Monday, July 30, 2018

Episode 314 - Mr. Frank Hatsis

Mr. Frank Hatsis is a martial arts practitioner and instructor who specializes in rope dart. He teaches rope dart at the Rope Dart Academy.

Being in martial arts allowed me the freedom to be who I was. To practice how I wanted to practice, when I wanted to practice...  That definitely attracted me to the martial arts.

Mr. Frank Hatsis - Episode 314

A lot of us martial artist found our way to martial arts through our heroes such as Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris. Our guest today isn't that different but he was more fascinated with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Mr. Frank Hatsis was first introduced to martial arts with his brother on a taekwondo school, he did not turn back from there and his love for martial arts only grew deeper. Eventually, Mr. Frank Hatsis found his way into practicing rope dart, a traditional weapon in the Chinese martial arts. He is now practicing and teaching rope dart with the Rope Dart Academy. Listen to find out more!

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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Episode 313 - Dojos and Dojangs

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the place and venue that martial artists go to most of the time, the Dojos and Dojangs.

Dojos and Dojangs - Episode 313

As martial artists whether practitioner or instructor, we all go to one place to train, hone our skills, or improve our character. A place that is home to most of us, the dojos and dojangs. However, there seems to be a question that needs an answer, how much do we know about the origin of the place we train? On this episode, Jeremy talks about the history of the dojos and dojangs and how it became the place that it is today. We retrace the origins and the significance of the place in the history of martial arts. Listen to learn more!

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Monday, July 23, 2018

Episode 312 - Mr. Sherman Augustus

Mr. Sherman Augustus is a Taekwondo practitioner, former athlete and he is a cast on the AMC show, Into the Badlands.

My conversation to myself all the time was, I certainly don't want to let our audience down.

Mr. Sherman Augustus - Episode 312

It is not all the time that we have a guest who appears on TV and in movies. So, it is really special when we have an actor here on the show especially if he or she is a martial artist off-the-camera. Mr. Sherman Augustus is "Nathaniel Moon" on the show "Into the Badlands" which is not a stranger to most of the listeners of the show. He is a veteran of the show business and he learned martial arts because his work as an actor called for it, which is a unique story among others. Mr. Sherman Augustus tells us his experiences with "Into the Badlands" and how his martial arts training gave him the edge for doing the role of only using his left hand. This is a fun-filled conversation that you surely don't want to miss. Listen to find out more!

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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Episode 311 - Wu Chi Kung Fu with Sifu Gary Cecil

On this episode, Jeremy talks about Wu Chi Kung Fu with Sifu Gary Cecil. Sifu Cecil is an author and a kung fu instructor from Minneapolis.

Wu Chi Kung Fu with Sifu Gary Cecil - Episode 311

Martial Arts is a rich and evolving art that has a variety of styles, disciplines and philosophies. From Judo to Karate, there are more styles in the Martial Arts than you probably know. Sifu Gary Cecil, is a founder of Wu Chi, a style Kung Fu that does not only involve physical exercise but it's also a philosophical principle. On today's episode, Jeremy talks with Sifu Gary Cecil on Wu Chi Kung Fu. Sifu Cecil, a former guest on the show, breaks down both the origin and the principles of Wu Chi. Listen to find out more!

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Monday, July 16, 2018

Episode 310 - Mr. Donivan Blaire

Mr. Donivan Blaire is a martial arts instructor and practitioner from Texas. He is the bassist for the rock band, the Toadies.

No matter what the task is, the skill, whatever, anybody can do anything if you practice it. It just takes drive and perseverance.

Mr. Donivan Blaire - Episode 310

How often do we hear martial artists start their journies when they see a martial arts movie as a kid? We do get that a lot and our guest today is not that different aside from one thing. Mr. Donivan Blaire is a first-degree black belt in taekwondo, an author, and a musician who plays bass for the rock and roll band, the Toadies. Mr. Blaire had an ADHD when he was a kid and martial arts helped him with that. He and his brother turned to music and made it a successful career but never leaving the martial arts. Mr. Donivan Blair's journey to the martial arts has definitely helped him on his journey as a musician. Listen to find out more!

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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Episode 309 - Stop Icing Injuries with Gary Reinl

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about common misconceptions with ice treatment and why it's necessary to stop icing injuries with Gary Reinl.

Stop Icing Injuries with Gary Reinl - Episode 309

Putting ice on our bruises and injuries has been in practice for a long time and it's been generally used for recovery after a strenuous sports activity. Gary Reil believes otherwise which is why he is known to be the "anti-iceman." He believes that icing delays recovery, increases tissue damage and swelling. On this episode, Jeremy talks with Gary Reinl about the RICE protocol and why stop icing injuries. Gary Reinl is a sports medicine expert who has worked with a lot of professional athletes concerning strength building. He has written a book called ICED! that is full of scientific studies about why stop icing your injuries. Listen to find out why!

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Monday, July 9, 2018

Episode 308 - Shifu T.W. Smith

Sifu T.W. Smith is a martial arts instructor and practitioner who specializes in Chinese martial arts. He is the host of the KungFu Podcasts.

They would pound me into the dirt but i had one thing that always worked for me and that was... I don't quit. I just keep on working.

Sifu T.W. Smith - Episode 308

It is not a weekly affair that we have a guest who also does podcasts and today's guest is someone really special because he started podcasting a few years before whistlekick Martial Arts Radio started. On today's episode, we're joined by Sifu T.W. Smith who's the creator and host of the KungFu Podcasts that is the source for Chinese martial arts. Sifu Smith tells his story on the impact of his father's passing as well as the value of relationships that he had all throughout his journey as a martial artist. Listen to learn more!


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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Episode 307 - Muay Boran and other Martial Arts of Thailand

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about Muay Boran and other Martial Arts of Thailand.

Muay Boran and other Martial Arts of Thailand - Episode 307

We may know Thailand as a country that has a rich and diverse culture, beautiful beaches, great food, and of course Muay Thai. Most of us know Muay Thai as the most popular martial art produced in Thailand but little did we know that there are several martial arts that are from this beautiful country. On this episode, Jeremy talks about Muay Boran and other martial arts of Thailand. Muay Boran, which literally means "ancient boxing", is the ancestor to the more famous martial art, Muay Thai. Listen to this episode if you want to learn more!

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Monday, July 2, 2018

Episode 306 - Master Danny Dring

Master Danny Dring is a multi-disciplined martial arts practitioner, an author, and founder at Living Defense Martial Arts in Arkansas.

If I don't believe in what I'm teaching, strongly enough, that i want to get better at it, then how am i gonna get anybody else better?

Master Danny Dring - Episode 306

Not all martial artist has tried to own a school or even teach because it is such a huge responsibility. Master Danny Dring has been teaching since he learned taekwondo that he's made it out to college through teaching. Such character is very hard to achieve if you have no heart for service and teaching. Master Danny Dring's passion is rooted in humility and the experiences that he's acquired all throughout his martial arts career. Master Dring has a lot of disciplines under his belt which definitely aligned with his philosophy of always being a student. 

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