Monday, December 31, 2018

Episode 358 - Sifu Harinder Singh Sabharwal

Sifu Harinder Singh Sabharwal is a martial arts practitioner and instructor in the style of Jeet Kune Do.

Forget about styles and systems, there are always arguments about this style, that style, my master is better than your master. It's just a big waste of time, we're all so much more alike than we are apart.

Sifu Harinder Singh Sabharwal - Episode 358 

Traveling the world may be fun when you're on for a vacation but traveling as a kid and not having a home may not be that enjoyable. Sifu Harinder Singh Sabharwal has traveled from India to a lot of countries because of his father's work and then ultimately ending up in California as an adult. As a stranger in a foreign country, his father had him to train martial arts so he's able to defend himself and his love for the art never faded. Sifu Harinder Singh Sabharwal has trained with several styles and today, he is a practitioner and instructor for Jeet Kune Do. Listen to this episode to know more!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Episode 357 - Joint Replacements

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about one of the common surgeries both martial artists and aging individuals, joint replacements.

Joint Replacements - Episode 357

We've had a number of guests that have had joint replacements surgeries to address their joint pains that cannot be cured with non-invasive cures. On this episode, Jeremy talks about how joint replacement surgeries started and the different procedures that might be helpful for you now or in the future. Listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, December 24, 2018

Episode 356 - Kyoshi Herbie Bagwell

Kyoshi Herbie Bagwell is a martial arts practitioner, instructor and founder at the Bagwell Academy of Martial Arts.

Listen, you tell me something negative, I won't get mad at you. I'm gonna use that negativity as fuel to add onto my already passionate fire and I'm just going to just prove people wrong with my success.

Kyoshi Herbie Bagwell - Episode 356

A boxer turned martial artist, Kyoshi Herbie Bagwell has been training since he was a skinny kid. Kyoshi Bagwell was one of those kids who was blown away by Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon which started his love story with the martial arts. In the course of his journey, Kyoshi Bagwell has trained with some of martial art's greats that would probably explain why he has a lot of medals and championships under his belt. Kyoshi Bagwell is the founder at the Bagwell Academy of Martial Arts in Connecticut. Kyoshi Herbie Bagwell shared an emotional time and a lot of fun and inspiring stories, listen to find out more!


Check out this episode!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Episode 355 - Taekkyeon

On this episode, Jeremy talks about another historical account this time for the martial art of Taekkyeon.

Taekkyeon - Episode 355

Korea's martial arts is as colorful as their food and traditions that make their culture complete and whole. Taekkyon, as some believe, is a thousand years old making it a heritage that Koreans treasure from one generation to another. On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the historical significance and the origins of Taekkyeon. Listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, December 17, 2018

Episode 354 - Mr. Tim Cartmell

Mr. Tim Cartmell is a martial arts practitioner and instructor at the ACE Jiu-Jitsu in Orange County, California.

If you're only teaching because you know martial arts, you're making a living... I feel like that's not really the right reason...

Mr. Tim Cartmell - Episode 354

As most of us did, we started our journey to the martial arts at an early age which is usually pre-teen. Mr. Tim Cartmell did that too but martial arts went straight in his blood. He learned Kung Fu when he was a teen and never stopped training everyday since then. Mr. Tim Cartmell's passion for the martial arts is unquestionable because it is quite literally his bread and butter in the last 40 years. Today, he practices and teaches Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Mr. Cartmell's story is fascinating and his stories are inspiring. Listen to learn more!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Episode 353 - When Are You A Martial Artist?

On today's episode, Jeremy tackles this controversial question: when are you a martial artist?

When Are You A Martial Artist? - Episode 353

Can we call someone a martial artist if they train weekly and has a blue belt or someone who attends taekwondo classes unenthusiastically because their parents forced them? Can we call someone a martial artist who spends a three-month krav maga package on a local gym or someone who just earned a first-degree black belt? On this episode, Jeremy talks about his take on when are you a martial artist. Want to know if you are? Listen to find out!

Check out this episode!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Episode 352 - Master David Lonebear Sanipass

Master David Lonebear Sanipass is a Native American martial arts practitioner and instructor out of Maine. He is the founder at College of Sho-Kai.

It's not about the belt, it's not about the gi, it's not about the dojo, it's about who you are and who you think you are.

Master David Lonebear Sanipass - Episode 352

It is not often that we have a guest that is both unique in their martial arts and ethnicity. Master David Lonebear Sanipass is a Native American martial artist who practices an art that is unique because it has native elements, the Sho-Kai. Today, he is not only a martial artist but a motivational speaker and a Native American flute carver. Master Sanipass has a lot of interesting stories that will surely inspire us. Listen to learn more!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Episode 351 - Why Do Martial Artists Yell?

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about a common thing about martial arts that most of us ask, why do martial artists yell?

Why Do Martial Artists Yell? - Episode 351

Yelling by martial arts practitioners is probably one of the most mocked aspects of martial arts. We can see this on TV shows, Movies and other platforms such as social media. But as most of you asks, why do martial artists yell? Well, the reason and motive behind it are actually deeper than what most of us would expect. On this episode, Jeremy talks about the history and practical application of the "yell" in martial arts. If you are quite intrigued, listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Episode 350 - Sensei Jeff Doss

Sensei Jeff Doss is a martial arts practitioner, teacher, and host of the Kick of the Day podcast. He is from Virginia.

The more you grow and the more your martial arts gets better, then the potential for all your students to get better just doubles, triples, quadruples...

Sensei Jeff Doss - Episode 350

It's not a secret that most of us martial artists started training at a young age. However, Sensei Jeff Doss is quite unique because he started at a really young age of four that a school turned him down once simply because there's no program for him at the time. What's more unique about Sensei Doss is he was inspired by a pro wrestler whose persona is that of a martial artist. Sensei Jeff Doss has a lot of interesting stories and insights that you will find out on this episode. Listen to know more!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Episode 349 - Conversations on Iron Fist Season 2

On this episode, Jeremy is joined by Sensei Jaredd Wilson and Sensei Scott Bolon for a Conversations on Iron Fist Season 2.

Conversations on Iron Fist Season - Episode 349

Once again, Jeremy, Sensei Jaredd Wilson, and Sensei Scott Bolon talk about the Iron Fist Season two and how it's not renewed for a new season. On today's episode, the trio dissects the failures and good points, if there's any, of the Iron Fist Season 2. Listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Episode 348 - Sabomnim Alain Burrese

Sabomnim Alain Burrese is a martial arts practitioner, instructor, and author from Montana.

I know how to fight. I've done that. But I wanna become a martial artist and better myself through martial arts and learn the skills and everything else that can go with learning a martial art...

Sabomnim Alain Burrese - Episode 348

It's so rare to have a guest here on the show that started training by himself. Sabomnim Alain Burrese read martial arts books as a child and started training what he learned in their backyard. Since then, Sabomnim Burrese has trained in multiple disciplines including judo and taekwondo. He was also in the military which prompted him to teach self-defense. There are so much more to learn about Sabomnim Alain Burrese, so listen to find out more!


Check out this episode!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Episode 347 - Judo

On this episode, Jeremy talks about one of the first martial art to set foot in America, Judo.

Judo - Episode 347

If we talk about martial arts, we often talk more about karate, taekwondo, and Brazilian jiujitsu that's why there are myths and misconceptions about it. Judo was created by the Japanese educator, Jigoro Kano in 1882. Judo is one of the first martial art that came to America and it is mostly known with its throws and takedowns. On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the history of Judo so listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Episode 346 - Master Chris Natzke

Master Chris Natzke is a martial arts practitioner, instructor and a former national gold medallist from Colorado.

...He was just like your son when he came here five years ago, and that's where your son can be in five years. So you create this culture, right? Because you're not just developing great kickers and punchers, you're developing great human beings.

Master Chris Natzke - Episode 346

Not many of us came on a time where martial arts was not as popular as today that if you're a kid who wants to learn taekwondo or karate, its either there's no school in your area or all of the students are double your age. Master Chris Natzke is the latter because as a kid, his peers are all twenty-somethings. While he has a lot of awesome stories, one of the most notable was his time training with Bill "Superfoot" Wallace. You have to listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Episode 345 - Have We Gone Too Far Trying to Stop Bullying

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the issue of have we gone too far trying to stop bullying.

Have We Gone Too Far Trying to Stop Bullying - Episode 345

Bullying is a sensitive subject that has been an important part of public discussions, especially in the last two or three decades. Where did the conversation go? Have we gone too far trying to stop it or are we still lagging behind? On this episode, Jeremy talks about his personal experiences and how he was able to get through bullying.

Check out this episode!

Monday, November 12, 2018

Episode 344 - Senpai Ricky White

Senpai Ricky White is a martial arts practitioner originally from the United Kingdom, now based in Virginia.

You've got to fail otherwise you're never gonna actually truly understand what you're trying to achieve and what it is that you actually need to overcome...

Senpai Ricky White - Episode 344

It's not everyday that we introduce guests that are listeners of the show and part of the community. Well, today is that day because Senpai Ricky White is one of them. Senpai White started his journey as a young child but took a break and came back, later on, to continue on his journey. He is diagnosed with a medical condition that is almost unique to him that brought pain everyday. However, Senpai White never stopped training and used martial arts as a form of treatment to his condition. Senpai Ricky White is an inspiration to us and you have to listen to find out more!


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Thursday, November 8, 2018

Episode 343 - Won Kuk Lee

On this episode, Jeremy once again talks about another historical figure in the martial arts, Tangsoodo's Won Kuk Lee.

Won Kuk Lee - Episode 343

Universally, when we talk about Taekwondo, what comes to the conversation instantly is General Choi Hong Hi as he is called by many as the "Father of Taekwondo." Won Kuk Lee, is Choi's predecessor and teacher who essentially created taekwondo with the name Tang Soo Do Chung Do Kwan. Thus, it's safe to say that Won Kuk Lee is the "Grandfather of Taekwondo." Jeremy talks about his life in Korea during the war and how he was able to create tangsoodo. Listen to learn more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Episode 342 - Sensei Amanda Cass

Sensei Amanda Cass is a martial arts practitioner and instructor from Massachusetts. 

One thing about martial arts that I always do say to people is, it's something that you can do forever, there something more to learn. It doesn't matter if you've been doing it for five, ten, twenty years, there's always a new avenue you can explore...

Sensei Amanda Cass - Episode 342

It's always great to hear that martial artists start their journey at a young age and stay until they're adults. What's more inspiring is when the whole family is also involved in your journey. Sensei Amanda Cass started training at a tender age of 8 because of her mom wanting to go back to martial arts while her children are also into the martial arts. It's a true family affair but Sensei Amanda Cass has always gravitated to martial arts because of the great community and the people that she serves in the martial arts. Aside from her worthy Instagram stories, there's more to her than meets the eye. Listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Episode 341 - Martial Arts Friendships

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the importance and benefits of friendships in the martial arts.

Martial Arts Friendships - Episode 341

We create friendships as we meet people as a kid in high school and as an adult working in the office. Some we let go, and some we keep for a long time. Our friendships are usually based on similarities like our location, interest and how we see the world. Most martial artists share interests with self-defense and the bond starts there. As martial artists, we usually don't treasure the training and the stuff we do at events but we remember the friendships we create. Listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Episode 340 - Mr. Tom Fazio

Mr. Tom Fazio is a martial arts practitioner and instructor of the Shaolin Rope Dart based in Vietnam.

I realized that martial arts had a lot more to do with life with a capital L than anything else...

Mr. Tom Fazio - Episode 340

Our guest today is one of those kids who started martial arts because of the intimidation they got from bullies. Mr. Tom Fazio described his childhood as a karate-kid-like that he wanted to get even with his bullies because he felt helpless. However, when he started the journey to the martial arts, his anger went away as he learned how to defend himself. Since then, he has trained on a number of countries including China. He is now producing training videos and now based in Vietnam. Mr. Tom Fazio has an interesting journey and you will surely be inspired. Listen to learn more!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Episode 339 - Joe Lewis

On this episode, Jeremy talks about an American kickboxing legend, martial arts champion, and actor, Joe Lewis.

Joe Lewis - Episode 339

For both the returning fans and martial artists, the name Joe Lewis is no stranger because of the times he's been talked about on the show. Whether in the movie screens or in the ring, Joe Lewis is a true legend for the contributions he's done for the martial arts. He's fought toe to toe against Bill Wallace without severing their friendship which attests to their genuine sportsmanship. As an actor, he's done a couple of movies as well. On today's episode, Jeremy shares his personal thoughts about the legendary Joe Lewis. There are many things about Joe Lewis that we didn't know, listen to find out more!


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Monday, October 22, 2018

Episode 338 - Sensei Andrew Moores

Sensei Andrew Moores is a martial arts practitioner and instructor at the Atlantic Karate Training Center in New Hampshire.

...Train hard, but that's dojo stuff. That's your gym. There's an agreement between you and your training partner. When there's violence on the street, there isn't an agreement...

Episode 338 - Sensei Andrew Moores

As a kid who always loved martial arts, the journey never ended for him even when he took a break to do other things. Sensei Andrew Moores is a passionate martial artist who has a broad perspective on the martial arts. Sensei Moores is formerly with the military and law enforcement that gave him a lot of experience with the real-world combat situations. Sensei Andrew Moores shared a lot about his view on how to use martial arts on the real situations so listen to learn more!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Episode 337 - Ip Man

On today's episode, Jeremy gives us another historical episode and he talks about the legendary Ip Man.

Ip Man - Episode 337

Many of us both within and outside the martial arts community have at least heard or watched the Ip Man movie series. They are well received by both moviegoers and martial artists although it was loosely based on Ip Man's life. Ip Man's family was well-off however, he lived in a tumultuous period in China's history where uprisings were treated as part of daily life. These times brought him to martial arts and training only with the best wing chun masters. He will eventually move to Hong Kong and he will teach the man and the legend, Bruce Lee, later in his life. If you are a fan of Ip Man or the movie series, listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Episode 335 - Putting Your Best Foot Forward

On this episode, Jeremy talks about putting your best foot forward whether in martial arts or in life.

Putting Your Best Foot Forward - Episode 335

Being the best that you can both in and out of the dojo is the ideal goal of a martial artist. We can ask now whether that is just superficial or it should involve your character. No matter how we see it, putting our best foot forward is how we as humans naturally behave in the society. If you want to know more about this interesting subject, listen to find out!

Check out this episode!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Episode 334 - Sifu Jeff Westfall

Sifu Jeff Westfall is a martial arts instructor and practitioner. He is the host of the Martial Brain Podcast.

Sometimes I teach to pass across a technique, but sometimes I'm teaching to pass across a concept. And that definitely I lifted directly from Guro Inosanto...

Sifu Jeff Westfall - Episode 334

His generation has always admired Bruce Lee not only because of his movies but because of his role in the Green Hornet TV show. It has brought Sifu Jeff Westfall into martial arts because he was captivated by Bruce Lee's performance on the said show. Since then, he has practiced different disciplines in martial arts that eventually turned his attention into teaching Dan Inosanto's system. Sifu Westfall is also a podcaster wherein he hosts the Martial Brain Podcast. Sifu Jeff Westfall definitely shared a lot about his journey so listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Episode 333 - Trying New Things

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about trying new things and how it applies to the martial arts.

Trying New Things - Episode 333

Trying new things sounds like a cliche but it is necessary. Parents, friends, teachers and other people important to us tells us that we should explore and try new things whether in life, business, or martial arts. Trying new things means you have the willingness to experiment and you are open to committing mistakes. Speaking of new things, Jeremy talks about how he is constantly trying new things and how he started his new YouTube show, the first cup. If you are eager to know how trying new things applies to the martial arts, listen to learn more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, October 1, 2018

Epidode 332 - Sensei Alan Lau

Sensei Alan Lau is a martial arts practitioner and trainer. He is the founder at Dynamic Fitness Training in Massachusetts.

You have to stay true to the art and really spread the fundamental and then let the student mix and match them, and that's kind of my goal...

Sensei Alan Lau - Episode 332

Being born and raised in Hong Kong, there is no doubt that martial arts will be part of your life in one way or the other. Sensei Alan Lau has been into Bruce Lee since his childhood days in Hong Kong. However, he started his journey into the martial arts when he came to Boston for college. His love for the arts is incredible because he trained for different disciplines practically at the same time. His life and philosophy are deeply integrated into martial arts, therefore, making it his way of life. There's so much more to know about Sensei Alan Lau, listen to find out more!


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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Episode 331 - Gichin Funakoshi

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the father of modern karate, the man from Okinawa, Gichin Funakoshi.

Gichin Funakoshi - Episode 331

From walking to his master's house at night to making karate famous all over Japan, Gichin Funakoshi has more legacy than what you know. Funakoshi is a man with a vision not only for himself but for the future of his fellow countrymen. On this episode, Jeremy talks about the life, contributions and the legend of Gichin Funakoshi. If you are interested in the man who brought us Shotokan karate, listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, September 24, 2018

Episode 330 - Mr. Nishan Grout

Mr. Nishan Grout is a martial arts practitioner and instructor. He owns the Integrity Taekwondo school in Vermont.

I take a lot of pride in the fact that 14 years working at a bar breaking up fights, I've never hit anyone. I've never kicked anyone. Grabbed a hold of some people, escorted some people out by their head, I have never had to hit or kick anyone.

Mr. Nishan Grout - Episode 330

Who would've thought that one can come back to martial arts after a seemingly indefinite break? Mr. Nishan Grout definitely did. Mr. Grout came back to martial arts with his wife after their child was born and he is training ever since. Mr. Nishan Grout started in his elementary days when he was hooked on the martial arts movies and TV shows her mother used to watch. He was brought by her mother and instantly fell in love with the martial arts. He is an avid paintball competitor when he is not in the dojo. There are many things to love about Mr. Grout so listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Episode 329 - Martial Arts as Service

On this episode, Jeremy talks about how we can make use of Martial Arts as service.

Martial Arts as Service - Episode 329

Non-profit, fund-raisers, free lessons. These are things that we can say as service in the martial arts. However, there are more things that we can attribute as service in the martial arts such as helping to clean the dojo or helping your classmate on a movement. On today's episode, Jeremy talks about Martial Arts as service on his car.

Check out this episode!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Episode 328 - Sifu Scott Graner

Sifu Scott Graner is a martial arts practitioner and instructor. He founded Mount Mansfield Martial Arts in Vermont.

And... the lesson was, I'm not gonna let you just take me down, it's I'm going to actually make you have to do this at a level that you should be to be able to do a black belt...

Sifu Scott Graner - Episode 328

Most of the time our friends bring us to a martial arts school where they're in and invite us to train. Our guest today is no different because his best friend introduced martial arts to him when they were five. His best friend stuck for a few years but Sifu Scott Graner became an instructor himself. His journey to the martial arts continued and since then, Sifu Graner has been training both here in the US and overseas. Sifu Scott Graner founded the Mount Mansfield Martial Arts in Vermont that caters to both kids and adults. Today's episode is a one-on-one interview so listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Episode 327 - Jeet Kune Do

On this episode, Jeremy talks about Bruce Lee's brainchild, the martial art of Jeet Kune Do.

Jeet Kune Do - Episode 327

Bruce Lee, one of the most influential martial artist and movie star of our time, has passed away for more than three decades. In spite of that, he has kept martial arts practitioners and fans in awe of his legacy as a martial artist. One of the things that made him special is Jeet Kune Do, a martial art created by Bruce Lee that adapts moves and styles from other martial arts in order to be more effective. On this episode, Jeremy tells us the history and principles of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do. Listen to learn more!

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Monday, September 10, 2018

Episode 326 - Mr. Ryan Hoover

Mr. Ryan Hoover is a martial arts practitioner and instructor. He is a co-founder of the Fit to Fight school.

Our teaching, kind of, protocol here is we give students a skeleton, a framework and then it's up to them to kind of fill in the muscle around it...

Mr. Ryan Hoover - Episode 326

His passion for martial arts developed a little bit later in his life but it did not slow down from training. Mr. Ryan Hoover is now a multi-disciplined martial arts practitioner and instructor from the Fit to Fight school. Mr. Hoover is also a co-author of a series of books about Krav Maga. Mr. Ryan Hoover has gone a long way through his journey into the martial arts which is inspiring to those who are planning to train even later in their life. Listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Episode 325 - Paradigm Shifts

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the things that change our beliefs, paradigm shifts.

Paradigm Shifts - Episode 325

How many times have you had a change of heart or belief whether for better or for worse? Do you have an open mind about things that could potentially change your whole life or to get you unstuck? On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the paradigm shifts that makes us constantly improving whether in martial arts or in life. Listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, September 3, 2018

Episode 324 - Lao Shi Rod Huus

Lao Shi Rod Huus is a martial arts practitioner and instructor. He is the current owner of Wu Chi School of Self Defense in North Dakota.

My Sifu... he would tell me Rod, clear your mind, don't think about so much at one time. Just let stuff happen as it does.

Lao Shi Rod Huus - Episode 324

There are many of us here who were brought by our friends to martial arts as a bonding activity. What separates our guest today is the journey he took in the martial arts. Since he has no knowledge about fighting, Lao Shi Rod Huus was discouraged at first because he was left in the lower ranks and this is the part where he showed his strong character. From being a discouraged martial artist, he rose through the ranks and now, he is both a seasoned martial arts instructor and the owner of Wu Chi School of Self Defense. Listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Episode 323 - The Benefit of Tracking Things in Martial Arts

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the importance of being scientific and the benefit of tracking things in martial arts.

The Benefit of Tracking Things in Martial Arts - Episode 323

We can call it being scientific or even analytics, do these terms mean anything for martial arts? On this episode, Jeremy dissects the importance of data in training, attendance, enrollees and all the other things that affect the performance of both the martial artists and schools. Because of this, we are starting the whistlekick report. If you want to know how to participate, listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Episode 322 - Grandmaster Joe Rebelo

Grandmaster Joe Rebelo is a martial arts practitioner and instructor. He created a tv show called the Martial Arts Today TV.

It's only the narrow-minded individuals who in their xenophobia will only stay in their one style and can't possibly want to go to any other style.

Grandmaster Joe Rebelo - Episode 322

Most of us were brought by our parents to martial arts classes as a kid as an extracurricular activity after school. Grandmaster Joe Rebelo isn't different but he found out about martial arts when his father playfully hit him with a karate chop. Since then, Kenpo Joe, as he is also known for, has trained various styles of martial arts from Chinese to Filipino. He has watched and trained with some of the greats in martial arts that inspired him to continue earning black belts on different styles. Listen to find out more!

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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Episode 321 - Anko Itosu

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about Karate's less talked about innovator, the grandfather of Karate, Anko Itosu.

Anko Itosu - Episode 321

It is common that when we talk about the history of Karate, we always hear Gichin Funakoshi's name because he is a primary figure in making karate popular in Japan. On the other hand, Anko Itosu may not have made it popular but he created the movements that are the foundation of Karate today. On this episode, Jeremy talks about Anko Itosu, the grandfather of Karate. Jeremy shares interesting stories that made Anko Itosu a legendary figure in the world of Karate. Listen to learn more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, August 20, 2018

Episode 320 - Mr. Paul Read

Mr. Paul Read is a martial arts practitioner and instructor, Tai Chi in particular. He is popularly known as the Teapot Monk. 

I failed in the black belt grading and I got completely beaten up in the freestyle session. I learned something really Interesting though... That it was through that loss, that failure, that not achieving what I thought I was going to achieve, that ultimately would turn out to be probably the most important lesson... 

Mr. Paul Read - Episode 320

Our guest today is a Tai Chi practitioner and instructor who's a self-confessed bookworm and the books he read eventually led him to discover martial arts. Mr. Paul Read, who comes from the UK, is also an author and online instructor of Tai Chi and he is more popularly known as the Teapot Monk. Mr. Read has deep insights into the martial arts and he shared some of his personal stories and his philosophy that will surely inspire everyone. Listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Episode 319 - Martial Arts Social Media

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the importance of social media today, especially on martial arts businesses.

Martial Arts Social Media - Episode 319

Social media has been part of our lives for at least a decade and we use it for communication, entertainment, and information. For that reason, it has been a great tool for martial arts businesses in selling their products and promoting their schools. It also acts as an online hub for martial artists to get information such as articles and podcasts. On this episode, Jeremy talks about the role of social media in martial arts. Listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, August 13, 2018

Episode 318 - Kyoshi Jim King

Kyoshi Jim King is a martial arts practitioner and instructor who innovated afterschool programs. He is the founder of Altamonte American Karate Academy in Florida.

My priority is not making money... My priority is teaching martial arts and giving good service and then the money comes. It works that way. I provide a service and I do it.

Kyoshi Jim King - Episode 318

Today's guest is a former professional dancer who worked at different shows in Las Vegas as well as in Europe. Kyoshi Jim King never took a break from the martial arts while he was dancing. He prefers not to use much of technology of today that makes him enjoy his life in an old-school way. Kyoshi King is a dedicated martial arts instructor as he made programs specifically for children after school, therefore, making him the forerunner of this system. Kyoshi Jim King has quite interesting stories to tell from his days he met his wife to his bouncing gig at nightclubs. Listen to find out more!


Check out this episode!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Episode 317 - Krav Maga

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about a commonly misunderstood discipline in the martial arts, Krav Maga.

Krav Maga - Episode 317

Self-defense does not solely rely on movements, techniques, and strength but also with both the complete awareness of your surroundings and the threat. These are the primary concepts that Krav Maga uses in its practical application. Krav Maga is originally created for the Israeli forces' self-defense that applies techniques from various disciplines in the martial arts and uses them on different scenarios. On this episode, Jeremy tells us its history and concepts for everyone to understand Krav Maga. Listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, August 6, 2018

Episode 316 - Sensei Nathan Porter


Sensei Nathan Porter is a martial arts practitioner and instructor from Massachusets. He is the founder of Rising Storm Training Academy.

As long as we respect their teaching and pass it on and we're listening to them, then yes we can put it forward.

Sensei Nathan Porter - Episode 316

When you are a kid who's fascination with the martial arts is like toys and a box of chocolates, it would be a treat if you could wear your uniform and train in the dojo. However, Sensei Nathan Porter is not fortunate enough because as a child, he has no means of training. As he stepped in high school, Sensei Porter immediately trained in different disciplines that and eventually starting his own school at the age of 20. Sensei Nathan Porter has an admirable passion for teaching martial arts because he's made his life revolve around martial arts. Listen to learn more!


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Thursday, August 2, 2018

Episode 315 - Reflections on Street Fights

On today's episode, Jeremy tells us his reflections on street fights which is also a commentary on Louis Martin's piece at Martial Journal.

Reflections on Street Fights - Episode 315

Martial artists are often asked about violence and how do we face such challenges whether on the streets, schools, or elsewhere. On this episode, Jeremy talks about Louis Martin's article on that talks about street fights that involve martial artists. Listen to learn more!

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Monday, July 30, 2018

Episode 314 - Mr. Frank Hatsis

Mr. Frank Hatsis is a martial arts practitioner and instructor who specializes in rope dart. He teaches rope dart at the Rope Dart Academy.

Being in martial arts allowed me the freedom to be who I was. To practice how I wanted to practice, when I wanted to practice...  That definitely attracted me to the martial arts.

Mr. Frank Hatsis - Episode 314

A lot of us martial artist found our way to martial arts through our heroes such as Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris. Our guest today isn't that different but he was more fascinated with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Mr. Frank Hatsis was first introduced to martial arts with his brother on a taekwondo school, he did not turn back from there and his love for martial arts only grew deeper. Eventually, Mr. Frank Hatsis found his way into practicing rope dart, a traditional weapon in the Chinese martial arts. He is now practicing and teaching rope dart with the Rope Dart Academy. Listen to find out more!

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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Episode 313 - Dojos and Dojangs

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the place and venue that martial artists go to most of the time, the Dojos and Dojangs.

Dojos and Dojangs - Episode 313

As martial artists whether practitioner or instructor, we all go to one place to train, hone our skills, or improve our character. A place that is home to most of us, the dojos and dojangs. However, there seems to be a question that needs an answer, how much do we know about the origin of the place we train? On this episode, Jeremy talks about the history of the dojos and dojangs and how it became the place that it is today. We retrace the origins and the significance of the place in the history of martial arts. Listen to learn more!

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Monday, July 23, 2018

Episode 312 - Mr. Sherman Augustus

Mr. Sherman Augustus is a Taekwondo practitioner, former athlete and he is a cast on the AMC show, Into the Badlands.

My conversation to myself all the time was, I certainly don't want to let our audience down.

Mr. Sherman Augustus - Episode 312

It is not all the time that we have a guest who appears on TV and in movies. So, it is really special when we have an actor here on the show especially if he or she is a martial artist off-the-camera. Mr. Sherman Augustus is "Nathaniel Moon" on the show "Into the Badlands" which is not a stranger to most of the listeners of the show. He is a veteran of the show business and he learned martial arts because his work as an actor called for it, which is a unique story among others. Mr. Sherman Augustus tells us his experiences with "Into the Badlands" and how his martial arts training gave him the edge for doing the role of only using his left hand. This is a fun-filled conversation that you surely don't want to miss. Listen to find out more!

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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Episode 311 - Wu Chi Kung Fu with Sifu Gary Cecil

On this episode, Jeremy talks about Wu Chi Kung Fu with Sifu Gary Cecil. Sifu Cecil is an author and a kung fu instructor from Minneapolis.

Wu Chi Kung Fu with Sifu Gary Cecil - Episode 311

Martial Arts is a rich and evolving art that has a variety of styles, disciplines and philosophies. From Judo to Karate, there are more styles in the Martial Arts than you probably know. Sifu Gary Cecil, is a founder of Wu Chi, a style Kung Fu that does not only involve physical exercise but it's also a philosophical principle. On today's episode, Jeremy talks with Sifu Gary Cecil on Wu Chi Kung Fu. Sifu Cecil, a former guest on the show, breaks down both the origin and the principles of Wu Chi. Listen to find out more!

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Monday, July 16, 2018

Episode 310 - Mr. Donivan Blaire

Mr. Donivan Blaire is a martial arts instructor and practitioner from Texas. He is the bassist for the rock band, the Toadies.

No matter what the task is, the skill, whatever, anybody can do anything if you practice it. It just takes drive and perseverance.

Mr. Donivan Blaire - Episode 310

How often do we hear martial artists start their journies when they see a martial arts movie as a kid? We do get that a lot and our guest today is not that different aside from one thing. Mr. Donivan Blaire is a first-degree black belt in taekwondo, an author, and a musician who plays bass for the rock and roll band, the Toadies. Mr. Blaire had an ADHD when he was a kid and martial arts helped him with that. He and his brother turned to music and made it a successful career but never leaving the martial arts. Mr. Donivan Blair's journey to the martial arts has definitely helped him on his journey as a musician. Listen to find out more!

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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Episode 309 - Stop Icing Injuries with Gary Reinl

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about common misconceptions with ice treatment and why it's necessary to stop icing injuries with Gary Reinl.

Stop Icing Injuries with Gary Reinl - Episode 309

Putting ice on our bruises and injuries has been in practice for a long time and it's been generally used for recovery after a strenuous sports activity. Gary Reil believes otherwise which is why he is known to be the "anti-iceman." He believes that icing delays recovery, increases tissue damage and swelling. On this episode, Jeremy talks with Gary Reinl about the RICE protocol and why stop icing injuries. Gary Reinl is a sports medicine expert who has worked with a lot of professional athletes concerning strength building. He has written a book called ICED! that is full of scientific studies about why stop icing your injuries. Listen to find out why!

Check out this episode!

Monday, July 9, 2018

Episode 308 - Shifu T.W. Smith

Sifu T.W. Smith is a martial arts instructor and practitioner who specializes in Chinese martial arts. He is the host of the KungFu Podcasts.

They would pound me into the dirt but i had one thing that always worked for me and that was... I don't quit. I just keep on working.

Sifu T.W. Smith - Episode 308

It is not a weekly affair that we have a guest who also does podcasts and today's guest is someone really special because he started podcasting a few years before whistlekick Martial Arts Radio started. On today's episode, we're joined by Sifu T.W. Smith who's the creator and host of the KungFu Podcasts that is the source for Chinese martial arts. Sifu Smith tells his story on the impact of his father's passing as well as the value of relationships that he had all throughout his journey as a martial artist. Listen to learn more!


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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Episode 307 - Muay Boran and other Martial Arts of Thailand

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about Muay Boran and other Martial Arts of Thailand.

Muay Boran and other Martial Arts of Thailand - Episode 307

We may know Thailand as a country that has a rich and diverse culture, beautiful beaches, great food, and of course Muay Thai. Most of us know Muay Thai as the most popular martial art produced in Thailand but little did we know that there are several martial arts that are from this beautiful country. On this episode, Jeremy talks about Muay Boran and other martial arts of Thailand. Muay Boran, which literally means "ancient boxing", is the ancestor to the more famous martial art, Muay Thai. Listen to this episode if you want to learn more!

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Monday, July 2, 2018

Episode 306 - Master Danny Dring

Master Danny Dring is a multi-disciplined martial arts practitioner, an author, and founder at Living Defense Martial Arts in Arkansas.

If I don't believe in what I'm teaching, strongly enough, that i want to get better at it, then how am i gonna get anybody else better?

Master Danny Dring - Episode 306

Not all martial artist has tried to own a school or even teach because it is such a huge responsibility. Master Danny Dring has been teaching since he learned taekwondo that he's made it out to college through teaching. Such character is very hard to achieve if you have no heart for service and teaching. Master Danny Dring's passion is rooted in humility and the experiences that he's acquired all throughout his martial arts career. Master Dring has a lot of disciplines under his belt which definitely aligned with his philosophy of always being a student. 

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Thursday, June 28, 2018

Episode 305 - Bruce Lee: A Life by Matthew Polly

On today's episode, Jeremy talks with a best-selling author, Matthew Polly, about his book entitled: Bruce Lee: A Life by Matthew Polly.

Bruce Lee: A Life by Matthew Polly - Episode 305

Bruce Lee's life, unfortunately, ended before his last movie was finished filming but his legacy did not stop there. Today, Jeremy talks with Matthew Polly, a best-selling author of Bruce Lee: A Life, about Bruce Lee's life before his blockbuster movies, philosophy, and his legacy. Matthew Polly isn't a stranger to martial arts because he did train in a Shaolin temple in China earlier in his life. If there is someone that could be an authority for Bruce Lee's body of work, it's Matthew Polly. Listen to learn more!

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Monday, June 25, 2018

Episode 304 - Master Nia Sanchez

Master Nia Sanchez is a taekwondo practitioner based originally in California. She won the 2014 Miss USA pageant.

It goes to show just because you don't succeed at something the first time, it does not mean that you can't be successful. you just have to... work harder.

Master Nia Sanchez - Episode 304

In recent years, participation of women in the martial arts has been greatly encouraged and our guest today is one of the frontrunners in that advocacy. Master Nia Sanchez was brought by his father to the martial arts to make her a tough and independent woman who can manage her own when she comes out into the world. Good fathering right? From then on, her love for the martial arts has only grown that she was able to learn several disciplines and she even made it her advocacy to teach martial arts to women when she won the Miss USA 2014 pageant. Listen to learn more!

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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Episode 303 - Paradox of Overweight Martial Artists

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the paradox of overweight martial artists and being healthy in the martial arts community.

Paradox of Overweight Martial Artists - Episode 303

Being overweight or obesity has more downsides than upsides and that includes both the difficulty in teaching your students and to your own career and personal training as well. This episode isn't trying to hurt anyone's feelings but it explains the conflict between being overweight in the martial arts. If you are somehow bothered by the title alone, you may try listening to the episode to find out that this isn't against anyone in particular. On this episode, Jeremy explains the paradox of overweight martial artists when it comes to training, teaching, and fitness. Listen to learn more!

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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Episode 300

On this episode, Jeremy talks with Mr. Daniel Hartz and Master Brendan Goodall for whistlekick Martial Arts Radio Episode 300.

Episode 300

whistlekick Martial Arts Radio proudly presents another milestone with Episode 300. Jeremy is joined by good friends Mr. Daniel Hartz and Master Brendan Goodall as they celebrate Episode 300. Lots of good conversation, questions submitted from the live audience and even a few surprises. Enjoy!

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Monday, June 18, 2018

Episode 302 - Kyosah Dennis Campo

Kyosah Dennis Campo is a martial arts practitioner and a certified instructor by the Superfoot and Joe Lewis systems.

Everybody defines success a little bit differently. For me, it's not about making a grandiose living, It's about the impact I have on people.

Kyosah Dennis Campo - Episode 302

Most of us got inspiration to go into martial arts through the movies or to protect ourselves from bullies. Our guest today did not quite have a similar experience because according to him, he was forced into the martial arts and it was something he hated but never looked back since. Kyosah Dennis Campo holds a lot under his belt including certifications from the Superfoot and Joe Lewis systems. Kyosah Dennis Campo is the president and chief instructor at the Wisdom Way Martial Arts in New York. Kyosah Campo has an interesting journey into the martial arts and he is one of Joe Lewis' students that will surely continue his legacy for the future generation. Listen to learn more!

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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Episode 301 - How to Start a Martial Arts School

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about some of the most important things to know on how to start a martial arts school.

How to Start a Martial Arts School - Episode 301

For those who are planning to build a Martial Arts school, there are surely a lot of things that are going through your mind such as how to begin? Is this for me? Will it have enough profit? These are questions that are perfectly normal for someone who's trying to venture into the business of martial arts. On this episode, Jeremy talks about how to start a martial arts school and the things that should be taken into account before starting. We are lucky because Jeremy has an experience with running a school and he gives us his interesting views on how to start a martial arts school. Listen if you want to learn more!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Episode 299 - Jigoro Kano

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about one of the most important names in martial arts, founder of Judo, Jigoro Kano.

Jigoro Kano - Episode 299

Jigoro Kano's life's work and contribution to the martial arts is next to legendary. Kano Jigoro, in traditional Japanese, founded judo and made it the first martial art sport in the Olympics. Jigoro Kano is a loyal student that made him a successor to his master, therefore, cementing his name as one of the martial arts most important individuals. He was a member of the International Olympic Committee and other important organizations in the martial arts. Jigoro Kano was a multi-disciplined martial artist and jiujitsu was on his belt. Listen to this episode and find out more about the life and works of Jigoro Kano.

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Monday, June 4, 2018

Episode 298 - Kru John Johnston

Kru John Johnston is a martial arts practitioner and self-defense instructor from Massachusetts. Kru Johnston is the owner and founder at Ironclad Martial Arts.

Your life isn't over just because you can't do something anymore. You can make your life better and that's what I did, I made my life better...

Kru John Johnston - Episode 298

Our guest today started his journey to the martial arts as a child who was brought to a class by his parents. As many of our guests here on the show, Kru John Johnston had his life changed by martial arts since he started. Kru John Johnston was a kid who had an attitude and he learned a lot about humility and respect through martial arts. Later in his life, Kru Johnston unexpectedly found martial arts in the form of Muay Thai and then he founded his own school that offers martial arts and self-defense classes. His journey to the martial arts is interesting, inspiring and a testament that martial arts never goes away whatever path we choose. Listen to find out more!

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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Episode 279 - Cobra Kai

On today's episode, Jeremy talks with Sensei Scott Bolon and Master Brendan Goodall about the latest series online, Cobra Kai.

Cobra Kai - Episode 297

Youtube Red's latest series, Cobra Kai, is a good spin-off from the original Karate Kid movie. It was so good, we had to put two episodes on this one that you are going to love. There are absolutely no spoilers in this episode so you can listen to its entirety. Jeremy is joined by Sensei Bolon and Master Goodall to discuss their reactions to the Cobra Kai series. They talked about the themes and the importance of the Cobra Kai series to both martial artists who grew up on the Karate Kid movies as well as with the younger generation of martial artists. Listen to learn more!


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Monday, May 28, 2018

Episode 296 - Mr. John English

Mr. John English is a martial arts practitioner and instructor from New Hampshire. He is the founder and instructor at KIMAC.

At that age, I wasn't thinking about a business failing. I was just thinking, I love this, this is my career, and it's gonna work...

Mr. John English - Episode 296

Getting into the martial arts for the most of us was our parents bringing us to the dojo or the school. However, Mr. John English's introduction to the arts had to be his own decision because of his fear of getting beat up when he goes to high school. As an overweight kid, martial arts hasn't only taught Mr. John English self-defense but he learned both a disciplined life and confidence in himself. Later on, Mr. John English founded a school that brought hardships in his life that taught him a lot both as an instructor and business owner. Today, Karate International Martial Arts Center is one of the top martial arts school in the state of New Hampshire. Listen to learn more!


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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Episode 295 - USA Taekwondo Lawsuit and Sex Scandal

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the USA Taekwondo lawsuit and sex scandal that involves Jean and Stephen Lopez.

USA Taekwondo Lawsuit and Sex Scandal - Episode 295

This is an issue that will, directly and indirectly, affect every martial arts practitioner, instructors, school owners and even fans because of its magnitude. Two of the most prominent and biggest names that have ever practiced Taekwondo in the US, Olympic gold medalists Jean and Stephen Lopez, has been involved in a lawsuit and sex scandal that allegedly has been going on for more than a decade. This issue puts both Taekwondo and the whole martial arts community in a bad light from spectators outside the community. What do we do to help the martial arts "survive" this issue? What can we do to stop this from happening to other students of martial arts that we are supposed to protect from this? Listen to Jeremy as he gives his take on this sensitive issue.

Check out this episode!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Episode 294 - Grandmaster John Graham

Grandmaster John Graham is a multi-disciplined martial arts practitioner and instructor from Alabama.

Grandmaster John Graham - Episode 294

Having served in the military and police force most of his life, martial arts has taught him how to be non-violent and not the other way around. Grandmaster John Graham was a boxer when he joined the military but he, later on, went into martial arts after he saw a class in a military office. From then on, Grandmaster John Graham has practiced several disciplines including karate and kung fu. Grandmaster Graham is one of the closest people to Joe Lewis and Superfoot Bill Wallace and he's told us some of the most interesting stories about their friendship. Grandmaster Graham's passion for service and martial arts is truly inspiring. Listen to find out more!

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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Episode 293 - Choi Hong Hi

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about Taekwondo's widely regarded founder and one of its most influential and controversial figures, General Choi Hong Hi.

Choi Hong Hi - Episode 293

There's no significant person in Taekwondo that has been honored and unfortunately disowned than Choi Hong Hi. General Choi is widely known as the founder of taekwondo but some of his colleagues accused him of spreading propaganda in favor of himself. Despite this, General Choi Hong Hi's contribution to the martial arts can't be disregarded. His journey hasn't been pleasant most of the time due to the reality that he grew up during the war, yet it hasn't stopped him from spreading the martial art of Taekwondo. Listen to find out more!

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Thursday, May 10, 2018

Episode 291 - Similarities Between Martial Arts and Business

On this episode, Jeremy talks about the similarities between martial arts and business.

Similarities Between Martial Arts and Business - Episode 291

It is not a secret that, just like any other sport, martial arts is a business but we are not talking about it as a business. The question that we now ask is whether martial arts have similarities with business? Integrity, discipline, serving people are some of the similarities that we can find between martial arts and business. On today's episode, Jeremy talks about his personal view based on his experiences on this subject and how continuing to learn new things is one of the glaring similarity between martial arts and business. Listen to learn more!


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Thursday, May 3, 2018

Talking Sammo Hung

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about one of the most underrated Martial Arts actor, director and fight choreographer of our time, Sammo Hung.

Talking Sammo Hung - Episode 289

He's been with almost 300 martial arts films where he either starred, directed or produced. No, his name is not Jackie, he is Sammo Hung. Although he's joined forces with Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Donnie Yen and even Bruce Lee, he hasn't received the popularity that these famed actors have. With over four decades on both the Hong Kong and Hollywood film scenes, Sammo Hung has had few setbacks when it comes to his career as a filmmaker. Having been started in the opera school with Jackie Chan and Yuen Biao, his talent as an actor and filmmaker has been underrated. Listen to Jeremy as he talks about the inspiring journey of Sammo Hung.

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Monday, April 30, 2018

Episode 288 - Master Tim Smith

Master Tim Smith is a martial arts practitioner, instructor and an anti-bullying advocate based in Durango, Colorado.

I can always spot the one that I know who’s gonna make it to black belt and above. they have something a little bit different in their eyes. I think that they were destined to wear black belts on them. 

Master Tim Smith - Episode 288

How do we address the problem of bullying in the school and community if it’s considered a part of growing up? Master Smith was a shy kid with a speech problem who began a massive life transformation when he saw Bruce Lee’s Enter the Dragon. That movie became the beginning of his passion for the martial arts, and he hasn’t stopped training since. His personal experiences with bullying led him to start a bullying awareness program in his area. Like many of the best advocates, he took something that was originally a negative impact on his life and used that experience to better the lives of others. Listen to find out more!

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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Episode 287 - The Next Generation and Martial Arts

On this episode, Jeremy talks about the next generation of martial artists and their role in the future of martial arts.

The Next Generation and Martial Arts - Episode 287

On today's episode, Jeremy looks at some of the emails from you, listeners, and he came across a very interesting question about the present and upcoming martial artists. Before our generation of martial artists, the so-called "blood-and-guts" era, martial arts is believed to be rough where no kids are allowed and only the tough ones both physically and mentally are meant to stick around. Jeremy talks about how "soft" martial arts have become and his personal views about the future of the martial arts. Listen to learn more!

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Monday, April 23, 2018

Episode 286 - Shifu Ken Gullette

Sifu Ken Gullette is an Internal Arts practitioner, podcaster, and instructor at Ken Gullette’s Internal Fighting Arts.

Don't check your brain at the door of a martial arts school. Maintain your critical thinking, don't put your teachers in pedestals...

Shifu Ken Gullette - Episode 286

Today’s guest started his journey to the martial arts the same as most of us. Sifu Ken Gullette is proud to be part of the “Bruce Lee Boom” when people started training martial arts after watching his films. But there is more to Sifu Gullette than meets the eye, he looked through the martial arts, beyond the movements and techniques because he saw the importance of the philosophy of the arts. Sifu Ken Gullette has a lot of interesting stories so, listen to learn more!

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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Episode 285 - Chow Yun Fat

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the life and career of one of the most celebrated international martial arts actor of our time, Chow Yun Fat.

Chow Yun Fat - Episode 285

Chow Yun Fat's career is a mixture of ups and downs that started from humble beginnings in Hong Kong. He had various works from postman to being a taxi driver until he found himself in the movie reels. He has been included in different films that were both a failure and success. One of those very successful films was "The Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" that made him a favorite name in martial arts movies. How did he become a great martial arts actor when he didn't have any formal training? Listen to find out more about Chow Yun Fat.

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Monday, April 16, 2018

Episode 284 - Mr. Larry Zickefoose

Mr. Larry Zickefoose is a martial arts practitioner and an instructor at Karate Town USA. Mr. Zickefoose is now based in Kentucky.

I didn't care what style it was. If there was one near me, I'd go down and work out with them...

Mr. Larry Zickefoose - Episode 284

Most the martial artists find inspiration to get into the martial arts through the wonders of movies and television. Mr. Larry Zickefoose is not so different but he was inspired tremendously by his father. Mr. Zickefoose devoted his time as a child, reading his beloved Black Belt Magazine and his passion for the sport has never waned. He is a veteran of the martial ars with over 50 years of training with some of the greats. Today, he is a passionate student and instructor. Listen to find out more!

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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Episode 283 - Everyone has Something to Teach

On this episode, Jeremy talks about why not only experts and black belts have something to teach, but so is everyone else.

Episode 283 - Everyone has Something to Teach

Expertise is a good thing. It enables individuals to teach knowledge that they have acquired through years and years of training and studying a particular martial arts discipline. Do we ever stop learning? On this episode, Jeremy talks about how everyone has something to teach because of his belief that nothing is really the right way. Everyone has their own lesson to teach and even the white belts can somehow teach his master about something that only a newcomer can do. Listen to learn more!

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Monday, April 9, 2018

Episode 282 - Shifu Jonathan Bluestein

Shifu Jonathan Bluestein is a martial arts practitioner and an organic gardener. He is a lawyer and an author from Israel.

But when you teach it to others and you review it, again and again and again, then you can extract more from them...

Shifu Jonathan Bluestein - Episode 282

Who would’ve thought that gardening and martial arts go together? Shifu Jonathan Bluestein has been gardening different types of fruit-bearing plants and he uses his martial arts discipline in the process. A lawyer and an author of several books, Shifu Bluestein is deeply knowledgeable about the Chinese culture and the reality of practicing Chinese martial arts. He explains what’s ideal if you plan to travel for training. Interested? Listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Episode 281 - Louis Martin: Author of The True Believers

On this episode, Jeremy interviews the author of the book The True Believers, Louis Martin.

Louis Martin: Author of The True Believers - Episode 281

Ever wonder about the dark side of martial arts? On today's episode, Jeremy talks with author Louis Martin about his book, The True Believers. They talked about the side of martial arts that is not openly discussed by both practitioners and trainers that touches fanaticism, abuse of power and ego to say the least. Louis Martin was part of a martial arts school for seven years where he experienced things that made him think about his future in the martial arts. While he never used the word, some might have considered his school a martial arts cult. Listen to find out more about this interesting subject.

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Monday, April 2, 2018

Episode 280 - Mr. Gene Ching

Mr. Gene Ching is a martial arts practitioner and publisher of the Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine.

Mr. Gene Ching - Episode 280

Our guest today had been exposed to the martial arts at an early age when he was playing with toy weapons at home. Mr. Gene Ching is from a family of martial artists and he has found his success not only in handling weapons but through writing for the martial arts community as well. Mr. Ching has trained with a lot of martial arts greats and his story is definitely inspiring. Listen to find out more about Mr. Gene Ching.

Check out this episode!