Thursday, April 28, 2016

Episode 79 - Everyone Needs Something to Call Their Own

Today's episode is very different. Over the last few months, we've bumped into a recurring theme from our guests. That theme being the support martial arts provided to them during difficult times, especially as children. I've been struggling with how to tell my piece of this story, and whether or not to even tell it. In the end, I felt it was important to share simply because it may help provide context to someone who hasn't experienced the same sense that I felt as a child - that many of our guests felt. It is my sincere hope that, as a result of this episode, some of us may become a bit more conscious of the need for everyone, especially children, to have something in their lives that they can feel joyful passion towards- whether that be martial arts or something else. I feel strongly that it is this sense of ownership - this sense of belonging - that can help everyone (again, especially children) traverse challenging times in their lives.

To put it another way, We all need something we can look to and claim as our own. To have an external manifestation of our identity. Whether that's martial arts or not, I don't think it matters. For me it was (and is) being a martial artist. If you know someone without that outlet - that passion they can identify with, please help them find it. It may be the most important thing you ever do for them.

Thank you for listening. ~jeremy

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Monday, April 25, 2016

Episode 78 - Sir Gemini Asonte

Today on Martial Arts Radio we have an interesting guest, unlike anyone we've had on before. Over the last 10-20 years, we've seen a growing diversity in the martial arts world. We can no longer consider martial arts to simply be the arts of Korea, Japan and China (as well as their derivatives). We now see arts coming out of nearly every country and region on the global stage. Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) is in that mix, too.

One of the challenges for these "other" arts is our ability, as a community that is mostly rooted in Asia, to understand them. Which is why today's guest is so exciting. Sir Gemini Asonte is not only a skilled practitioner of Historical European Martial Arts, but he has an extensive background in Asian martial arts, including taekwondo, various styles of karate, aikijutsu, boxing, savate... and more. This gives him context for what most of us, as Asian art practitioners, are thinking when we see someone engaged in HEMA.

[For the record, this is not meant to say that this show is only for those practicing Asian martial arts. It's just a question of numbers and, if we're honest, most martial artists today are practicing something from that region.]

Sir Gemini gives us a wonderful look inside his world and shows us that, while there are major differences, there's a lot more common ground than you may think. Listen as we get a glimpse into martial arts from a time and place that is very different from what most of us think about when we're practicing.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Episode 77 - Martial Arts Recovery & Rehab

On today's episode of Martial Arts Radio, we tackle the sensitive subject of handling the aches & pains that turn into worse problems. As martial artists, we're often taught to push through the pain, but that can have disastrous long term effects. We give you real strategies for preventing those injuries, recovering from everyday training and knowing when to take a step back or even get some help. It's a solid episode that tackles the challenges head on, but without any deep medical information. You won't be an expert after this episode, but you will be able to develop your own plan for getting the most out of your training, reducing the risk of injury and keeping your forward martial arts progress. Because after all, martial arts isn't just something you do when you're young, and we want to make sure you can train long into your old age. Thanks for listening, it's episode 77.


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Check out this episode!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Episode 76 - Sensei Jaredd Wilson

Today we get to talk to someone that, in some ways, is very much a mirror of myself. Sensei Jaredd Wilson is a martial artist with experience in Aikido, Silat and Kenjutsu, but he also hosts a podcast about the martial arts, called Martial Thoughts. And in a very new development, it looks like we'll be seeing him at the first-ever whistlekick Martial Arts Weekend in July, 2016.

We became friends over social media and decided it would be fun to have each other on as guests. We've done that and I really enjoyed my time talking with Sensei Wilson, both on his show and here, on Episode 76. Sensei Wilson has a strong love for the martial arts, martial arts culture and seems to genuinely believe, as many of our guests do, that there's nothing like martial arts training for developing better people and improving the world.

So check it out. ~jeremy


For full show notes and other episodes, please visit:

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Episode 75 - Avoiding Fights

On today's episode we offer up some strategies for avoiding fights, including creative situations for diffusing the situations that often lead to fights. This list is certainly not complete, but covers the  seven primary strategies for getting yourself out of a rough situation and avoiding combat altogether.

For full show notes and other episodes, please visit:

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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Episode 74 - Mr. Jeremiah Grossman

Today's episode features our first conversation with someone who trains primarily in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Mr. Jeremiah Grossman started his martial arts training in other styles but found his calling later when he switched. With the strong ties we often hear of between BJJ and mixed martial arts, you might go into this episode thinking we're going to have a wholly different conversation than normal. But we didn't. Mr. Grossman is every bit the martial artist that our other guests have been, and I really enjoyed our conversation. But enough of that, let's hear from our guest. ~jeremy


For full show notes and a lot more, please visit:

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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Episode 73 - Enter the Dragon (Movie Profile)

Welcome to the Martial Arts Radio profile of the classic martial arts movie, Enter the Dragon. On today's episode we talk about the history of the film, trivia and a lot more. Check it out - you'll be sure to know a lot more about this film than you did before.


For full show notes, lots of photos, fun videos and more, please visit:

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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Episode 72 - Grandmaster John Pellegrini

Grandmaster John Pellegrini is a well-known martial artist with a list of credentials and accolades that few will accomplish, in any industry. He's a sought-after seminar instructor and routinely travels around the world sharing his knowledge. Many of his seminar attendees have said he's a must-see, and it was one of those attendees that reached out and asked us to bring him on the show. We rarely resist a user suggestion for a guest, as you all have been so great with suggestions in the past.

As you might expect, pinning GM Pellegrini down for a conversation was challenging due to his extensive travel schedule. We had to book out much more in advance than we normally do, but it was well worth it. Here is a man who loves the martial arts, loves what it has done for him and is doing what he can to give back. He feels strongly, as most of the guests on our show do, that martial arts is something everyone should train in. Listen on for more of what he has to say, and enjoy.

PS - during our personal conversation after the episode, Grandmaster Pellegrini shared a bit that we tacked on at the end, so be sure to listen through the outro. ~jeremy

Today's featured product is our whistlekick Shin Guards.


For full show notes and other episodes, please visit

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