Monday, February 28, 2022

Episode 688 - Coach Justin Ortiz

Coach Justin Ortiz is a Martial Arts practitioner, instructor, actor, and stunt performer.

Our goal is to show that these martial artists can have different avenues and do what they love, which is Martial Arts, and take it on different aspects in life…

Coach Justin Ortiz - Episode 688

It’s time! The words his father said upon giving his first gi to him. Coach Justin Ortiz’s first instructor was his father and he never stopped ever since. Coach Justin Ortiz, aka hot foot, competed and became World Champion in karate and kickboxing. Presently, he teaches martial arts, travels the world teaching seminars, gives private lessons, and consults for martial arts school owners. Coach Ortiz is also an actor and stunt performer and he appears at Power Rangers Dark Unity.

In this episode, Coach Justin Ortiz talks about how he started his journey into martial arts and how it helped him get where he’s at today. Listen and join the conversation!

Show Notes

You may check out and follow Coach Justin Ortiz on Instagram @theortizexperience

Check out this episode!

Monday, February 21, 2022

Episode 686 - Kyoshi CJ Mayo

Kyoshi CJ Mayo is a Martial Arts practitioner and instructor at the Shinzo Kaizen Dojo in Tacoma, Washington

For my son, he started his training consistently at 7 years old. Every whitebelts that I’ve ever taught at least is so awkward looking when they start but for my son, it was even more so. But being able to work on Martial Arts and get the motor skills down, there’s alot of things he can do now athletically.

Kyoshi CJ Mayo - Episode 686

How is the Vietnam War and Martial Arts relate to each other? For our guest today, Kyoshi CJ Mayo, learned martial arts through his grandfather who has a friend from serving in Vietnam who can teach martial arts. Kyoshi Mayo, child of divorced parents, needed help with discipline as a kid so he was put into Martial Arts. Presently, he teaches kids at Shinzo Kaizen Dojo in Tacoma, Washington.

In this episode, Kyoshi CJ Mayo talks about how he started his journey into martial arts and teaching others, especially his kids. Listen and join the conversation!

Show Notes

You may check out Kyoshi CJ Mayo’s school at

Check out this episode!

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Episode 685 - Rapid Fire Q&A #12

In this episode, Jeremy and co-host Andrew Adams take on another iteration of the Rapid Fire Question and Answers.

Rapid Fire Q&A #12 - Episode 685

Jeremy and co-host Andrew Adams tackle a series of questions from you, the listeners, and some guests in the form of a Rapid Fire Q&A. Here are the questions they tried to answer:

  • As you age, what martial arts fundamental do you find as more important than you found it earlier in your martial arts career?

  • In your opinion, who is the most influential martial artist in Karate?

  • Listen to the episode for more!

After listening to the questions and answers, it would be exciting for us to know your thoughts about it. Don’t forget to drop them in the comment section below!

Check out this episode!

Monday, February 14, 2022

Episode 684 - Hanshi Frank Dux

Hanshi Frank Dux is best known as the character from the movie, Bloodsport, but he is much more than that.

The important lesson I try to impart with people is that, when you stop being plural in your thinking, every aspect in your life changes. And you will be surprised in how life becomes that much sweeter because you;re not looking outside yourself. You can really taste what things are going on, you can start setting goals you otherwise thought impossible…

Hanshi Frank Dux - Episode 684

If you’ve spent any amount of time in the martial arts or done any quick research, you will find that Hanshi Dux is often known as a controversial figure in the martial arts. However, his discussion with Jeremy goes places you would not expect. Hanshi Dux started training at a young age, and growing up, really wanted a way to test himself. This interview goes there, but also goes places you wouldn’t expect, and becomes a lot more philosophical and contemplative than one might expect. Listen in and tell us what you think. ~Andrew Adams

In this episode, Hanshi Frank Dux talks about martial arts and everything in between. Listen and join the conversation!

Show Notes

Know more about Hanshi Frank Dux on

Check out this episode!

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Episode 683 - Sport vs Traditional Martial Arts

In this episode, Jeremy and Adam talk about how divisive the topic Sport vs Traditional Martial Arts is for martial artists.

Sport vs Traditional Martial Arts - Episode 683

There is an interesting conversation about the effectiveness of Sport Martial Arts over the Traditional Martial Arts training. In this episode, Jeremy and Adam talk about how divisive the topic Sport vs Traditional Martial Arts is for martial artists.

Listen to this episode and join the conversation! We would appreciate you sharing your thoughts in the comments section below.

Check out this episode!

Monday, February 7, 2022

Episode 682 - Mr. Andy Allen

Mr. Andy Allen is a Martial Arts practitioner and instructor at the Nova Karate Jutsu in Bedford, Canada.

When I was 25, I was decent with what I was doing but I didn’t know what else was out there. So, if I could go back and talk to my young self I’d say look, here’s what you can do with Karate. Here’s a whole world of grappling arts that you’re missing out on. Keep doing what you’re doing but supplement that…

Mr. Andy Allen - Episode 682

Mr. Andy Allen, a high school teacher, did weightlifting as a young man influenced mainly by his father who’s a champion weightlifter in Canada. Eventually, the lack of gym and access to weightlifting in college, Mr. Andy Allen found Karate. Through the years, Mr. Andy Allen competed in a lot of tournaments in and out of Canada. Presently, he is a school teacher and an instructor at the Nova Karate Jutsu in Bedford, Canada.

In this episode, Mr. Andy Allen talks about how he started his journey into the martial arts, what are his regrets and teaching practical application of Martial Arts. Listen and join the conversation!

Show Notes

You may check out Mr. Andy Allen’s school at or follow him on Instagram at @appliedshotokan

Subscribe on Mr. Andy Allen’s YouTube Channel here

In this episode, we mentioned how Iain Abernathy inspired Mr. Allen in creating his YouTube Channel

Check out this episode!

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Episode 681 - 12 Months to Health

In this episode, listen or watch as Jeremy and Andrew talk about whistlekick’s upcoming event, The All-In Weekend.

12 Months to Health - Episode 681

Build up to better health, one step at a time. Everything takes time not just in training but also with health. In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew talk about the latter’s newest book: 12 Months to Health. While there are tons of health books in the market, there’s something different with 12 Months to Health so listen to find out more!

Get your copy of 12 Months to Health on Amazon

Listen to this episode and join the conversation! We would appreciate you sharing your thoughts in the comments section below.

Check out this episode!