Monday, January 29, 2018

Episode 262 - Sensei Thomas Brown

Sensei Thomas Brown is a martial arts practitioner and instructor. He is the founder and owner of Tigon Martial Arts in Massachusetts.

One of the reasons I am for tournaments, is getting students to step out of their comfort zones. Getting them to do something that forces them to confront their ability to still perform adequately under stress, under pressure.

Sensei Thomas Brown - Episode 262

How do you settle if you love two sports? It seems that the answer was certain for Sensei Thomas Brown when he was asked as a young boy that martial arts is his choice. Sensei Brown just knew that he wanted to practice and teach martial arts. As most martial artists his age, he started to like martial arts through watching ninja movies and TV shows. Sensei Brown’s journey is interesting because he started at such a young age. Listen to know more!


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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Episode 261 - Diversity vs Mastery in Training

In this episode, Jeremy talks about which is better, training with multiple styles or mastering a single style.

Diversity vs Mastery in Training- Episode 261

There are martial artists who prefer to train with different styles such as taekwondo, judo, karate and etc. There are those who would like to train with one style and master all throughout their journey. Jeremy examines which is better and he shares his own personal experience about diversity vs mastery in training in the martial arts.


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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Episode 259 - Martial Journal

In this episode, Jeremy talks about a special website where martial artists can write their ideas, the Martial Journal. (

Martial Journal - Episode 259

Have you noticed that most sports has their special sections on major websites like Yahoo or MSN? However, none of them have a section dedicated to martial arts. This is the idea behind Martial Journal— to provide platform for martial artists to share their thoughts so that other martial artists or even martial arts fans can read them anywhere in the world. Listen to know more about Jeremy’s thought on the Martial Journal.

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Monday, January 15, 2018

Episode 258 - Shifu Chris Friedman

Shifu Chris Friedman is a Shaolin Kung Fu practitioner originally from New York but now living and training in Shaolin, China.

I didnt have a whole lot of guidance basically. So, if I don't have Martial Arts in my life, I would guess there's a good possibility that I'd be dead, I could've went to prison, I could've became a criminal. So, just doing Martial Arts just gave me something positive outlet.

Shifu Chris Friedman - Episode 258

Many martial arts practitioners found their appreciation of the martial arts through watching classic kung fu movies. Shifu Chris Friedman is one of them.He fell in love with martial arts as an athletic young child and made it his motivation at school so he can train. His love for the arts didn’tstop there because he went to live in China specifically for martial arts training. Listen to Shifu Chris Friedman’s story and you’ll certainly come away inspired.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Episode 257 - Intelligent Martial Arts Discussion

In this episode, Jeremy talks about how and why is it important to have an intelligent martial arts discussion.

Intelligent Martial Arts Discussion - Episode 257

We hone our physical abilities and skills through training and sparring with someone who can match us or even challenge us. It is also the same with our ideas. We have to train and test our ideas about martial arts through talking with people on the same page or the ones that make us think. Jeremy talks about his experiences about having the best martial arts conversations that he had. Listen and find out more!

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Monday, January 8, 2018

Episode 256 - Sensei Chuck Merriman

Sensei Chuck Merriman is a karate practitioner and instructor originally from Connecticut. He is the former head coach of the US National Karate Team.

It seems like going back through my mind and in my career, everything seems to have happened by accident being in a right place at the right time...

Sensei Chuck Merriman - Episode 256

Our guest today is one of those martial artists who should’ve been on the show a long time ago. He is Sensei Chuck Merriman - a name that will be  familiar not only with our listeners but many of the show’s former guests. Merriman Sensei is part of the older generation of martial artists that we look up to today. His origin in the martial arts is one that is both surprising and inspiring. He’s also one of the true pillars responsible for the strong foundation of karate in the US as we know it today.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Episode 255 - Why to Start a Martial Arts School

In this episode, Jeremy talks about the ups and downs of having a Martial Arts School and answers the question of why to start a martial arts school.

Why to Start a Martial Arts School - Episode 255

It's the start of a new year and some of you may think of something like starting a martial arts school. It's both fun and hard-work at the same time because of many factors. On today's episode, Jeremy discusses about why is it good to start a martial arts school and why it isn't as well as his personal experiences on handling his own martial arts school. For people who would like to start teaching in their own school, listen to learn more!

Check out this episode!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Episode 254 - Sensei Buzz Durkin

Sensei Buzz Durkin is a karate practitioner and instructor from New Hampshire. He’s well known as an author and authority on Uechi-Ryu karate.

You know before I left for Vietnam, I teached Judge Madsen, put his arm around me, I'll never forget it and he said; don't worry Buzz, he said, all our black belts have done well over there.

Sensei Buzz Durkin - Episode 254

We often hear stories from guests and fellow martial artists that they’ve started their journey to overcome some sort of adversity in their lives. Our guest in this episode, Sensei Buzz Durkin, grew up with a good family, but he did have one challenge to overcome - war. Sensei Durkin’s journey started before he went on to serve in the military during the Vietnam War where he gained  a handful of stories to share. Listen to know more!


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