Monday, September 30, 2019

Episode 436 - Mr. James Wilks

Mr. James Wilks is a martial arts practitioner, trainer, and a former MMA fighter. Mr. Wilks is also a former winner in the Ultimate Fighter.

I really appreciate the challenge that martial arts has given me. I think it has made me a stronger person and allow me to take on more challenges in other areas. I mean, if you're used to getting punched in the face and kicked and knead, everything in life should be a little bit easier.

Mr. James Wilks - Episode 436

There were many martial artists who at first didn't like martial arts just because it was forced into them. Mr. James Wilks was one of those but later on, finds himself into martial arts and building a career in it. Mr. Wilks was a winner of the reality TV show, The Ultimate Fighter, and he continued his career in the UFC. However, he was forced to retire after a career-ending injury. Mr. James Wilks is also an advocate of the vegan lifestyle. Aside from that, he has a film about veganism called The Game Changers. If you are interested in Mr. James Wilks' story, listen to find out more!

Show Notes

You may find more about The Game Changers film here.

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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Episode 435 - The Mindset of the Intermediate Martial Artist

In this episode, Jeremy talks about the second part of the mindset series, The Mindset of the Intermediate Martial Artist.

The Mindset of the Intermediate Martial Artist - Episode 435

In order for us to understand the intermediate martial artist, we must know that defining such is subjective. In a nutshell, intermediate martial artists are no longer a beginner but not yet advanced. Why? Because some can act like beginners and these are the ones who become complacent and have the tendency to drop out. On today's episode, Jeremy talks about his own experience about these intermediate martial artists and why understanding them can make us better as teachers of the art. Listen to find out more!

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Monday, September 23, 2019

Episode 434 - Ms. Susan Spann

Ms. Susan Spann is a martial arts practitioner and the award-winning author of the Hiro Hattori mystery novels.

Sometimes power involves making the thinnest of thin lines using only one hair from the tip of the brush but not allowing that line to wobble and become weak. It's the same kind of focused power that you need when you're focusing Qi to break a board or when you are performing a kata at a high level and you need every move to be perfect.

Ms. Susan Spann - Episode 434

There isn't so many of us who started the journey to the martial arts with a weapon. Ms. Susan Spann comes from that group as she started when her supportive father gave her a bow and arrow at 5 years old. From there, Ms. Spann had trained with a handful of martial arts such as karate, taekwondo, and hapkido to say a few. At the same time, Ms. Susan Spann's interest in Japanese history and martial arts become the foundation of her award-winning Hiro Hattori mystery novels and inspiration to go and live in Japan. In this episode, Ms. Susan Spann shares her experience with the Japanese culture, her health battles, and journey to the martial arts. Listen to learn more!

Show Notes

You may reach Ms. Susan Spann through her website, Facebook and Instagram

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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Episode 433 - The Mindset of the Beginner Martial Artist

In this episode, Jeremy talks about the mindset of the beginner Martial Artist.

The Mindset of the Beginner Martial Artist - Episode 433

Anybody who starts at anything will be somehow nervous and scared so understanding the mindset of the beginner martial artist both helps the student and the teacher. The better you understand them, the better you can relate, teach, and help them grow and make it beyond the beginner state. On today's episode, Jeremy talks about how to deal with as well as the reason why we have to know the mindset of the beginner martial artist. Listen to find out more!

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Monday, September 16, 2019

Episode 432 - Grandmaster James Keenan

Grandmaster James Keenan is a martial arts practitioner and instructor of Karate, Tai Chi, and Krav Maga. He is the founder and headmaster at the Dotokushin Dojo.

One of the things I tell people who I train now is the less ego you have in your practice, the better your practice and the higher your skill is going to be. The more self-less you can be in your practice, the higher your skills are going to end up being.

Grandmaster James Keenan - Episode 432

One of the most compelling reasons for people to go to martial arts is defending themselves from bullying. Grandmaster James Keenan started his journey when he discovered that martial arts is a way to achieve personal power and to be physically strong. Grandmaster Keenan never looked back ever since then and he even went to the extent of going to 5 schools simultaneously when he was starting. If you find this interesting, listen to know more about Grandmaster James Keenan.

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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Episode 431 - Balancing Training & Teaching

On today's episode, Jeremy is joined by Sensei Gabriel Siu and they talk about the importance of Balancing Training & Teaching.

Balancing Training & Teaching - Episode 431

We usually do a question and answer episode where Jeremy reads a couple of questions and tries to answer them. In this episode, we bring in Sensei Gabriel Siu to the show and try to answer his question on balancing training and teaching. Listen to this episode as Jeremy shares his experience in teaching and training as well as the challenges that Sensei Siu is facing.

Check out this episode!

Monday, September 9, 2019

Episode 430 - Sensei Ras Hylton

Sensei Ras Hilton is a martial arts practitioner and he fights on the New England Fights (NEF). He is also known as The Jamaican Shamrock and The Rasquatch.

I realized that regardless of how big I was and what I've learned up until that point, there was obviously more that I needed to do and more I needed to learn in order to protect myself and be confident that I'd able to deal with any given situation.

Sensei Ras Hylton - Episode 430

Learning how to box from his father as a young boy became the foundation of the fighter that he is today. The half-Jamaican Sensei Ras Hylton started training when he was 5 and he has not stopped since then. Today, he is fighting on the New England Fights (NEF) and his ultimate goal is to become a UFC fighter. Listen to learn more about Sense Ras Hylton's journey to the martial arts.

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Show Notes

In this episode, we mentioned Shihan Andy Campbell

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Thursday, September 5, 2019

Episode 429 - Martial Arts Rivalries

In this episode, Jeremy talks about martial arts rivalries and competition among martial artists, schools and a lot more.

Martial Arts Rivalries - Episode 429

Rivalries aren't new to martial arts. In fact, many martial arts movies are based on rivalries and competition among schools and individuals. In this episode, Jeremy talks about how comparing ourselves to other martial artists and other schools contribute to our motivations and martial arts rivalries. Jeremy tries to answer whether these kinds of martial arts rivalries are healthy for competition or not. Listen to learn more!

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Monday, September 2, 2019

Episode 428 - Mr. Joseph Conway

Mr. Joseph Conway is a martial arts practitioner and the long-time uke of Master Ken on their youtube show, Enter the Dojo.

It's not just about being on the mat or what you're doing on the mat. It's the whole thing. Waking up a martial artist, going to bed a martial artist, it's not just, okay I'm in the dojo and now I'm going to turn it on...

Mr. Joseph Conway - Episode 428

His role on Master Ken's Enter the Dojo came to him by default because he happened to have a black belt in kempo. Mr. Joseph Conway's love for both humor and being an uke is the reason why his character, Todd Woodland, on Enter the Dojo complemented Master Ken. Unbeknownst to most of us, Mr. Joseph Conway got his black belt on Jeff Speakman's Kempo 5.0. In this episode, Mr. Conway talks about his journey to the martial arts, Master Ken and his character, Todd Philips. Listen to find out more!

Show Notes

In this episode, we mentioned Jeff Speakman and Episode 47.


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