Monday, January 17, 2022

Episode 676 - Mr. Stephen Watson

Mr. Stephen Watson is a Martial Arts practitioner and instructor at the Someday Farms studio in Connecticut.

You know what’s the plural of a why is? “Whys?” So, if you have enough why’s, you have “wise.“ That’s been my driving motivation, just continue the why not because we need the result, but because we’re living in the presence of that practice, of that process…

Mr. Stephen Watson - Episode 676

Mr. Stephen Watson is the founder and former director of Silent Dragon Schools. He immersed himself in Eastern philosophy for over 30 years and his martial training (the how) began in concert with his interest in philosophy (the why). Mr. Watson’s motto is: When you have enough Whys you have Wise. He specializes in transmitting a profound understanding of “why.”

In this episode, Mr. Stephen Watson tells the importance of our Whys in our lives and his journey to the martial arts. Listen and join the conversation!

Show Notes

You may check out Mr. Stephen Watson’s online portal at

Check out this episode!

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