Monday, May 29, 2017

Episode 192 - Master Chip Townsend

Master Chip Townsend is a Taekwondo practitioner & school owner from Texas with a passion for breaking and inspiring others.

Master Chip Townsend - Episode 192

I have tried hard for the last 15 to 20 years to really grab hold of the mindset that no matter how bad something goes there is something for me to learn.

During last year's US Open broadcast on ESPN, I witnessed a man break 4 baseball bats with his shin. I remember cringing as I watched it. I kept thinking the man who went through that had to be an impressive martial artist, if not also a bit crazy. Fast forward to now and I get to speak with this gentleman, Master Chip Townsend. I came away from our time knowing I was only half right. This man is an impressive martial artist, but he's not crazy. He is immensely passionate about what he does and he's always looking to push his own boundaries. Enjoy.

We're constantly innovating and working on new products, and now it's time for you to let us know what you want to see. Is there a martial arts product you think needs to be invented, or one you want to see improved in some way? Reach out to us and let's see if we can make your idea a reality.

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Episode 191 - Motivating Martial Artists

In this episode, we talk about ways to motivate people - specifically martial artists - that don't involve a promotion or other external symbol, like a trophy.

Motivating Martial Artists - Episode 191

On last week's Thursday episode, 189, we talked about martial arts participation awards and how they can be damaging to martial artists, especially children. There was some great conversation on the subject afterward, both on social media and via email. Everyone, regardless of agreeing, found the conversation beneficial.

Today's episode is a follow-up, to dig deeper into motivation in the hopes that listeners walk away with more methods of motivating those around them. While the episode is written primarily for martial arts instructors looking to motivate students, the strategies will apply to nearly any other circumstances.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Identifying what motivates people
  • Praise vs criticism and how much of each to offer
  • Goal setting
  • Loving the journey
  • Rewards

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Monday, May 22, 2017

Episode 190 - Kyoshi David Seeger & Sempai Holly Whitlock Seeger

Kyoshi David Seeger & Sempai Holly Whitlock Seeger are karate practitioners from New York, best known for their video The Karate Rap

Kyoshi David Seeger & Sempai Holly Whitlock Seeger - Episode 190

You have to be good, you have to be the one that is on the right for the karate to even work.You have to have a pure heart.You can't be the bad guy.

If you have martial arts friends on social media, or your non-martial arts friends like to pick on you, you've probably seen The Karate Rap. This video is everything we love to pick on about martial arts, done in a true 80's-style music video. Every few months it surfaces, usually when a friend posts it to my Facebook page. I can't help but watch all over again, silently loving the cheesiness of it yet respecting the accuracy of so much of what is said and done in the video.

Recently someone reached out and asked that we find the person behind the video and talk to them. It turns out that person was actually a couple, Kyoshi David Seeger and his wife, Sempai Holly Whitlock Seeger. I reached out, we scheduled, and they're here for you today in our first-ever two-person interview. Not only do we talk about The Karate Rap, and give you a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff on one of my favorite pieces of martial arts cultural history, but we talk about them - their love of training, and how a martial arts marriage can work so well. I had a lot of fun talking to these two and I hope you enjoy listening.

If you haven't checked out everything we offer at, what are you waiting for?!

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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Episode 189 - Participation Awards

On today's episode, Jeremy talks about his feelings on participation awards - trophies, medals, ribbons, etc - and why they should never be handed out at martial arts competitions.

Participation Awards - Episode 189

One of the subjects that I find increasingly frustrating is the inclusion of participation awards at martial arts events. Handing a child a ribbon for showing up not only sends the wrong message, it sends a counter-message to everything else we teach them in martial arts. ~jeremy



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Monday, May 15, 2017

Episode 188 - Mr. Tristan Creely

Mr. Tristan Creely - Mr. C - is a taekwondo martial arts instructor, competitor, filmmaker & artist from Maine.

Mr. Tristan Creely - Episode 188

It won't work to have a positive state of mind.I can easily not have that kind of mind so I would say believe in yourself, cultivate that confidence has surround you with positive people and build resilience.

Mr. Tristan Creely and I go back - way back. As teenagers growing up in Maine we were at the same tournaments, knew the same people, and I even competed against his brother a few times. I wouldn't say we were friends because we didn't know each other well, but I respected him a great deal.

Now with whistlekick I am again traveling to tournaments and seeing people I haven't seen in 20 years. Shortly after founding whistlekick, Mr. Creely moved back to Maine and started showing up again at tournaments. Most impressive to me was that he refused to accept any physical limitations of age - he was constantly pushing his body and his technique, refining his form and adding new elements. It was a joy to watch him, whether it was his forms or his fighting. Now he's on the show, and we're having the longest conversation we've ever had. Enjoy.

For this episode, we want you to be aware of our return policy - did you know we don't have a restocking fee? Or silly maximums on time for returns? We give you a month to check out what we send you. If you don't like it, so long as it's not damaged or heavily used, we'll take it back. But let's be honest... you won't send our stuff back.

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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Episode 187 - Talking Donnie Yen

We bring you an exclusive interview with Sifu James Banks, who grew up with Donnie Yen and trained with his mother, Bow-sim Mark.

Talking Donnie Yen - Episode 187

How often do you meet someone who not only has met, but friended and trained with one of the most legendary martial artists of the modern era? That's what today's show is all about. Sifu James Banks talks about his childhood friend and offers some insight into why he's become the amazing martial arts action star he is today.

You should check out our profile episode of Donnie Yen for more history and context.



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Monday, May 8, 2017

Episode 186 - Mr. Iain Abernathy

Mr. Iain Abernathy is a well-known martial arts podcaster and expert on the practical application of Karate.

Mr. Iain Abernathy - Episode 186

Looking back, one of the first time in my life when I decided I want to do this, I put the effort in and I can see myself making progress and that revolution you can do that, you can apply yourself to something to make progress. That a very addictive feeling.

Mr. Iain Abernathy is not your typical martial artist. In some ways, he's very much like other guests we've had - passionate about martial arts, dedicated to his training and determined to give back to the practice that has given him so much. In other ways, he's so focused on what he does, other martial artists, myself included, are blown away. He's someone I've wanted to speak with for a long time, and now it's happening. Enjoy.

Who do you want us to talk to? We work hard to bring you a diverse set of guests from all styles and perspectives. If there's someone you're dying to hear from, let us know, we'll see what we can do. There's a form on the contact page you can use.

For show notes and other episodes please visit:

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Thursday, May 4, 2017

Episode 185 - Top 10 Reasons to Read Martial Arts Books


On this episode, Sensei Jaredd Wilson joins us to offer his top ten reasons why all martial artists should be reading martial arts books.

Top 10 Reasons to Read Martial Arts Books - Episode 185

Sensei Jaredd Wilson is now our top returning guest, as he comes back for a third installment. He reached out wanting to talk about martial arts books, something he feels strongly about. We fall down the rabbit hole and talk about the top 10 reasons why martial arts books are good for every martial artist.

You can find Sensei Wilson on his other two appearances, his interview and his participation in the chat on McDojos.

Books discussed today include Karate-Do: My Way of Life and Grand Master Jhoon Rhee 's book, Trutopia. We also mention Mr. Gershon Ben Keren 's episode.

Check out this episode!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Episode 184 - Sensei Phil Knight

Sensei Phil Knight is a Karate practitioner from Yorkshire, England with a passion for so-called nerdy pursuits. We talk about the intersection of martial arts and martial arts culture in everything from movies and television to comic books.

Sensei Phil Knight - Episode 184

You can never be arrogant in any situation evolving martial arts, you really have to listen to people, try and judge what's going around you and may be even do a bit of research before you think upgrading about the club you are actually grading at.

Sensei Phil Knight comes to us from England, and we get into some great stuff. We talk about martial arts culture, including comic books and how they've had an effect on so many of us. Sensei Phil, as he asked me to call him, strikes me as a very thoughtful martial artist, and I think you'll agree with me. Let's welcome him to the show.

We recently upgraded our martial arts products website and it's time to tell the world! Now you can receive notifications when products come back in stock, keep items in your shopping cart and get to them later, and a lot more. Find our stuff at - and thanks for checking it out.

For full show notes and other episodes, please visit:

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