Monday, July 30, 2018

Episode 314 - Mr. Frank Hatsis

Mr. Frank Hatsis is a martial arts practitioner and instructor who specializes in rope dart. He teaches rope dart at the Rope Dart Academy.

Being in martial arts allowed me the freedom to be who I was. To practice how I wanted to practice, when I wanted to practice...  That definitely attracted me to the martial arts.

Mr. Frank Hatsis - Episode 314

A lot of us martial artist found our way to martial arts through our heroes such as Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris. Our guest today isn't that different but he was more fascinated with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Mr. Frank Hatsis was first introduced to martial arts with his brother on a taekwondo school, he did not turn back from there and his love for martial arts only grew deeper. Eventually, Mr. Frank Hatsis found his way into practicing rope dart, a traditional weapon in the Chinese martial arts. He is now practicing and teaching rope dart with the Rope Dart Academy. Listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

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