Sunday, August 16, 2015

Episode 20: GrandMaster Victor Moore

This episode is with an amazing man, GrandMaster Victor Moore. Often referred to as Vic Moore, this man is the real deal and some have referred to him as "the Jackie Robinson of Martial Arts." I must confess that I originally found some of his stories difficult to believe. When we first spoke, which was a week before we recorded this episode, I was floored at what he said. After that lengthy phone call I went off to do some research. I scoured the internet and spoke with martial artists that remember the 60s and 70s. I came back with a unanimous sentiment - GrandMaster Moore is the real deal, and what he says is the truth.

There are a few people in the martial arts that have interacted with a number of the greats. We've had some of them on this show, but no one to this time has known more of the greats than this man. I had a lot of fun listening to his stories, and you'll hear through the episode that I learned to just listen when he spoke. Even today he is a force in the martial arts and one that I was honored to speak with.

We discussed quite a few famous people in this episode, including Bruce Lee, George Dillman, Rod van Clief, Skipper Mullins, Jhoon Rhee, Melvin Wise, John Osaka, Ron Williams, Ray Hughes, Harvey Eubanks, Mike Foster, Ed Parker, Robert Trias, Joe Lewis, Mike Stone, Bill Wallace.

Show notes here.

Check out this episode!

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