Monday, December 31, 2018

Episode 358 - Sifu Harinder Singh Sabharwal

Sifu Harinder Singh Sabharwal is a martial arts practitioner and instructor in the style of Jeet Kune Do.

Forget about styles and systems, there are always arguments about this style, that style, my master is better than your master. It's just a big waste of time, we're all so much more alike than we are apart.

Sifu Harinder Singh Sabharwal - Episode 358 

Traveling the world may be fun when you're on for a vacation but traveling as a kid and not having a home may not be that enjoyable. Sifu Harinder Singh Sabharwal has traveled from India to a lot of countries because of his father's work and then ultimately ending up in California as an adult. As a stranger in a foreign country, his father had him to train martial arts so he's able to defend himself and his love for the art never faded. Sifu Harinder Singh Sabharwal has trained with several styles and today, he is a practitioner and instructor for Jeet Kune Do. Listen to this episode to know more!

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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Episode 357 - Joint Replacements

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about one of the common surgeries both martial artists and aging individuals, joint replacements.

Joint Replacements - Episode 357

We've had a number of guests that have had joint replacements surgeries to address their joint pains that cannot be cured with non-invasive cures. On this episode, Jeremy talks about how joint replacement surgeries started and the different procedures that might be helpful for you now or in the future. Listen to find out more!

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Monday, December 24, 2018

Episode 356 - Kyoshi Herbie Bagwell

Kyoshi Herbie Bagwell is a martial arts practitioner, instructor and founder at the Bagwell Academy of Martial Arts.

Listen, you tell me something negative, I won't get mad at you. I'm gonna use that negativity as fuel to add onto my already passionate fire and I'm just going to just prove people wrong with my success.

Kyoshi Herbie Bagwell - Episode 356

A boxer turned martial artist, Kyoshi Herbie Bagwell has been training since he was a skinny kid. Kyoshi Bagwell was one of those kids who was blown away by Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon which started his love story with the martial arts. In the course of his journey, Kyoshi Bagwell has trained with some of martial art's greats that would probably explain why he has a lot of medals and championships under his belt. Kyoshi Bagwell is the founder at the Bagwell Academy of Martial Arts in Connecticut. Kyoshi Herbie Bagwell shared an emotional time and a lot of fun and inspiring stories, listen to find out more!


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Thursday, December 20, 2018

Episode 355 - Taekkyeon

On this episode, Jeremy talks about another historical account this time for the martial art of Taekkyeon.

Taekkyeon - Episode 355

Korea's martial arts is as colorful as their food and traditions that make their culture complete and whole. Taekkyon, as some believe, is a thousand years old making it a heritage that Koreans treasure from one generation to another. On today's episode, Jeremy talks about the historical significance and the origins of Taekkyeon. Listen to find out more!

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Monday, December 17, 2018

Episode 354 - Mr. Tim Cartmell

Mr. Tim Cartmell is a martial arts practitioner and instructor at the ACE Jiu-Jitsu in Orange County, California.

If you're only teaching because you know martial arts, you're making a living... I feel like that's not really the right reason...

Mr. Tim Cartmell - Episode 354

As most of us did, we started our journey to the martial arts at an early age which is usually pre-teen. Mr. Tim Cartmell did that too but martial arts went straight in his blood. He learned Kung Fu when he was a teen and never stopped training everyday since then. Mr. Tim Cartmell's passion for the martial arts is unquestionable because it is quite literally his bread and butter in the last 40 years. Today, he practices and teaches Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Mr. Cartmell's story is fascinating and his stories are inspiring. Listen to learn more!

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Thursday, December 13, 2018

Episode 353 - When Are You A Martial Artist?

On today's episode, Jeremy tackles this controversial question: when are you a martial artist?

When Are You A Martial Artist? - Episode 353

Can we call someone a martial artist if they train weekly and has a blue belt or someone who attends taekwondo classes unenthusiastically because their parents forced them? Can we call someone a martial artist who spends a three-month krav maga package on a local gym or someone who just earned a first-degree black belt? On this episode, Jeremy talks about his take on when are you a martial artist. Want to know if you are? Listen to find out!

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Monday, December 10, 2018

Episode 352 - Master David Lonebear Sanipass

Master David Lonebear Sanipass is a Native American martial arts practitioner and instructor out of Maine. He is the founder at College of Sho-Kai.

It's not about the belt, it's not about the gi, it's not about the dojo, it's about who you are and who you think you are.

Master David Lonebear Sanipass - Episode 352

It is not often that we have a guest that is both unique in their martial arts and ethnicity. Master David Lonebear Sanipass is a Native American martial artist who practices an art that is unique because it has native elements, the Sho-Kai. Today, he is not only a martial artist but a motivational speaker and a Native American flute carver. Master Sanipass has a lot of interesting stories that will surely inspire us. Listen to learn more!

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Thursday, December 6, 2018

Episode 351 - Why Do Martial Artists Yell?

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about a common thing about martial arts that most of us ask, why do martial artists yell?

Why Do Martial Artists Yell? - Episode 351

Yelling by martial arts practitioners is probably one of the most mocked aspects of martial arts. We can see this on TV shows, Movies and other platforms such as social media. But as most of you asks, why do martial artists yell? Well, the reason and motive behind it are actually deeper than what most of us would expect. On this episode, Jeremy talks about the history and practical application of the "yell" in martial arts. If you are quite intrigued, listen to find out more!

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Monday, December 3, 2018

Episode 350 - Sensei Jeff Doss

Sensei Jeff Doss is a martial arts practitioner, teacher, and host of the Kick of the Day podcast. He is from Virginia.

The more you grow and the more your martial arts gets better, then the potential for all your students to get better just doubles, triples, quadruples...

Sensei Jeff Doss - Episode 350

It's not a secret that most of us martial artists started training at a young age. However, Sensei Jeff Doss is quite unique because he started at a really young age of four that a school turned him down once simply because there's no program for him at the time. What's more unique about Sensei Doss is he was inspired by a pro wrestler whose persona is that of a martial artist. Sensei Jeff Doss has a lot of interesting stories and insights that you will find out on this episode. Listen to know more!

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