Monday, July 31, 2023

Episode 836 - Mr. James Twyman

Mr. James Twyman is a Martial Arts practitioner and Film Director from the United Kingdom.

I go by the Mantra: eek first to understand before being understood.” Because that's when you start getting information. That's when you can start making the difference and you can start affecting change in behavior.

Mr. Jay Cooper - Episode 834

Racism has no place in the modern world, yet unfortunately, it still exists. At 13, Mr. James Twyman began training in martial arts to gain confidence after being physically attacked due to racism. On a positive note, James befriended a former bully who asked him to seriously train him in martial arts.

Mr. James Twyman is a film director from the United Kingdom, who was significantly influenced by Jackie Chan. James even called himself “Blacky Chan” as he grew up watching all his movies. Mr. Twyman’s current show can be found on Amazon, entitled “Ringside”.

In this episode, Mr. James Twyman highlights the importance of empathy and understanding in bullying situations, and how martial arts can provide individuals with the confidence and skills needed to defend themselves while fostering self-discipline and patience. Mr. Twyman's story is a powerful reminder that people can rise above their circumstances and find success when they pursue their passions and remain resilient in the face of adversity.

Show notes

You can follow Mr. James Twyman on the following social media platforms:

Instagram: Twy_guy
Tik Tok: Afrotwy

Check out Mr. James Twyman’s new show:



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Thursday, July 27, 2023

Episode 835 - Martial Arts for Non Martial Artists

In this episode, co-host Andrew Adams is joined by Victor Guarino and Craig Wharem and they talk about Martial Arts for Non Martial Artists.

When someone thinks about martial arts, they often focus on the physical aspects of training, such as self-defense or building strength. However, martial arts offer numerous benefits, which extend beyond the dojo. In this episode, co-host Andrew Adams is joined by Victor Guarino and Craig Wharem and they talk about Martial Arts for Non Martial Artists. 

Andrew, Victor, and Craig explore the various benefits that martial arts training can offer individuals who are not involved in the martial arts world. These benefits include the sense of community and camaraderie that martial arts provide, the physical and mental skills that can be developed through training, and the versatility of martial arts as a hobby that can be enjoyed at any age. After listening to the episode it would be exciting for us to know your thoughts about it. Comment down below!

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Monday, July 24, 2023

Episode 834 - Mr. Jay Cooper

Mr. Jay Cooper is a martial arts practitioner and instructor at HAVOC JKD in Canada.

It's not about fighting anymore. Unless you are in a violent profession or you're a violent man, you're not going to get involved in fights all the time anyway. Self-defense is far from being one of the most important things that a martial art will give you.


Mr. Jay Cooper - Episode 834

Martial arts and pop culture have a unique and intertwined relationship that has captivated enthusiasts for decades. From the epic battles of Star Wars to the discipline and honor of the samurai, these two worlds have influenced and inspired each other in countless ways.

Mr. Jay Cooper talks about when martial arts were first introduced, it was almost a privilege to be able to practice. Now, it's much more accessible, but that accessibility has also led to a decrease in the specialness of being able to study martial arts.

In this episode, Jay Cooper talks about the overlap between martial arts and nerdism, specifically the influence of the Samurai on Star Wars, especially the Jedi. Jay Cooper, an Englishman turned Canadian, is a martial artist and host of the YouTube channel, Reality Check With Jay Cooper. He has a deep passion for martial arts and has been involved in various styles throughout his life.

Show notes

You can follow Mr. Jay Cooper on the following social media platforms:

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Thursday, July 20, 2023

Episode 833 - Conversations With Stephen Watson

In this episode, Jeremy and guest, Stephen Watson, have a conversation about Martial Arts.

Conversations With Stephen Watson - Episode 832

Small actions can have a big impact not only in training but also in life. In this conversation, Jeremy and guest, Stephen Watson, discuss the importance of finding joy in simple activities, such as swinging on a swing set or taking off your shoes and connecting with the earth. He emphasizes the value of small actions and how they can have a big impact on our overall well-being. Stephen also talks about the importance of storytelling and how our interpretations of events can shape our experiences.

Stephen Watson is a martial arts instructor and owner of Someday Farms studio in Connecticut. He has been practicing martial arts for over 20 years and has a deep understanding of the philosophy and principles behind the practice.

After listening to the episode it would be exciting for us to know your thoughts about it. Comment down below!

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Monday, July 17, 2023

Episode 832 - Kobey Shwayder

Dr. Kobey Schwayder is a Martial Arts practitioner and instructor at Brattleboro Yongmudo.

Teaching excites me and it makes me look really hard at whatever topic I'm teaching and not look at just from my point. Trying to look at it from someone else's point of view and in a way gives me a much deeper understanding of what it is that I'm doing. And a much greater understanding and enjoyment of what I'm doing.

Dr. Kobey Schwayder - Episode 832

Borrowing and integrating techniques from different martial arts is not a new thing. Dr. Kobey Schwayder is a strong advocate for cross-training in martial arts. He believes that by exploring other martial arts and learning from different instructors, practitioners can gain valuable insights and expand their skill set. Dr. Schwayder also teaches a self-defense class at Brattleboro Yongmudo, which he sees as a way to get people interested in protecting themselves and to introduce them to the idea of using their bodies in new and effective ways.

In this episode, Dr. Kobey Schwayder talks about his journey to the Martial Arts and why cross-training can give martial artists a broader perspective and develop a well-rounded approach to their training.

Besides martial arts, Dr. Schwayder holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania (2015). However, after facing difficulties in finding jobs in the ever-dwindling academic job market, he chose to leave academia to pursue his hobbies as a career. In 2020, he launched Vermont Vermouth, which makes craft vermouth using local ingredients. Dr. Schwayder is also passionate about cooking, baking, and playing the viola da gamba.

Show notes

You can follow Dr. Kobey Schwayder on the following social media platforms:
FB/IG @BrattleboroYongmudo


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Thursday, July 13, 2023

Episode 831 - Finding Your Martial Arts Family

In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew discuss how people can find their true martial arts family.

Finding Your Martial Arts Family - Episode 831

Finding a community where we feel motivated and comfortable can lead to forming personal connections with others.

In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew discuss how people can find their true martial arts family. They suggest that individuals should start by identifying what they are looking for in a school beyond just the style or methodology of training, such as the school's culture and the instructor's teaching style.

After listening to the episode, it would be exciting for us to know your thoughts about it. Don’t forget to drop them in the comment section down below!

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Monday, July 10, 2023

Episode 830 - Mr. Dean Franco

Mr. Dean Franco is a Martial Arts instructor, practitioner, and host for the FMA Discussion Podcast.

I had no way of advertising it or releasing it or showing it to the masses. So I just continued developed it around my training partners and students. So what is Blade Tech today? It was very defensive initially and it’s now comprehensive.

Mr. Dean Franco - Episode 830

Learning martial arts before the internet was challenging, especially if you were looking for convenient ways to learn, such as video tutorials. Fortunately, Mr. Dean Franco was able to take advantage of modern technologies for his system. He discussed the impact of the early internet and DVD lessons on martial arts training, which he considers a crucial time for those looking to learn and study martial arts outside of traditional dojo settings.

Mr. Dean Franco shares how he discovered and fell in love with Filipino martial arts, which he now considers his major. He also produced the FMA Discussion podcast, creating a virtual library for the Filipino martial arts community.

In this episode, Mr. Dean Franco talks about his journey in martial arts. He emphasizes the importance of his TaeKwonDo background in his martial arts journey, which helped him appreciate the JKD philosophy and kickboxing techniques he later studied.

Show notes

You can follow Mr. Dean Franco on the following social media platforms:
Facebook - Dean Franco
Instagram- @dean.8553
Youtube channel - FMA Discussion

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Thursday, July 6, 2023

Episode 829 - Why We Don’t Pay For Guests

In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew talk about Why We Don’t Pay For Guests.

Why We Don’t Pay For Guests - Episode 829

Maintaining integrity and authenticity in media is crucial, especially in a world where money can easily compromise these values.

In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew explain their policy of not paying guests to appear on the show. They believe that when money is involved, it can compromise the quality of the content and lead to biases or ulterior motives. Additionally, they discuss their decision to not share their download numbers publicly, as they believe this information should be reserved for attracting sponsors only.

After listening to the episode, it would be exciting for us to know your thoughts about it. Don’t forget to drop them in the comment section down below!

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Monday, July 3, 2023

Episode 828 - Grandmaster Eddie Minyard

Grandmaster Eddie Minyard is a Martial Arts practitioner, instructor, and author.

We've got a few more cute little marks on our belts and, you know, maybe, maybe on the uniform in the sides for some folks. But the bottom line is we're white belts with experience…

Grandmaster Eddie Minyard - Episode 828

There are various forms and styles of TaeKwonDo and there are different approaches to training and competition. Grandmaster Eddie Minyard draws on his extensive experience to discuss different styles and approaches in martial arts.

Grandmaster Eddie Minyard, introduced to Judo in the beginning, became a Grandmaster in TaeKwonDo and has been recognized by prestigious organizations. He has taught and coached law enforcement officers, first responders, military personnel, and numerous students across the United States. He has also incorporated meditation into his Taekwon-Do practice, sharing its benefits with others.

In this podcast episode, Grandmaster Eddie Minyard shares his insights on the importance of choice and open-mindedness in martial arts and in life. He emphasizes the need to honor tradition while also challenging it, highlighting the importance of evolution and growth in any discipline. Grandmaster Minyard also discusses his role as a consultant and author, focusing on topics such as health, meditation, and personal growth.

Show notes

You can follow Grandmaster Eddie Minyard on the following social media platforms:

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