr. Allen in creating his YouTube Channel

Check out this episode!

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