Monday, April 29, 2019

Episode 392 - Grandmaster Quynh Ngo

Grandmaster Quynh Ngo is a martial arts practitioner and instructor of Cuong Nhu, a martial art that was founded by his father, Grandmaster Ngo Dong.

In martial arts, it's not the goat to get to green belt,  brown belt, black belt or to kick in the face, the goal is to be better now that you were a month ago.

Grandmaster Quynh Ngo - Episode 392

Not everyone has an opportunity to continue a legacy. A legacy that has been started by his father in the form of a martial art called Cuong Nhu. Grandmaster Quyng Ngo started in martial arts as soon as he was born, in fact, Cuong Nhu was called his twin because he was born the same year the martial art was founded. It started in Vietnam and Grandmaster Ngo's father brought it to Florida and it has grown to over 50 dojos today. Grandmaster Quynh Ngo has a lot of stories about the art and their journey back to the US so make sure to listen to learn more!

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Show Notes

On this episode, we mentioned Bruce Lee and Jeet Kune Do.

If you want to connect with Grandmaster Quynh Ngo, you may visit his websites at

Check out this episode!

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Episode 391 - A Real World Scenario with Sensei Ando

On this episode, Jeremy talks with Sensei Ando Mierzwa about an episode on his podcast, Fight for a Happy Life.

A Real World Scenario with Sensei Ando - Episode 391

Most of us wish that our house won't get robbed or encounter a thief on the streets. But what would you do if you encounter one? On this episode, Jeremy talks with Sensei Ando Mierzwa about his experience helping an individual to catch a thief who robbed a car and what other people did. Listen to learn Sensei Ando's amazing story!

Show Notes

You can check the episode of Fight for a Happy Life here.

Check out this episode!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Episode 390 - Sensei Casper Makkink

Sensei Casper Makkink is a martial arts practitioner and instructor from the Netherlands.

Sometimes when I'm on a match, I get really close to the animal inside me. It's very important to understand yourself better because the person who says he cannot kill somebody is usually the most dangerous at all. The person who knows he can kill somebody but doesn't do it, then he's a good person.

Sensei Casper Makkink - Episode 390

When your father trains you on kickboxing but your mother thinks fencing is safer, you don't really have a choice. Sensei Casper Makkink was trained by his father as a young child and then switched to fencing and became an instructor when her mother asked him to switch. Having suffered an accident, Sensei Makkink had to take a break and then return to train with different martial arts such as Pencak Silat. What's interesting about Sensei Casper Makkink was he is a guy who considers himself not worthy of being called a Sensei out of his natural humility. Listen to find out more!

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Show Notes

On this episode, we mentioned Bas Ruttenand Bruce Lee

You can connect with Sensei Casper Makkink through these channels:


Check out this episode!

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Episode 389 - Q&A #6

On today's episode, Jeremy answers all your questions for the sixth edition of whistlekick Martial Arts Radio's Question and Answer.

Q&A #6 - Episode 389

The questions for today are:

  • What motivations draw you to train in different schools and styles rather than staying with your original style?
  • Why do I like training in different schools
  • How long have you studied martial arts and what kind?
  • What's good for hand speed?
  • Do you work with special needs children?
  • Do you still practice forms?
  • What is your favorite form?
  • How many years have you Ben training?
  • What’s your favorite combination or technique to use?
  • What sort of questions are you looking for?

Check out this episode!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Episode 388 - Sifu Clark Tang

Sifu Clark Tang is a martial arts instructor and practitioner. He is the founder of the Wing Chun Temple in California.

Being a warrior, being a martial artist, it's okay to be unhappy. It's okay not to go in your way. But let me tell you, you live a life that's not only for you, you live for something bigger.

Sifu Clark Tang - Episode 388

As a child, what are the odds that you'll be inside a kung fu theater that's showing a Shaw Brothers' film when you are not even supposed to be there? We can call it destiny but it definitely brought the best out of him. Sifu Tang has successfully related his faith with his martial arts through his spirituality. Sifu Clark Tang is the founder at the Wing Chun Temple and he is in the lineage of Ip Man. Get ready because Sifu Clark Tang gave us a very spiritual and emotional episode about his life and journey to the martial arts. Listen to find out more!


Check out this episode!

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Episode 387 - Benefits of Weapons Training

In this episode, Jeremy talks about the Benefits of Weapons Training and why is it important.

Benefits of Weapons Training - Episode 387

Are you training with weapons or just empty hand training? Katana, staff, canes, and nunchaku, these weapons tend to be an extension of the body. The more difficult the weapon is to use, it requires more training and skills. On today's episode, Jeremy discusses the benefits of weapons training versus empty handed training and his own experience with it. Listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Episode 386 - Miss Shannon Lee

Miss Shannon Lee is a martial artist from Los Angeles, California. She is the daughter of the legendary Bruce Lee.

It would be ridiculous for me to say that it was anything but an absolute honor and privilege to be the daughter of Bruce Lee

Miss Shannon Lee - Episode 386

What would it be like having martial arts at your house 24/7 especially if it's with Bruce Lee? Miss Shannon Lee is no stranger to that because, at a young age, his father has trained him even for a short while. Martial arts is at Miss Lee's blood having trained with Jeet Kune Do and Kickboxing aside from being Bruce's daughter. Miss Shannon Lee is an actress and she is now an executive producer of a drama series in Cinemax called Warrior, based on the writings of Bruce Lee which is set to be released on April 5, 2019. Certainly, Miss Lee has a lot of stories on her journey as well as how he knew his father. Listen to find out more!

Show Notes

On this episode, we mentioned Bruce Lee, Benny Urquidez and the book the Tao of Jeet Kune Do.

You can check out the drama series Warrior here.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Episode 385 - 4 Years Later - Martial Arts Radio Update

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about how whistlekick Martial Arts Radio have been over the last four years.

4 Years Later - Martial Arts Radio Update - Episode 385

whistlekick Martial Arts Radio has been giving you the best podcast for four years already. On this episode, Jeremy talks about how the ride has been since he started the show all by himself with a few of his friends and what the future looks like as we are about to step into episode 400. Listen to find out more!

Check out this episode!