Sunday, October 29, 2017

Episode 236 - Sensei Mikel LaChapelle

Sensei Mikel LaChapelle is a multi-discipline martial arts practitioner based in New Hampshire.

Sensei Mikel LaChapelle - Episode 236

The Karate Kid movie has been influential to a lot of martial artists, it’s even a common reason people start martial arts.. Sensei Mikel LaChapelle is one of those, because after seeing the film, and with the help of people he met along the way, he became a truly passionate martial artist.. He's practiced different karate styles, taekwondo Hapkido and more.  Sensei LaChapelle is a one of a kind individual with an absolute thirst for learning new things even with the achievements he's had to this point in his life. Listen and find out more about today’s guest, Sensei Mikel LaChapelle.


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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Episode 235 - Flexibility & Mobility in Martial Arts

In this episode, Jeremy talks about how can you get the most out of your body through improving mobility and flexibility.

Flexibility & Mobility in Martial Arts - Episode 235

An effective martial artist is not just about brute strength and power. It's also about flexibility and mobility. It's about having the dexterity and ability to perform the movements and activities that are exclusive to martial arts. There is no sense if you have a lot of power but can't be mobile and flexible enough to hit the target. In this episode, we talk about the ways on how are we going to improve as martial artists. Listen as Jeremy discusses some of the activities that you can do for your improvement.

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Monday, October 23, 2017

Episode 234 - Sensei Guillaume Erard

Sensei Guillaume Erard is an Aikido practitioner and instructor from France but living and working in Japan.

Sensei Guillaume Erard - Episode 234

One’s love for Japan may range to sushi and ramen or even anime but Sensei Guillaume Erard is a bit different. His deep affection for Japanese culture was so strong that he decided to live and work there. Sensei Erard started his martial arts path with Judo during his childhood years and eventually transitioned to Aikido. Having said that, Sensei Erard’s passion for the martial arts has indeed brought him to a different part of the world. Listen to his life story.




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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Episode 233 - Understanding the Space Between Movements in Forms

In this episode, Jeremy talks about how you may improve your forms in the martial arts for competition or even if you just love forms.

Understanding the Space Between Movements in Forms - Episode 233

A lot of us martial artist especially those who are starting, may look at forms as something that is memorized and taken step by step to be able to achieve perfection. Most of the time, this isn't the case because great martial artists do not just memorize the forms, they know it by heart and they give so much importance to the "space" in between movement. These are the intangibles that may be unknown to us but we see and feel them when great martial artists perform. Take a listen and know where is the devil in the details!

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Monday, October 16, 2017

Episode 232 - Professor Melody Shuman

Professor Melody Shuman is a world champion martial arts practitioner, coach and instructor from the state of Louisiana. She was also a Disney employee and founder of the Little Ninjas program that so many of us know.

I believe that competition is really how you measure yourself. Win, lose or draw, you become a better version of yourself because of the energy and effort it takes to compete...

Professor Melody Shuman - Episode 232

Size is considered an advantage in most sports including martial arts. The bigger you are, the more likely you’ll be victorious, whether that’s in competition or a self-defense situation. When it comes to Professor Melody Shuman, winning is not about your size, it’s about hard work and a little bit of luck. She wasn’t gifted with height, but it didn’t stop her from competing in tournaments and ultimately becoming a martial arts champion. Professor Shuman’s story is nothing short of amazing because she embodies the notion that size doesn’t matter. 

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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Episode 231 - The Need for Self Defense Strategies that Don't Injure Others

In this episode, Jeremy talks about how people can make self-defense a non-violent and non-injurious practice.

The Need for Self Defense Strategies that Don't Injure Others - Episode 231

Most of us plan to incapacitate an attacker when they intend to hurt us, which is how most instructors taught us self-defense. It has become a standard that we hurt our attacker if the situation arises. But, what if we could actually defend ourselves without being violent? Some of you may think it's a crazy idea but Jeremy has some tips on how not to be violent in the context of self-defense - and why it's so critically important to have these types of movements at our disposal. So take a listen and learn how!

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Monday, October 9, 2017

Episode 230 - Sensei Sascha Raeburn

Sensei Sascha Raeburn is a Taekwondo practitioner and an award-winning actress who hails from Australia.

Sensei Sascha Raeburn - Episode 230

From childhood dreams to living that dream. Sensei Sascha Raeburn has imagined herself a martial artist since she was a child, playing her favorite video games and imitating the characters in them. From that point, Sensei Raeburn knew that she was going to make it. As a taekwondo practitioner, she uses her art not only in training, but also in her career as an award-winning actress. Sensei Raeburn is a multi-talented woman who’s used her martial arts as the foundation of her career. Let’s listen to her life story and her journey to the martial arts.

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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Episode 229 - Why People Struggle with Unending Pursuits Like Martial Arts

In this episode, Jeremy talks about why people struggle with sustaining long-term goals and what we should do about it.

Why People Struggle with Unending Pursuits Like Martial Arts - Episode 229

Many of us are eager to start something that would benefit ourselves like a nutrition program. We want to be healthy and all that but how many of us actually go a long way through the program? In martial arts, practitioners seem to be fixated on the goal of getting that black belt and then they're done. Martial arts should be a life-long pursuit and not just a black belt goal. Listen to Jeremy and join the discussion!

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