Thursday, July 29, 2021

Episode 627 - Chat with Karate Cafe

In this episode, listen in as Jeremy and Andrew talk with Paul Wilson and Dan Williams of Karate Cafe.

Chat with Karate Cafe - Episode 627

In this special episode, Jeremy and Andrew talk with Paul Wilson and Dan Williams of Karate Cafe all about their experiences with their podcast as well as the impact of COVID-19 in the community and so much more. Listen in and join the conversation!

Check out this episode!

Monday, July 26, 2021

Episode 626 - Dr. Jamie Seabrook

Dr. Jamie Seabrook is a Martial Arts practitioner and instructor at the Seabrook Martial Arts Academy.

I think opinions are great, that’s how we generate new ideas, theories, hypothesis, you name it. But, infairness, know something about the topic. Not just what others have said before you go and slam it.


Dr. Jamie Seabrook - Episode 626


Dr. Jamie Seabrook has been training in the martial arts for 36 years and has been running his own school in London, Ontario for 26 years. Dr. Seabrook is an 8th Degree American Kenpo Black Belt (GM Larry Tatum), a Black Belt in Modern Arnis (GM Remy Presas), Black Dragon Kung Fu (Master Paul Chau), and a Blue Belt Stripe 2 in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (Rener and Ryron Gracie).

Show Notes

You can find out more about Dr. Jamie Seabrook by subscribing to his YouTube channel or Facebook

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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Episode 625 - Designing the Best Fighter in the World

In this episode, listen in as Jeremy and Andrew talk about Designing the Best Fighter in the World.

Designing the Best Fighter in the World - Episode 625

What if we could design the best and ideal fighter like Neo in the Matrix? Where we could just load up a module in a person’s brain to learn Martial Arts such as Karate, Taekwondo, Judo, and etc. In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew talk about what can they come up with in Designing the Best Fighter in the World. Listen and join the discussion!

Check out this episode!

Monday, July 19, 2021

Episode 624 - Andy Rodriguez

Andy Rodriguez is a Martial Arts practitioner and instructor as the Iwa Dojo - Delaware.

Being a family man helps me be a better teacher. You know, ebing a Karate teacher and practitioner helps me be a better family man, vice versa. They feed each other.

Andy Rodriguez - Episode 624

Andy Rodriguez is the Iwa Dojo of Delaware Chief Instructor for twenty years. The Iwa Dojo, is a progressive traditional school (non-commerical) of martial arts promoting a positive harmonious learning experience. Okinawan Shorin Ryu Karate-do is the primary training focus. They also offer instruction, guidance, and training in Ryukyu Kobudo & Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo.

Andy Rodriguez was first exposed to martial arts in 1980 studying in American Kenpo, but it wasn't until 1984 that his passion for budo was fully ignited by Masaharu Sakimukai Soke when he began his Okinawan Shorin Ryu Karate-Do training. During his Karate-Do training under the tutelage of Masaharu Sakimukai Soke and family, he was also introduced and studied Okinawan Kobudo and Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo up until 1994.

He continued his martial arts training studying Aikido with Zenko Okimura Shihan in 1997. Although his exposure with Okimura Shihan was brief, he was thankful for the experience and for the valuable lessons learned. In 2000, he furthered his training in Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo with the Rembukan dojo up until 2002. In April of 2002 he decided to open his own private dojo focusing on Okinawan Shorin Ryu Karate-Do. In 2003 he requested and became accepted as a branch instructor under the Zentokukai up until 2010. In 2010 he reconnected with Sakimukai Soke and family, and was welcomed back to his original budo roots.

Andy Rodriguez credits Masaharu Sakimukai Soke and family for giving him a extremely strong foundation and passion for budo that continues today. He also is appreciative of Sensei Pizii and Sensei Lemus of the Zentokukai sharing training methods, Patrick McCarthy Hanshi of the Koryu Uchinadi Association for sharing the importance of two person training and the value of futari renzoku-geiko (two person flow drills), and Master Toby Cooling and instructors of the Order of Isshin Ryu for welcoming him in their extended family and sharing their impressive budo. Special thanks to Sensei Iain Abernathy's influence in our deeper understanding of bunkai. He is also very thankful to all Chintokan and Zentokukai instructors and members whom had an impact in furthering his budo development. He has been the chief instructor of the Iwa Dojo going on twenty years.

Andy Rodriguez is currently a branch instructor and member of the So Budo Kai under the guidance of Takako Sakimukai Hanshi and So Shihan.

Show Notes

You can find out more about Andy Rodriguez’s school on their website or at

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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Episode 623 - Why Most Martial Arts School Marketing Sucks

In this episode, listen in as Jeremy and Andrew talk about Why Most Martial Arts School Marketing Sucks.

Why Most Martial Arts School Marketing Sucks - Episode 623

What do you value the most? Most of us value our families, our careers, and other important things. We consider these values when we decide on the location of our house, where we send our kids to school, or whether to buy a car or use public transportation. This is the same with Martial Arts school marketing because most of the time, we don’t consider what potential students’ value the most. In this episode, listen in as Jeremy and Andrew talk about Why Most Martial Arts School Marketing Sucks and what you need in order to do marketing properly.

Check out this episode!

Monday, July 12, 2021

Episode 622 - Mr. Steve Grogan

Mr. Steve Grogan is a Martial Arts practitioner and instructor at the Geek Wing Chun Inc.

Martial Arts as a whole don’t have an end game. It’s not like you can say “Oh well, I’m good enough” and then you stop training. So, that is an ever-expanding infinite ocean of possibility.

Mr. Steve Grogan - Episode 622

Mr. Steve Grogan has a unique relationship with Martial Arts. He has a deep affinity for teaching Martial Arts which started when he started learning Martial Arts. Presently, Mr. Grogan runs a YouTube channel where people who want to learn martial arts for free. Mr. Grogan also runs a company called Geek Wing Chun Inc. where he provides home-based training courses for those who want to get mack training in Wing Chun, especially in the Pandemic. Listen as Mr. Steve Grogan tells the “why” on his passion for Martial Arts.

Show Notes

You can find out more about Mr. Steve Grogan’s online Wing Chun course on their website at

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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Episode 621 - Rapid Fire Q&A #5

In this episode, Jeremy and co-host Andrew Adams take on another iteration of the Rapid Fire Question and Answers.

Rapid Fire Q&A #5 - Episode 621

Jeremy and co-host Andrew Adams tackle a series of questions from you, the listeners, in the form of a Rapid Fire Q&A. Here are the questions they tried to answer:

  • What are some things that we as traditional martial artists can learn from Mixed Martial Arts?

  • If you could invent a Martial Arts based on your favorite animal, how would it look like?

  • Are there too many martial arts in the Olympics?

  • If you could train with anyone in the world, alive or not, who would it be?

  • Will Martial Arts styles still exist in fifteen years?

Check out this episode!

Monday, July 5, 2021

Episode 620 - Sensei Stephen Ferraro

Sensei Stephen Ferraro is a Martial Arts practitioner and instructor. He is the founder and lead instructor at the Ferraro Karate & Martial Arts.

You have to allow people to experience Karate. Karate needs to kind of grow as we all train into it. It’s one of those things that there’s no definitive answer to technique, how you do things, and practice. It’s all up to the student…

Sensei Stephen Ferraro - Episode 620

For someone who started training at a young age, it’s kind of special when you still remember the exact date, time, and place of your first training. Sensei Stephen Ferraro still remembers the church basement where he started training as a Karate Kid and Power Rangers-inspired teen just like his peers. Sensei Stephen Ferraro’s passion spans over 20 years and he has no signs of slowing down. In fact, he is the founder and lead instructor at Ferraro Karate & Martial Arts in Ontario, Canada. Listen as Sensei Stephen Ferarro tells the story of his journey into the Martial Arts.

Show Notes

You can find out more about Sensei Stephen Ferraro’s school on their website at

Check out this episode!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Episode 619 - How To Fight Patrick Swayze as Dalton in the Roadhouse (1989)

In this episode, Jeremy and co-host Andrew Adams give us a new segment called How To Fight and they are joined by Craig Wharem.

How To Fight Patrick Swayze as Dalton in the Roadhouse (1989) - Episode 619

The film Roadhouse (1989) is starred by Patrick Swayze, Sam Elliott, and Kelly Lynch. It features the life of Dalton (Patrick Swayze) who is a bouncer in a newly refurbished roadside bar who protects a small town in Missouri from a corrupt businessman. Jeremy, Andrew, and Craig discuss how are they going to fight Dalton by analyzing his stance, style, and moves. Listen and join this fun conversation!

Check out this episode!