Thursday, December 28, 2017

Episode 253 - New Year's Resolution

In this episode, Jeremy talks about how you can improve your martial arts this new year as he shares some of his experiences.

New Year's Resolutions - Episode 253

It’s the time of the year that we think about the things that we want to improve this new year. On today’s episode, Jeremy talks about New Year’s resolutions and how it can be beneficial for us, martial artists. Jeremy discusses his list that can be helpful for you in making your resolution. Listen to this episode and find out more. Happy New Year!

Check out this episode!

Monday, December 25, 2017

Episode 252 - Rory Miller

Mr. Rory Miller is a martial arts practitioner and instructor. He is a respected author with a background in law enforcement.

It was at that time I realized that's... and maybe this is true for everybody but when you decide to push your envelope, you're going to be alone.

Rory Miller - Episode 252

Our guest today is Rory Miller. He is a martial arts instructor and practitioner who started his formal martial arts career in college and now  is an author of several books. On today's episode, we discuss his views on combat, violence, what makes a good instructor, and more. Why doesn’t he like having a title in his name? Listen and find out!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Episode 251 - The Benefits of Training For Or Against Competition

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the pros and cons of training for competition in the martial arts.

The Benefits of Training For Or Against Competition - Episode 251

In this episode, Jeremy broadcasts in YouTube once again and he takes a different look about how training for competition affects your martial arts journey or the other way around. We've had this topic since the first episode and it's proved to be one of the most polarizing questions that our guests has to answer. Listen to this episode to know if competition is for you or not.

Check out this episode!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Episode 250 - Master Henry Childers

Master Henry Childers is a multi-disciplined martial arts practitioner and an instructor at the Chamberlain Studios of Self-Defense in Dallas, Texas.

Master Henry Childers - Episode 250

Martial arts practitioners often start training at a young age because of a need for self-defense from intimidating peers. Master Henry Childers has another reason, though. Today’s guest took refuge in the martial arts because of his family situation. With the amazing experiences throughout his life, he’s a wonderful storyteller with a lot of entertaining tales. Master Childers started his martial arts training in Louisville, Kentucky and today, he’s based in Dallas, Texas as an instructor. Listen to find out his interesting martial arts journey.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Episode 249 - How We Handle Negative Comments

On today’s episode, Jeremy talks about how he handles negative comments on the episodes of the show.

How We Handle Negative Comments - Episode 249

We receive tons of comments for the show and the majority of them are positive and sensible ones but some are not so pleasant. Today, Jeremy talks about how he deals with negative comments on the show and how it reflects the character of some martial artists. Listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Episode 248 - Sensei Robert McQuade

Sensei Robert McQuade is a martial arts practitioner and instructor from Philadelphia. He is the head instructor at Action Karate martial arts school.

It was the struggle and the persistence and the perseverance that I had to show in the next six months in training every single week in training, even though I didn't want to, that's what made it mean more.

Sensei Robert McQuade - Episode 248

Every kid that was enrolled by their parents in a martial arts class wasthrilled to go because of some great karate movies or even video games. Sensei Robert McQuade was nothing like those kids because he never wanted to go to a martial arts class. Strangely enough, he not only went, but became a great instructor.


Check out this episode!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Episode 247 - Importance of Not Doing

In this episode, Jeremy talks about the importance of avoiding to use your martial arts skills against an individual.

Importance of Not Doing -  Episode 247

The goal of martial arts is to not use your skills in an actual situation. We hear this concept all the time from seasoned martial arts instructors and practitioners but how do we really do it? In this episode, Jeremy explores the possibilities of avoiding getting in trouble in places that are usually hostile such as bars through the use of observation and predictive skills. Listen to this episode as Jeremy shares his personal experience with not doing.

Check out this episode!

Monday, December 4, 2017

Episode 246 - Sensei Nick Nicholson

Sensei Nick Nicholson is a Kempo practitioner, instructor and a former Marine from Chicago, Illinois.

Sensei Nick Nicholson - Episode 246

Martial artists usually start their journey into the martial arts when their parents ask them to train, or even force them.  Sensei Nick Nicholson’s story would not be the same with a number of individuals. With some early days getting into scraps other children, Sensei Nicholson’s parents decided not to send him to any martial arts school, fearing it would make the situation worse. Sensei Nicholson is now the founder of the Family Kenpo Academy, a former Marine, and he’s eventrained in some other martial arts disciplines. Listen to Sensei Nicholson’s journey.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Episode 245 – 30 Days of Karate with Sensei Rob Domaschuk

In this episode, Jeremy talks with Sensei Rob Domaschuk who recently completed his #30DaysofKarate.

30 Days of Karate with Sensei Rob Domaschuk - Episode 245

In this episode, we take a slightly different turn from the usual Thursday episode. Today, Jeremy talks with Sensei Rob Domaschuk and his 30 Days of Karate. Sensei Domaschuk completed a 30-day karate training for at least one hour every day. Sensei Domaschuk shared how he's able to complete this inspiring task and the lessons that he learned from it. Listen to find out more.

Check out this episode!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Episode 244 - An-Shu Steven Hayes

An-Shu Steven Hayes is a martial arts practitioner and instructor from Ohio. He is the founder of the martial art To Shin Do.

An-Shu Steven Hayes - Episode 244

Finding our passion sometimes takes a leap of faith. An-Shu Steven Hayes did just that by travelling to Japan in search of a master that would teach him ninjutsu. An-Shu Hayes practiced several karate disciplines and became a renowned author on the art of ninjutsu before he founded To Shin Do. He is a very dynamic story-teller and his stories are certainly inspiring. An-Shu Steven Hayes is an exciting guest to have on the show, listen to the story of his martial arts journey.



Check out this episode!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Episode 243 - Martial Arts Epiphanies

In this episode, Jeremy talks about the significance of epiphanies in our journey as a martial artist and his own personal experience.

Martial Arts Epiphanies- Episode 243

Have you ever had a “light bulb” moment? A moment when you learn something better than what you are currently doing not only in your martial arts practice but in life as well? Epiphanies in the martial arts are good especially if that improves your art but others see it as a regretful realization of the past. In this episode, Jeremy shares some of his epiphanies and how are they important. Listen to find out more.

Check out this episode!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Episode 242 - Shihan Mike Sartwell

Shihan Mike Sartwell is a martial arts practitioner and instructor from New Hampshire. He is the current owner of NIMMA and one of its top instructors.

Shihan Mike Sartwell - Episode 242

Shihan Mike Cartwell is a dedicated martial arts instructor at the National Institute of Modern Martial Arts (NIMMA). He is formerly a Physical Therapist before he became a full time martial arts instructor. How many times have we been confronted with choosing between career or martial arts? Shihan Mike Sartwell definitely had one and he has chosen the martial arts rather than his professional career. Listen to learn his story.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Episode 241 - Dealing with Self-doubt

In this episode, Jeremy talks about the effects of self-doubt and how to manage its effects for our development.

Dealing with Self-doubt - Episode 241

Everyone of us, at least one point in our life, has experienced doubting ourselves whether at school, family or at work. Self-doubt is very counter-productive because it limits our growth and development and it hinders our progress. Martial artists are not exempted from self-doubt because going into martial arts is usually scary especially for first-timers. In this episode, Jeremy shares his experience as well as ways to overcome self-doubt. Listen to learn more.


Check out this episode!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Episode 240 - Mr. Jordy Delage

Mr. Jordy Delage is a French Aikido practitioner who lives in Japan. Mr. Delage is also the founder of Seido Shop, a Japanese company that provides Aikido equipment.

The only difference between sports and martial arts in human evolution, is that, in martial arts you're going to teach that (commitment). In sports, at some level people just realize it (commitment)...

Mr. Jordy Delage - Episode 240

There is something magnificent about Japan even more than its food and martial arts. Mr. Jordy Delage has definitely found out that Japan’s culture and people have been influential in his decision to move to this foreign country. Mr. Delage founded Seido Shop, a company that manufactures Aikido equipment locally. Having endured hardships as a child, Mr. Jordy Delage’s martial arts story is interesting and inspiring as well. How many times do we hear people say that they became involved with martial arts because of a romantic interest? Listen to find out more.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Episode 239 - Meditation & Martial Arts

In this episode, Jeremy talks about the importance and benefits of meditation when it is practiced alongside martial arts.

Meditation & Martial Arts - Episode 239

Meditation and the martial arts have often been associated with each other because of their long history together such as the monks who practice martial arts since the beginning. However, meditation has been overlooked my many martial arts practitioners because of the fast-paced world we are living in. It is neglected because of a simple reason- we are easily distracted. Jeremy talks about the benefits of using meditation not only for martial arts but for daily life as well. Listen to learn more.

Check out this episode!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Episode 238 - Grand Master Mark Shuey

Grand Master Mark Shuey is a martial arts practitioner from California. He is the creator of the American Cane System.

I learned in martial arts, it wasn't being tough. There's a lot more to it about maturity, taking care of the family, taking care of yourself...

Grand Master Mark Shuey - Episode 238

Martial arts is a path many take when they want to learn self-defense and protect yourself from aggressors. This is definitely not the path Grand Master Mark Shuey was taking when he first started martial arts. Grand Master Shuey was a weightlifter, wrestler and wasn’t always known for being a pacifist. He started with Chuck Norris' system and from that point, his journey as a martial artist was solidified, in not only winning championships but also creating his own cane system. Grand Master Shuey truly had an adventurous ride, but it was worth it. Listen to the story of tough-guy-turned-martial-artist, Grand Master Mark Shuey.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Episode 237 - Q&A #4

In this episode, Jeremy brings you the fourth installment of the question and answer series.

Question & Answer #4 - Episode 237

Jeremy answers these questions from the listeners:

  • Why do non-martial artists think that martial arts makes people violent?
  • Why is there so much disagreement in the martial arts?
  • What would you do differently if you could go back in time?
  • How do you define success?

Check out this episode!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Episode 236 - Sensei Mikel LaChapelle

Sensei Mikel LaChapelle is a multi-discipline martial arts practitioner based in New Hampshire.

Sensei Mikel LaChapelle - Episode 236

The Karate Kid movie has been influential to a lot of martial artists, it’s even a common reason people start martial arts.. Sensei Mikel LaChapelle is one of those, because after seeing the film, and with the help of people he met along the way, he became a truly passionate martial artist.. He's practiced different karate styles, taekwondo Hapkido and more.  Sensei LaChapelle is a one of a kind individual with an absolute thirst for learning new things even with the achievements he's had to this point in his life. Listen and find out more about today’s guest, Sensei Mikel LaChapelle.


Check out this episode!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Episode 235 - Flexibility & Mobility in Martial Arts

In this episode, Jeremy talks about how can you get the most out of your body through improving mobility and flexibility.

Flexibility & Mobility in Martial Arts - Episode 235

An effective martial artist is not just about brute strength and power. It's also about flexibility and mobility. It's about having the dexterity and ability to perform the movements and activities that are exclusive to martial arts. There is no sense if you have a lot of power but can't be mobile and flexible enough to hit the target. In this episode, we talk about the ways on how are we going to improve as martial artists. Listen as Jeremy discusses some of the activities that you can do for your improvement.

Check out this episode!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Episode 234 - Sensei Guillaume Erard

Sensei Guillaume Erard is an Aikido practitioner and instructor from France but living and working in Japan.

Sensei Guillaume Erard - Episode 234

One’s love for Japan may range to sushi and ramen or even anime but Sensei Guillaume Erard is a bit different. His deep affection for Japanese culture was so strong that he decided to live and work there. Sensei Erard started his martial arts path with Judo during his childhood years and eventually transitioned to Aikido. Having said that, Sensei Erard’s passion for the martial arts has indeed brought him to a different part of the world. Listen to his life story.




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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Episode 233 - Understanding the Space Between Movements in Forms

In this episode, Jeremy talks about how you may improve your forms in the martial arts for competition or even if you just love forms.

Understanding the Space Between Movements in Forms - Episode 233

A lot of us martial artist especially those who are starting, may look at forms as something that is memorized and taken step by step to be able to achieve perfection. Most of the time, this isn't the case because great martial artists do not just memorize the forms, they know it by heart and they give so much importance to the "space" in between movement. These are the intangibles that may be unknown to us but we see and feel them when great martial artists perform. Take a listen and know where is the devil in the details!

Check out this episode!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Episode 232 - Professor Melody Shuman

Professor Melody Shuman is a world champion martial arts practitioner, coach and instructor from the state of Louisiana. She was also a Disney employee and founder of the Little Ninjas program that so many of us know.

I believe that competition is really how you measure yourself. Win, lose or draw, you become a better version of yourself because of the energy and effort it takes to compete...

Professor Melody Shuman - Episode 232

Size is considered an advantage in most sports including martial arts. The bigger you are, the more likely you’ll be victorious, whether that’s in competition or a self-defense situation. When it comes to Professor Melody Shuman, winning is not about your size, it’s about hard work and a little bit of luck. She wasn’t gifted with height, but it didn’t stop her from competing in tournaments and ultimately becoming a martial arts champion. Professor Shuman’s story is nothing short of amazing because she embodies the notion that size doesn’t matter. 

Check out this episode!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Episode 231 - The Need for Self Defense Strategies that Don't Injure Others

In this episode, Jeremy talks about how people can make self-defense a non-violent and non-injurious practice.

The Need for Self Defense Strategies that Don't Injure Others - Episode 231

Most of us plan to incapacitate an attacker when they intend to hurt us, which is how most instructors taught us self-defense. It has become a standard that we hurt our attacker if the situation arises. But, what if we could actually defend ourselves without being violent? Some of you may think it's a crazy idea but Jeremy has some tips on how not to be violent in the context of self-defense - and why it's so critically important to have these types of movements at our disposal. So take a listen and learn how!

Check out this episode!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Episode 230 - Sensei Sascha Raeburn

Sensei Sascha Raeburn is a Taekwondo practitioner and an award-winning actress who hails from Australia.

Sensei Sascha Raeburn - Episode 230

From childhood dreams to living that dream. Sensei Sascha Raeburn has imagined herself a martial artist since she was a child, playing her favorite video games and imitating the characters in them. From that point, Sensei Raeburn knew that she was going to make it. As a taekwondo practitioner, she uses her art not only in training, but also in her career as an award-winning actress. Sensei Raeburn is a multi-talented woman who’s used her martial arts as the foundation of her career. Let’s listen to her life story and her journey to the martial arts.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Episode 229 - Why People Struggle with Unending Pursuits Like Martial Arts

In this episode, Jeremy talks about why people struggle with sustaining long-term goals and what we should do about it.

Why People Struggle with Unending Pursuits Like Martial Arts - Episode 229

Many of us are eager to start something that would benefit ourselves like a nutrition program. We want to be healthy and all that but how many of us actually go a long way through the program? In martial arts, practitioners seem to be fixated on the goal of getting that black belt and then they're done. Martial arts should be a life-long pursuit and not just a black belt goal. Listen to Jeremy and join the discussion!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Episode 227 - When in Rome

In this episode, Jeremy talks about respect at martial arts events. As the cliché goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

When in Rome - Episode 227

Arrogance and pride may get in our head sometimes, leading us to look down on people around us or what they're doing. When we’re invited to a friend’s house, we must definitely follow the rules set before us. The same goes for martial arts events. We are invited because there is a certain level of respect that is given to us and it must be reciprocated by behaving in a way that’s appropriate, even if it's not what you feel is best. Respect shown to the event organizer and the participants is paramount. Hence, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Take a listen!

Check out this episode!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Episode 226 - Kyoshi Brent Crisci

Kyoshi Brent Crisci is a karate practitioner and teacher from Maine. He is the founder of United Martial Art Academies.

To me, that's what sport karate does. It builds that type of integrity and it build that kind of pride.

Kyoshi Brent Crisci - Episode 226

In this episode, we talk with Kyoshi Brent Crisci who is also known as “Kicks” in the martial arts world. A very seasoned martial arts practitioner and instructor, he worked with some of the greats in the martial arts during his younger years. It was during those experiences he learned not only the material, but the importance of passing on to the younger generation. Kyoshi Crisci is a fighter and a survivor of one of life’s most challenging battles, which is why we’re so honored to have him today. Listen to Kyoshi Brent Crisci as he tells his very inspiring story.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Episode 225 - Sensei Ando Interviews Jeremy on Fight for a Happy Life

This episode is a rebroadcast of Episode 51 of Fight for a Happy Life with Sensei Ando Mierzwa where he interviewed Jeremy about more of his personal side and of course, how to fight for a happy life!


Check out this episode!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Episode 228 - Sensei Hal Pierce

Sensei Hal Pierce is a martial arts practitioner and instructor from Maine. He trains and teaches multiple martial arts disciplines including karate and judo.

Sensei Hal Pierce - Episode 228

Many martial artists start their journey after seeing an impressive display on television or in a movie. Sensei Hal Pierce is no different. Martial arts movies were his gateway into training, and he’s still bringing that passionate attitude to the arts years later. Today he practices multiple martial arts disciplines and is known for sharing that knowledge, a passion I can personally attest to. Sensei Pierce is fond of the application of traditional arts through MMA and loves working with kids. His story is both inspiring and relatable, so let’s take a listen.


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Monday, September 18, 2017

Episode 224 - Grandmaster James Faralli

Grand Master James Faralli is a Hapkido instructor and the force behind the American Hapkido Alliance.

Grand Master James Faralli - Episode 224

I have an addictive personality, which translates as whatever happens to be that I am into, I have to be a hundred and ten percent...

Most people struggle to move forward in life when they start out under unfortunate circumstances. Some even perpetuate the troubles that held them back. Today’s guest, Grand Master James Faralli, is not one of those people. He belongs to an immigrant family from Germany that went straight to live on a military base and his experience was far from great. Grand Master Faralli is a military man who later on suffered an injury that would threaten his martial arts career. Let’s listen to his extraordinary story of his journey of acceptance, hard-work, and resilience in the martial arts.


Check out this episode!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Episode 222 - Mr. Julio Fernandez

Mr. Julio Fernandez is an accomplished Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner who hails from Brazil, now living in Vermont, USA.

Mr. Julio Foca Fernandez - Episode 222

Sometimes, our love for another career or sport can bring us to martial arts. This is true for Mr. Julio Fernandez who was a pro surfer prior to his commitment to the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He has called only one man his instructor, a man with a very recognizable name. Mr. Fernandez is a true multi-talented martial artist who has great love for teaching what he has learned. Listen to the episode to know more about the story of Mr. Julio Fernandez.


Check out this episode!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Episode 221 - KickAI - Interview with Founder Jan-Eric Wargelin

In this episode, Jeremy talks with Jan-Eric Wargelin from Helsinki, Finland. He is the founder of KickAI and a Taekwondo practitioner.

KickAI - Interview with Founder Jan-Eric Wargelin - Episode 221

KickAi is an app-based hardware product for martial artists that helps in improving kicks. It allows you to record and analyze data of your training. Listen to Jeremy as he talks with Mr. Jan-Eric Wargelin about this innovative product, for us, Martial Artists!

While we're excited for Kick.AI, please know that we are not officially endorsing the product. Further, we received no money for this episode nor do we receive a commission if you purchase. We simply wanted to share something new and exciting with our listeners.

Check out this episode!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Episode 220 - Mr. Scott Bolon

Mr. Scott Bolon is a regular listener of the show and he is currently training in several martial arts disciplines.

Mr. Scott Bolon - Episode 220

...Martial arts is a grind, its about repetitions. Its about creating that natural automatic movement and so you can't burn out...

Training with four different martial arts disciplines at the same time is not a simple feat. Our guest for today, Mr. Scott Bolon, is definitely a person on a mission to prove that failure is not a reason to quit but a fuel to success. Let us listen to the story of Mr. Bolon’s journey into the martial arts and how he emerged as a winner despite how hard the situation in his life was.






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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Episode 219 - How whistlekick Gear was Born

In this episode, Jeremy talks about how whistlekick Sparring Gear and Apparel came into life. 

How whistlekick Gear was Born - Episode 219

Some of you listeners might be dying to know the whole story about how whistlekick Sparring Gear and Apparel become the go to gear that we love today. Well, this is your lucky day. Jeremy talks about the idea, the plan, and the product. Yes, from start to finish. You will know about the toughest as well as the happiest part of the journey in creating whistlekick. Let's listen to Jeremy as he unfolds the story of whistlekick.

Check out this episode!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Episode 218 - Sifu Rick Wong

Sifu Rick Wong is a martial artist and physical therapist raised in New York and now living in Massachusetts.

Sifu Rick Wong - Episode 218

One’s affinity for martial arts may come from their heritage. That is definitely the case for Sifu Rick Wong who fell in love with martial arts as soon as he saw Kung fu movies. Kung fu has taught him to be resilient with challenges, and to keep quitting off his list of options. Sifu Wong has trained with some of the pillars of Chinese martial arts, including the great Sifu Bow-sim Mark. Certainly, he has become successful with his career as a Physical Therapist, a father, and a martial artist.


Check out this episode!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Episode 217 - Top 5 Wrong with Martial Artists

In this episode, Jeremy talks about some of the things that make martial artists look bad for other people and martial arts itself.

Top 5 Wrong with Martial Artists - Episode 217

We are not perfect. That is true for everyone of us whether be martial artist or not because it is simply how we are as people. We have mistakes that we commit and wrongs that we do. As martial artists, we must be open to be criticized for these things so that we have a bigger room for improving both our art and self. In this episode, Jeremy analyzes the common and most important things that we as martial artists do wrong. Listen to learn more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Episode 216 - Shihan Chris Casamassa

Shihan Chris Casamassa is a martial artist, school owner, and actor best known for his role as Scorpion in the Mortal Kombat films.

Shihan Chris Casamassa - Episode 216

...After that you know martial arts, what I found is it's one of those things that if you don't use it, you'll lose it...

Shihan Chris Casamassa as Scorpion[/caption]

Nearly everyone loves movies, and for the majority of our listeners - and guests- martial arts movies are an opportunity to see the pursuit we're so passionate about brought to the next level. For Shihan Casamassa, though, everything is at that next level. His time in competition, his pursuit of acting, his writing, his teaching - all of them exemplify the whistlekick motto - never settle.

He's worked with the best, and his acting had him side by side with legends, including some past guests of this show. Through it all, he's maintained an open mind and a willingness to continue working as hard as he ever has.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Episode 215 - Taking a Break from Martial Arts

In this episode, Jeremy talks about the importance of taking a break from your martial arts training.

Taking a Break from Martial Arts – Episode 215

Let us admit, we need to take a break sometimes from all the stuffs that we do like work, school and all other things that keep us busy. We can say the same about our martial arts training. Taking a break from the physicality of the art can give you a new sense of direction and make you feel refreshed. It can help us reflect on the right things so we can put them on the right perspective. Listen to the episode and find out how to make your breaks worthwhile.

Check out this episode!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Episode 214 - Grandmaster David Oliver

Grandmaster David Oliver - Episode 214

...You trained a lot longer, you got more experience in life than they are. And mainly, to be honest with them and not to try and make out that you're someone you're not.

There are times in life where success doesn't seem possible. At a listener's suggestion, I reached out to GM David Oliver and invited him to come on the show. He accepted, but the hurdles we jumped through to make this episode happen were unlike anything I've experienced in the history of the show. From various technical issues to scheduling challenges, it seemed that some greater force was trying to keep me from speaking with him. Fortunately, Grandmaster Oliver was accommodating and we were able to work through everything.

In the end, the episode came out great. This is a man with more than 50 years in Taekwondo. Someone who actually knew General Choi. He's dedicated his life to martial arts and now the organization he oversees has more than 25,000 members. It was an honor to speak with him and I hope you take as much wisdom from our conversation as I did.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Episode 213 - Martial Arts Humor

In this episode, Jeremy talks about how humor and laughter can make martial arts both interesting and fun at the same time.

Martial Arts Humor - Episode 213

Most people, especially those who are unfamiliar, look at martial arts as serious and physically challenging. In reality, it's actually very funny. From the names of the moves to teachers who use humor and even Chuck Norris "facts." If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at? This episode is all about the lighter side of what we do, and how it has an impact on not only who you are, but your training. Listen as Jeremy explains how laughter can make things better and more!


Check out this episode!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Episode 212 - Sifu Jean Lukitsh

Sifu Jean Lukitsh is a Chinese martial arts practitioner from Boston with connections to some very famous martial artists.

Sifu Jean Lukitsh - Episode 212

"I just saw a miracle, she held that woman up all by herself!" and I said, that wasn't a miracle, that was Kung Fu. They all laughed but its true. 

It was from a recent conversation with an upcoming guest that I learned about Sifu Jean Lukitsh. After exchanging a few emails I knew this would be one incredible interview. As the photos arrived featuring Sifu Lukitsh and everyone from Donnie Yen to Jackie Chan, it was clear that we'd hear some great stories. Having trained under Bow-sim Mark, Donnie Yen's Mother, Sifu Jean Lukitsh has ties to some incredible martial artists, but it was her passion and dedication that originally brought her to Boston.

Did you see the latest issue of the newsletter? Over the last few weeks we've sent out only a few - we never want to spam you. Inside we've included really great discounts - more than 30% off. We've also made announcements about new products, events, sparring gear colors, upcoming episodes and more. Look, we all get a lot of emails, so we're careful about what goes in our newsletter. They're short, to the point, and from what we see in the numbers, people really like them. Sign up today at the website.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Episode 211 - Improving Martial Arts Events

In this episode, Jeremy talks about a number of ways you can improve your martial arts events.

Improving Martial Arts Events - Episode 211

Are you thinking about organizing an event for your martial arts school? Maybe, you are in the planning stage of your first event or already preparing for another one. Well, this episode is for you. Jeremy breaks down some of the important details of organizing a martial arts event including how to make their attendance worth their time and money. In the fast-paced world that we are living in, making these events worthwhile, not only for the students but for instructors as well, is definitely the way to a successful event. Listen to the episode and find out more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, July 31, 2017

Episode 210 - Mr. John Stork

Mr. John Stork is not your typical martial artist. Aside from training with two of the show’s wonderful guests, he is a talented circus and street performer with a solid foundation in martial arts. John’s love for the arts was drawn from his fascination in movies and television, just like many of us. An accomplished individual with great experiences, he shares his stories and aspirations here on the show.

We've mentioned our sparring gear on the show a fair amount - because it's our bread and butter. It's the thing we started making because we wanted it so badly, and it's the way we finance everything else, like this show. We've had a lot of support from listeners over the last couple years, but if you're a school owner or buyer for a pro shop, please check out our wholesale site. We'd love to earn your business.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Episode 209 - How the World Sees Martial Artists

In this episode, Jeremy talks about how martial artists look from both outside and inside the martial arts.

How the World Sees Martial Artists - Episode 209

Let’s face it, there are different opinions about martial artists - both from a non-martial arts perspective and even from other martial artists. Does the world favor martial artists or do they just see us as violent individuals? This episode covers a controversial theme and you will have to listen to find out.

Check out this episode!

Monday, July 24, 2017

Episode 208 – Sensei JD Swanson

Many of us dream of training with martial arts heroes – those we look up to so much. Sensei J.D. Swanson has done more than dream, he’s been fortunate enough to train with a number of karate greats. Sensei Swanson has been successful not only in martial arts but in academics, as a University Professor.


Check out this episode!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Episode 207 - Why There Is No Right Way

Every one is unique and so is their training. However, we cannot seem to stop comparing our journey to other people’s journey and we criticize others to the point that we impose our ways on them. That simply makes no sense. There are different disciplines, combinations, and dynamics that go along with Martial Arts such that we cannot simply have a single, right way. Listen to Jeremy as he dissects Martial Arts as a unique experience for every artist and more.

Check out this episode!

Monday, July 17, 2017

Episode 206 - Soke Newton James

As our show has grown, so has our reach. We're being listened to in more countries (134 at last count) and we're hearing from more international guests. Today's guest is both international and American, at least when it comes to martial arts. Soke Newton James was born in Jamaica, and that's when he found karate. Life finds him in the US now, and we're fortunate enough to have him on the show.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Episode 205 - Martial Arts Basics Drills

In this episode, we'll go over Jeremy's Top 12 drills for getting better at martial arts basics.

Martial Arts Basics Drills - Episode 205

Let's face it, practicing your basics can get tedious. It doesn't matter how important you understand them to be, how fundamental they are, they're... basic. The more exciting they can become, they more you'll practice, and the better the martial artist you'll become. Here are Jeremy's Top 12 Drills for Martial Arts basics. Of course, there's much more detail in the episode.

  1. Stationary
  2. Moving
  3. With your eyes closed
  4. Facing a mirror
  5. Aiming at a target
  6. For power on a heavy bag
  7. For speed (see Episode 203 - Developing Speed for more)
  8. With a moving target
  9. As part of a cardio workout
  10. Slowly
  11. With visualization
  12. In forms


Check out this episode!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Episode 204 - Dr. Peder Piering

Dr. Peder Piering is a Taekwondo practitioner from Wisconsin and author of the book Master Mental Toughness.

Dr. Peder Piering - Episode 204

Most often the competition is with yourself. Can I make this stretch a little bit further? Can I kick fraction of an inch higher?How can I not perfect your form but get that form does as well as it can possibly be done and this competition happens day in and day out.

Today's guest has a story that will resonate for many of us - especially those who started martial arts as an adult. Dr. Peder Piering discovered martial arts could not only bring his family closer together, it allowed him to rediscover the joy he had as a competitive athlete in his earlier years. As a sports psychologist, he's learned how each of the two sides of his life not only brings value to the other but to his clients.

Do you ever clash shins with a sparring partner? Bone bruises are some of the worst injuries a martial artist can face, and even most of the shin guards on the market don't fully protect against shin clashes. whistlekick Shin Guards are made double thick - but only over the tibia - your shin bone. The rest of the guard is well ventilated and the whole thing is shaped to fit your shins on day one, so they're comfortable and they stay in place. They're easy to clean and they can fit under or over your training and competition attire. Check them out at

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Thursday, July 6, 2017

Episode 203 - Developing Speed

We all understand the importance of getting faster as martial artists, but how often do we work on it? And if you want to work on it, how do you go about it? This episode covers a number of concepts and drills that will help you get faster at everything you do.

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Monday, July 3, 2017

Episode 202 - Mr. Ron Amram

Mr. Ron Amram is a multi-disciplined martial arts instructor and school owner from Australia with an excellent story.

Mr. Ron Amram - Episode 202

 I don't have a dial, I have a switch - it's on its off, you know there is no 30%, there is no 50%, there is no 70%, I do 100% right on. And with the Martial Arts at the moment, it's completely on.

When I first learned of Mr. Ron Amram it was on his blog, which is part of his school's website. As I read through an article I found myself nodding along - feeling like he and I could have had the same upbringing. I was reading an article written by someone who understood not only the traditions we hold dear in martial arts, but also made space for improving on those traditions where it made sense.

Which is why I am so pleased to have him on the show today. Mr. Amram is kind, open and funny. I enjoyed my time with him and I hope you do as well.

Need some sparring gloves? Our traditionally-styled martial arts gloves bring you more comfort than any other style of glove - they're breathable and lightweight, yet still tournament legal. Check them out at - and yes we do ship internationally.

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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Episode 200 - whistlekick Martial Arts Radio Live Show Celebration

For episode 200 we recorded and streamed live over both Facebook Live and Instagram. We saved the video, which you can watch below. You can also listen to the audio. Thank you to everyone that helped make the show a success, especially all of the listeners.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Episode 199 - Question & Answer #3

On today's episode, we bring you the third installment of our question and answer series, as well as give you some information on the upcoming episode 200.

Question & Answer #3 - Episode 199

On this episode, we answer the following questions from listeners:

  • How much do the skills learned in one martial art translate to another?
  • Will the diversity of kicks used by Yair Rodriguez in his defeat of BJ Penn mean more interest in traditional martial arts like karate, taekwondo or kung fu?
  • What is the right amount of contact for martial arts training?
  • What would you say to someone that wants to start martial arts but feels that it's not something they're able to do?

Check out this episode!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Episode 198 - Mr. Mark Divine

Mr. Mark Divine is a former Navy SEAL and author with deep roots in traditional karate. He's a powerful speaker with solid advice.

Mr. Mark Divine - Episode 198

Every MartialArt was an evolution of a former art and now it's time to look at them and say ok, preserve the integrity of the original but let's evolve this for both modern era and western mind.

Mr. Mark Divine is a man I respected long before we set up this conversation. As an author, a SEAL, legendary coach in the CrossFit community and proponent of developing mental strength, he's been doing great work for a long time. I knew his background included a fair amount of martial arts, but I had no idea how much - or how strongly he attributed his personal growth to that foundation.

If there's one element of sparring gear we're known for, it's really our boots. While all of our gear is comfortable, durable and lightweight, our sparring boots are the closest option you'll find to sparring barefoot. Check them out, and all of our stuff, at

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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Episode 197 - Don't Compare Martial Arts Journeys

All too often people compare their journey in the martial arts to the journey of someone else. This doesn't do anyone any good.

Don't Compare Martial Arts Journeys - Episode 197

In this episode, Jeremy talks about how individual a journey through the martial arts can be, and why making comparisons to the journies of others is so detrimental.


Check out this episode!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Episode 196 - Miss Caitlin Dechelle

Miss Caitlin Dechelle is a world-champion martial arts competitor turned actress, known for her athleticism and stunt work.

Miss Caitlin Dechelle - Episode 196


I think all the years of martial arts I've taught myself to be so guarded and so strong and so resilient to the outside.

When it comes to stunts and Hollywood, there are a number of names that many martial artists recognize. Most of that name recognition comes from their time on screen, though. We have far fewer individuals we look to and call "ours," people who share stories similar to ours. Today's guest is one of the exceptions. Competing worldwide on the NASKA circuit led Miss Caitlin Dechelle to a Jackie Chan movie and, ultimately, a career. We get to go behind the curtain with her today and find out not only how that happened, but why it's been the realization of a dream.

We designed our noSweat Tees to be the perfect layer for under your martial arts uniform - but they work just as well around town or in the gym. Lightweight, comfortable polyester and our Never Settle slogan will make this your favorite shirt. We build them to last, so you'll be wearing yours for a long time. Find them, and the rest of our great stuff, at them to last, so you'll be wearing yours for a long time. Find them, and the rest of our great stuff, at

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Monday, June 5, 2017

Episode 194 - Sensei Richard Hubbard

Sensei Richard Hubbard is a thoughtful, multi-disciplined martial artist from New Hampshire.

Sensei Richard Hubbard - Episode 194

We also bring the meditative practice at the end of the training session and sometimes at the beginning too. So I do it a minute before class or five minutes or ten minutes after class and that is a very important thing because it allows you to clear away a lot of noise. 

I honestly don't remember when it happened, but it did. Maybe this happens to you - you're on social media and notice someone that has a ton of mutual connections, so you reach out. That's what happened with Sensei Richard Hubbard - I don't know who friended who, or when, but it happened. We had a few good conversations online and then finally met at Sensei Terry Dow's event, the Martial Arts Symposium. We hit it off, and I had the chance to visit his dojo a few weeks later.

We all fantasize about training in multiple martial arts, but few have done it. Even fewer have done it to the degree Sensei Hubbard has. He's a bit of a paradox in the world of martial arts - he's classically trained but always open to new ideas that might dramatically change what he does. He's a proponent of meditation, but at times his classes aren't that formal. These might seem like contradictions, but that's only until you spend some time talking with him.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Episode 193 - Martial Arts Drills For Creating Stress

Stress isn't just a part of daily life, it's something that can interfere with your martial arts training. When it comes to self-defense, stress can render your training useless.

Martial Arts Drills for Creating Stress - Episode 193

Stress is a part of life, even for martial artists. While stress can have a lot of negative effects on your life outside of training, it can have even greater effects in a self-defense situation. The very thing many of us train for, at least in part, is a completely different situation than the way most train for. In today's episode, we talk about stress and how to best replicate it inside your training environments. That way, if you're ever forced to use your skill, you'll have the best chance of applying it well.

On today's episode, we reference Episode 113 - Different Training Environments

Check out this episode!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Episode 192 - Master Chip Townsend

Master Chip Townsend is a Taekwondo practitioner & school owner from Texas with a passion for breaking and inspiring others.

Master Chip Townsend - Episode 192

I have tried hard for the last 15 to 20 years to really grab hold of the mindset that no matter how bad something goes there is something for me to learn.

During last year's US Open broadcast on ESPN, I witnessed a man break 4 baseball bats with his shin. I remember cringing as I watched it. I kept thinking the man who went through that had to be an impressive martial artist, if not also a bit crazy. Fast forward to now and I get to speak with this gentleman, Master Chip Townsend. I came away from our time knowing I was only half right. This man is an impressive martial artist, but he's not crazy. He is immensely passionate about what he does and he's always looking to push his own boundaries. Enjoy.

We're constantly innovating and working on new products, and now it's time for you to let us know what you want to see. Is there a martial arts product you think needs to be invented, or one you want to see improved in some way? Reach out to us and let's see if we can make your idea a reality.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Episode 191 - Motivating Martial Artists

In this episode, we talk about ways to motivate people - specifically martial artists - that don't involve a promotion or other external symbol, like a trophy.

Motivating Martial Artists - Episode 191

On last week's Thursday episode, 189, we talked about martial arts participation awards and how they can be damaging to martial artists, especially children. There was some great conversation on the subject afterward, both on social media and via email. Everyone, regardless of agreeing, found the conversation beneficial.

Today's episode is a follow-up, to dig deeper into motivation in the hopes that listeners walk away with more methods of motivating those around them. While the episode is written primarily for martial arts instructors looking to motivate students, the strategies will apply to nearly any other circumstances.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Identifying what motivates people
  • Praise vs criticism and how much of each to offer
  • Goal setting
  • Loving the journey
  • Rewards

Check out this episode!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Episode 190 - Kyoshi David Seeger & Sempai Holly Whitlock Seeger

Kyoshi David Seeger & Sempai Holly Whitlock Seeger are karate practitioners from New York, best known for their video The Karate Rap

Kyoshi David Seeger & Sempai Holly Whitlock Seeger - Episode 190

You have to be good, you have to be the one that is on the right for the karate to even work.You have to have a pure heart.You can't be the bad guy.

If you have martial arts friends on social media, or your non-martial arts friends like to pick on you, you've probably seen The Karate Rap. This video is everything we love to pick on about martial arts, done in a true 80's-style music video. Every few months it surfaces, usually when a friend posts it to my Facebook page. I can't help but watch all over again, silently loving the cheesiness of it yet respecting the accuracy of so much of what is said and done in the video.

Recently someone reached out and asked that we find the person behind the video and talk to them. It turns out that person was actually a couple, Kyoshi David Seeger and his wife, Sempai Holly Whitlock Seeger. I reached out, we scheduled, and they're here for you today in our first-ever two-person interview. Not only do we talk about The Karate Rap, and give you a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff on one of my favorite pieces of martial arts cultural history, but we talk about them - their love of training, and how a martial arts marriage can work so well. I had a lot of fun talking to these two and I hope you enjoy listening.

If you haven't checked out everything we offer at, what are you waiting for?!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Episode 189 - Participation Awards

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about his feelings on participation awards - trophies, medals, ribbons, etc - and why they should never be handed out at martial arts competitions.

Participation Awards - Episode 189

One of the subjects that I find increasingly frustrating is the inclusion of participation awards at martial arts events. Handing a child a ribbon for showing up not only sends the wrong message, it sends a counter-message to everything else we teach them in martial arts. ~jeremy



Check out this episode!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Episode 188 - Mr. Tristan Creely

Mr. Tristan Creely - Mr. C - is a taekwondo martial arts instructor, competitor, filmmaker & artist from Maine.

Mr. Tristan Creely - Episode 188

It won't work to have a positive state of mind.I can easily not have that kind of mind so I would say believe in yourself, cultivate that confidence has surround you with positive people and build resilience.

Mr. Tristan Creely and I go back - way back. As teenagers growing up in Maine we were at the same tournaments, knew the same people, and I even competed against his brother a few times. I wouldn't say we were friends because we didn't know each other well, but I respected him a great deal.

Now with whistlekick I am again traveling to tournaments and seeing people I haven't seen in 20 years. Shortly after founding whistlekick, Mr. Creely moved back to Maine and started showing up again at tournaments. Most impressive to me was that he refused to accept any physical limitations of age - he was constantly pushing his body and his technique, refining his form and adding new elements. It was a joy to watch him, whether it was his forms or his fighting. Now he's on the show, and we're having the longest conversation we've ever had. Enjoy.

For this episode, we want you to be aware of our return policy - did you know we don't have a restocking fee? Or silly maximums on time for returns? We give you a month to check out what we send you. If you don't like it, so long as it's not damaged or heavily used, we'll take it back. But let's be honest... you won't send our stuff back.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Episode 187 - Talking Donnie Yen

We bring you an exclusive interview with Sifu James Banks, who grew up with Donnie Yen and trained with his mother, Bow-sim Mark.

Talking Donnie Yen - Episode 187

How often do you meet someone who not only has met, but friended and trained with one of the most legendary martial artists of the modern era? That's what today's show is all about. Sifu James Banks talks about his childhood friend and offers some insight into why he's become the amazing martial arts action star he is today.

You should check out our profile episode of Donnie Yen for more history and context.



Check out this episode!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Episode 186 - Mr. Iain Abernathy

Mr. Iain Abernathy is a well-known martial arts podcaster and expert on the practical application of Karate.

Mr. Iain Abernathy - Episode 186

Looking back, one of the first time in my life when I decided I want to do this, I put the effort in and I can see myself making progress and that revolution you can do that, you can apply yourself to something to make progress. That a very addictive feeling.

Mr. Iain Abernathy is not your typical martial artist. In some ways, he's very much like other guests we've had - passionate about martial arts, dedicated to his training and determined to give back to the practice that has given him so much. In other ways, he's so focused on what he does, other martial artists, myself included, are blown away. He's someone I've wanted to speak with for a long time, and now it's happening. Enjoy.

Who do you want us to talk to? We work hard to bring you a diverse set of guests from all styles and perspectives. If there's someone you're dying to hear from, let us know, we'll see what we can do. There's a form on the contact page you can use.

For show notes and other episodes please visit:

Check out this episode!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Episode 185 - Top 10 Reasons to Read Martial Arts Books


On this episode, Sensei Jaredd Wilson joins us to offer his top ten reasons why all martial artists should be reading martial arts books.

Top 10 Reasons to Read Martial Arts Books - Episode 185

Sensei Jaredd Wilson is now our top returning guest, as he comes back for a third installment. He reached out wanting to talk about martial arts books, something he feels strongly about. We fall down the rabbit hole and talk about the top 10 reasons why martial arts books are good for every martial artist.

You can find Sensei Wilson on his other two appearances, his interview and his participation in the chat on McDojos.

Books discussed today include Karate-Do: My Way of Life and Grand Master Jhoon Rhee 's book, Trutopia. We also mention Mr. Gershon Ben Keren 's episode.

Check out this episode!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Episode 184 - Sensei Phil Knight

Sensei Phil Knight is a Karate practitioner from Yorkshire, England with a passion for so-called nerdy pursuits. We talk about the intersection of martial arts and martial arts culture in everything from movies and television to comic books.

Sensei Phil Knight - Episode 184

You can never be arrogant in any situation evolving martial arts, you really have to listen to people, try and judge what's going around you and may be even do a bit of research before you think upgrading about the club you are actually grading at.

Sensei Phil Knight comes to us from England, and we get into some great stuff. We talk about martial arts culture, including comic books and how they've had an effect on so many of us. Sensei Phil, as he asked me to call him, strikes me as a very thoughtful martial artist, and I think you'll agree with me. Let's welcome him to the show.

We recently upgraded our martial arts products website and it's time to tell the world! Now you can receive notifications when products come back in stock, keep items in your shopping cart and get to them later, and a lot more. Find our stuff at - and thanks for checking it out.

For full show notes and other episodes, please visit:

Check out this episode!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Episode 183 - Conversations with Soke Michael DePasquale, Jr.

Soke Michael DePasquale, Jr. is a well-known jujutsu practitioner and instructor. Jeremy had the chance to sit down with him for a conversation at the 2017 Martial Arts Symposium.

Conversations with Soke Michael DePasquale, Jr. - Episode 183

Soke Michael DePasquale is a legend in the world of jujutsu that hasn't yet been on the show. It's not for a lack of trying on either side, though! He's a busy man and it was great to finally chat with him while we had a chance to record it. He'll be back for our standard interview, but today's episode gives you a glimpse into his life and some of the great stories he has. Some people live a life of martial arts, Soke DePasquale embodies it.

Last week we featured another great conversation from the 2017 Martial Arts Symposium in Manchester, NH. This one with Hanshi Bruce Juchnik and Bill "Superfoot" Wallace. You can even watch a video of it. Check out that episode here.

If you'd like to learn more about Soke DePasquale, the best place to start is his website.


Check out this episode!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Episode 182 - Coach Mike Chen

Coach Mike Chen is a Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiujitsu (BJJ) practitioner from New Hampshire. He's an excellent storyteller who brings solid perspective to his time on the show.

Coach Mike Chen - Episode 182

The hardest thing you are ever going to have to do in your martial art's career is stepping onto the mat for the first time to put on that white belt.

Coach Mike Chen comes to us from a listener introduction. As we hear him tell his tale of martial arts we hear someone who found their destiny, lives a martial arts lifestyle and fully embraces what that means. We get into some deep conversations and he doesn't hold back. I enjoyed his perspective and openness to the things we discussed and I hope you enjoy listening to our conversation.


We've put a lot of time into our Martial Arts Calendar website, which features a free place to post your martial arts competitions, seminars, charitable events, rank promotions and anything else that might be of interest to other martial artists. It is, and always will be, free to use and post to. Help us add to it and let's grow the martial arts together.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Episode 181 - Hanshi Bruce Juchnik Interviews Bill "Superfoot" Wallace

Hanshi Bruce Juchnik interviews Bill Wallace - aka Superfoot - at the 2017 Martial Arts Symposium in Manchester, NH.

Hanshi Bruce Juchnik Interviews Bill "Superfoot" Wallace - Episode 181

On Saturday, April 8th, we were fortunate enough to record Hanshi Bruce Juchnik as he reminisced and interviewed Grand Master Bill "Superfoot" Wallace during one of the breakout sessions. The conversation includes discussion on many of Bill Wallace's opponents and friends, including Skipper Mullins, Chuck Norris, Joe Lewis & a lot more.

Hanshi Bruce Juchnik knows a lot of the details of these stories and the two are able to have a great conversation. If you're a fan of the 60s and 70s martial arts era, this interview is right up your alley. There's a lot of wisdom shared in the interview, and you can tell the two men enjoyed their time and have a lot of respect for each other.

This was our first interview ever recorded with video, and while there are a lot of things we can do better, we're proud to bring it to you as is. Stick around until the very end for a special audio bonus of GM Bill Wallace teasing Jeremy.

For show notes and other episodes, please visit:

Check out this episode!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Episode 180 - Grandmaster Jhoon Rhee

Grandmaster Jhoon Rhee is a legend in the world of Taekwondo, some even refer to him as the Father of American Tae Kwon Do.

Grandmaster Jhoon Rhee - Episode 180

It's hard to be in the martial arts and not know who Jhoon Rhee is - though there are certainly some who don't. When you talk about Taekwondo's start in the USA, you're really talking about Grandmaster Rhee. A friend to Bruce Lee, he's a central figure in parts of Mr. Alex Gillis's work, A Killing Art.

There's something particularly special about speaking to someone who has been training as long as Grandmaster Rhee. While not in the best of health, he was willing to take time out of his day to speak with me about martial arts, philosophy, and his beliefs on the intersection of the two.

Back on episode 14, we were lucky enough to speak with Bill "Superfoot" Wallace. Some of you asked for a transcript of the show, and with permission, we've gone ahead and done that. You can find affordable versions for both Kindle and in paperback over at Amazon.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Episode 179 - Teaching at a Martial Arts Seminar

Teaching advanced students can be a challenge, especially at a martial arts seminar or when you visit another school. You only have a limited amount of time to work with, and you're unlikely to have additional time to follow up.

Teaching at a Martial Arts Seminar  - Episode 179

Many martial artists enjoy passing on the things they've learned. It's fairly easy to teach things to your own students - you get to work with them week after week and make sure they progress. You guide them through the concepts you're imparting and watch them grow. The same can not be said of teaching someone else's students, however.

Whether it's a martial arts seminar you're asked to teach at or you're a guest lecturer at someone's school, there's a skill to teaching in this way. Just as teaching your own students takes time, teaching someone else's requires practice and a few other things. On today's episode, we delve into the elements that make someone a successful - and requested - instructor in this format.

Topics covered in this episode include

  • Remembering why you're teaching
  • Setting goals for your classes
  • The importance of repetition
  • The different methods of learning and how to teach to them
  • How to handle someone that asks lots of questions
  • How to handle someone that doesn't get it
  • Making sure you're invited to return

If you're looking for martial arts seminars, or you'd like to advertise one you're promoting, don't forget our amazing FREE resource,

For full show notes and other episodes, please visit:


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