Thursday, October 28, 2021

Episode 653 - Rapid Fire Q&A #8

In this episode, Jeremy and co-host Andrew Adams take on another iteration of the Rapid Fire Question and Answers.

Rapid Fire Q&A #8 - Episode 653

Jeremy and co-host Andrew Adams tackle a series of questions from you, the listeners, in the form of a Rapid Fire Q&A. Here are the questions they tried to answer:

  • At what rank do you start teaching more in-depth meanings and multiple applications of even a basic technic?

  • When can you allow a student to tell you they have reached their physical-mental limit and when does an instructor push the student to go for one more time?

  • Should you require breaking as a testing requirement?

  • What is the best martial arts podcast and why is it Martial Thoughts?

After listening and answering these questions, it would be exciting to know what are your thoughts about it. Don’t forget to drop them in the comment section below!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Episode 651 - Reconciling Competition vs Cooperation in Training

In this episode, Jeremy and co-host Andrew Adams take on Reconciling Competition vs Cooperation in Training.

Reconciling Competition vs Cooperation in Training - Episode 651

As humans, it is inherent for us to have that competitive nature where we always want to be ahead of another or we just want to win. Sometimes, this thirst for winning puts us and the people we train in class in danger. So, up to what extent should a martial artist who’s training with others go with his or her competitive nature? In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew talk about Reconciling Competition vs Cooperation in Training.

Listen and join the conversation! Watch the video below.

Check out this episode!

Monday, October 18, 2021

Episode 650 - Sempai Angel & Sensei Samuel Diaz

Sempai Angel and Sensei Samuel Diaz are Martial Arts practitioners and Instructors at Stratford Shotokan Karate.

One of the things that we try to drive home to our students is that, the training that you're embarking on, what you're enduring in that hour and a half class, is a reflection of life. So the same way that you're facing the struggle during the training, those are going to be reflection of the trials that we're going to face in life...

Sempai Angel and Sensei Samuel Diaz - Episode 650

It’s unusual in this podcast to feature guests that are siblings. What’s more unusual is that the older sibling learned Martial Arts before their father did. Sensei Samuel Diaz III, wanted to become a Ninja Turtle so he started at the tender age of 2. Sempai Angel Diaz, the younger sibling, trained much later inspired by his big brother and father. Together, they run the Stratford Shotokan Karate in Connecticut.

In this episode, Sensei Samuel and Sempai Angel Diaz tell their Martial Arts journey and how it strengthened their bond as brothers.

Show Notes

Checck out Sensei Samuel and Sempai Angel Diaz school at

Follow and subscribe to them on Social Media:

Instagram - @stratfordshotokankarate
Facebook - @stratfordshotokankarate
YouTube - @stratfordshotokankarate

Check out this episode!

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Episode 649 - How Much Injury is OK

In this episode, Jeremy and co-host Andrew Adams take on How much injury is OK.

How Much Injury is OK - Episode 649

What could be done in order to train more effectively? On one hand, doing the safest training could be not the most effective, and on the other hand, we can train rougher just to bring out the skills. The latter is more prone to injuries, however, there’s no completely safe training and injuries can happen in all kinds of ways. In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew talk about How Much Injury is OK for a martial artist.

Listen and join the conversation! Watch the video below.

Check out this episode!

Monday, October 11, 2021

Episode 648 - Hanshi Thomas LeBrun

Hanshi Thomas LeBrun is a Martial Arts practitioner, former close protection for celebrities, and an author.

I knew that I wanted to keep going with making the atmosphere safe for other people. So, I kind of veered somewhat from traditional martial arts to, say, what actually works on the street…

Hanshi Thomas LeBrun - Episode 647

Some of us may attribute training in Martial Arts as an accident or even a coincidence. However, Hanshi Thomas LeBrun literally has an accident that made him unable to do any physical activity for a year as a young boy. The physical rest made him turn to Martial Arts shows and movies where he got his interest in the Martial Arts. Aside from Martial Arts, he also got into lifting weights that would, later on, serve him well in his job protecting celebrities.

Presently, Hanshi Thomas LeBrun published his book entitled “Hiding in Plain Sight” where he tells his journey as executive security for celebrities.

Show Notes

In this episode, we mentioned Michel DePasquale.

Check out Hanshi Thomas Lebrun’s Book, Hiding in Plain Sight here.

Connect with Hanshi Thomas LeBrun on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Episode 647 - How to Fight Chiwetel Ejiofor as Mike Terry in Redbelt

In this episode, Jeremy and co-host Andrew Adams give us a new episode of How To Fight and they are joined by Sensei Greg Williams.

How to Fight Chiwetel Ejiofor as Mike Terry in Redbelt - Episode 647

The 2008 film Redbelt is about Mike Terry (Chiwetel Ejiofor), a jiujitsu trainer who refuses to fight inside the ring, was forced to go back in the ring to make ends meet. Redbelt’s cast includes Chiwetel Ejiofor, Alice Braga, Tim Allen, Emily Mortimer and more. Plus, a bunch of fighters including Randy Couture, Dan Inosanto, Enson Inoue, Ray Mancini, and John Machado.

In this episode, Jeremy, Andrew, and Sensei Greg Williams discuss how are they going to fight Mike Terry by analyzing his stance, style, and moves. Listen and join this fun conversation!

Check out this episode!

Monday, October 4, 2021

Episode 646 - Jordan Cann

Jordan Cann is a Martial Arts practitioner, professional dancer, actor, and filmmaker.

Because I was a dancer, it made me a better Martial Artist. It made me understand my body a little bit more and how to move it in certain ways. It also helped me improve my technique when it comes to puches, straight lines, and things like that…

Jordan Cann - Episode 646

Being a fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is not unusual for us here in our community. The same is true for our guest today, Jordan Cann. Growing up watching TMNT has attached Jordan to Martial Arts, however, he was a dancer first before becoming a Martial Artist. Little did he know, being a dancer will only make him a better Martial Artist. In this episode, Jordan Cann talks about Martial Arts and how it paved the way for him to get projects in Hollywood.

Show Notes

Check out more about Jordan Cann on his website or follow him on Instagram.

Check out this episode!