Monday, December 26, 2016

Episode 147 - Mr. Michael Staples

Mr. Michael Staples is a well-respected authority on Chinese martial arts, with several books to his credit. He's written about and studied Kung fu, White Crane and other styles with some of the American pioneers.

Mr. Michael Staples - Episode 147

...but Ron is like a ballet dancer. He's just snipping things left and right, he's not getting hit at all. He's being carried into unique angles. At one point he just kind of pops up in the air and flips around with the back of his head and just smacks Steve in the forehead.

We've been fortunate enough to have a number of guests on the show that have talked about the early days of martial arts in America. Today's guest brings us that perspective on the Chinese martial arts and his early days training in California. We hear several times how Mr. Michael Staples life was altered dramatically, and seemingly by forces beyond understanding. What you hear in today's episode is the story of someone who was destined to be the martial artist they became.

Our sparring helmets are the most comfortable head protection you'll ever wear in a martial arts class. If you don't like them, we'll give you your money back. With free shipping every day, there's no risk. Check them out at


For full show notes please visit:

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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Episode 146 - Zen in the Martial Arts

Zen in the Martial Arts is a classic martial art book written by Joe Hyams. It was recently selected as the #1 martial arts book by guests of this show.

Zen in the Martial Arts - Episode 146

You can read our post on the Top Ten Martial Arts Books as selected by our guests.

It’s time for episode 146 of whistlekick Martial Arts radio, and we’re going to talk about an amazing book that has come up in conversation a lot on this show – Zen in the Martial Arts. Not a reader? You should still stick around because this isn’t a book review.

Let me introduce myself. I'm whistlekick’s founder but I’m better known as your host on this show. My name is Jeremy Lesniak. whistlekick makes the best sparring gear you can get as well as some great apparel and accessories for practitioners and fans of traditional martial arts.  I'd like to welcome all of you new listeners and thank everyone that’s come back.

All our past episodes, show notes, and some other good stuff is at From that site, you can sign up for our newsletter, and I hope you do because we offer exclusive content to subscribers, discounts and it's the only place to find out about upcoming guests.

Today’s episode has a full transcript available on the website.

Short Summary of Zen in the Martial Arts

Zen in the Martial Arts, for all of the impact it has had on several generations of martial artists, is short. It’s 140 pages of a small book, and it’s not small font. That might make you think that it’s incomplete, or otherwise lacking, but that isn’t the case.

Reviews for the book continue nearly 40 years later, and on the popular book review sites, the poorest rating I could find was 4.1 out of 5. Amazon, which is known for having the most reviews, shows it as 4.6 of 5.

There are 28 chapters, each one with a title that seems ripped from a classic kung fu movie – Empty your cup, Active Inactvitiy, Extend Your Ki. The chapters are short, most around 5 or 6 pages, and begin with a relevant photo. Most end with a bit of wisdom, like this one: “Life unfolds on a great sheet called Time, and once finished it is gone forever.”

The book discusses some great names from our history, including Ed Parker & Bruce Lee. The chapters tell stories from the author’s time training.

About the Author of Zen in the Martial Arts

Joe Hyams, while beloved by martial artists for the book he wrote, was not best known as a martial artist or martial arts author. He was a writer, sure, but primarily a celebrity writer. During his career, he wrote or co-wrote books on Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Katharine Hepburn, Frank Sinatra and Chuck Norris.

He studied martial arts for more than 50 years. Beginning with fencing and then, through an introduction by music composer Bronislau Kaper, met Ed Parker. He became one of Parker’s first private students, then soon after, one of his first black belts.

He trained privately with Bruce Lee for two years and introduced him to Hollywood. Hyams was a big piece of Bruce Lee’s start in films. It’s hard to believe that as big of an impact as this book has had, Joe Hyams’ contributions to the martial arts community, via Bruce Lee, were so much greater.

He died in 2008 at age 85.

Why Zen in the Martial Arts is Special

Most martial arts books are about martial arts or some metaphysical subject. Often times they’re written by people who really know martial arts, but aren’t so good at writing.

Mr. Hyams was a writer and a skilled one at that. He wrote newspaper columns, books, movie scripts… Clearly a varied and masterful writer.

He was also very good at conveying his point simply, something that the very best martial artists seem able to do. This book is 140 pages because Mr. Hyams didn’t need more.

While it has a tremendous amount of martial arts content, it’s not a book exclusively for martial artists. According to Melissa Hyams, his wife at the time he passed in 2008, said the book “isn't really about martial arts. It's about life and philosophy, and how to turn a negative into a positive, how to defuse a situation by the way you handle it. That's what he'll most be remembered for."

To illustrate this, I’ll read to you one of the shortest chapters, “Anger without Action,” which is just over one page:

My History with Zen in the Martial Arts

I don’t remember when my Mother first picked up the book. I have vague memories of it being a gift, and it was likely a gift to her. She started training in 1985, so I’d guess it was in our home between 1985 and 1987. I would have been between 6 and 8, which seems about right.

It was always out. Sometimes on the coffee table, sometimes in the bathroom. It was the first nonchildren's book I read and it’s certainly the book I read most. I’d guess I’ve read it all the way through a dozen times.

It was the bits of wisdom that struck me most. I memorized them before I understood most of them, and as I grew up, life and martial arts showed me what these parables meant. “When you seek it, you cannot find it,” “The angry man will defeat himself in battle as well as in life,” and other sayings had a tremendous influence on me.

In fact, as I think back on my life and my time in the martial arts, behind my instructors and my Mother, this book was the third most influential element.

The copy I have now sits on my bookshelf, unread. Which is ironic and something I plan to change. I think it will end up in the same place in my home that it did when I was a child.

Wrapping Up

Have you, like many of our guests, read this classic? It’s still available in new copies, and it’s pretty inexpensive. You can find used copies for a few dollars, digital copies or audiobook versions if that’s your think. If you haven’t read it, you should.

I want to know what you think, and you can post your thoughts in the comments at the website - You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & Instagram – just search whistlekick. Or, just leave us a comment on the show notes page at

If you want to be a guest on the show or maybe you have an idea for a show topic, go ahead and fill out the form on the website. And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter so you can stay up on everything we do. You can learn more about our products at

That’s all for today. Until next time, Train hard, smile and have a great day.


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Monday, December 19, 2016

Episode 145 - Mr. Kevin Galloway

Mr. Kevin Galloway is a passionate martial arts instructor, school owner and tournament promoter. His stories show an immense dedication to the arts and his students.

Mr. Kevin Galloway - Episode 145

You can tell a real black belt. They don't get too excited, they don't get too low, don't get too high. But what they have is the confidence to resolve any conflict, up until, "I'm just going to walk away."

Way back on Episode 31 we had the chance to hear from a good friend of the show, Mr. Cory Rose. Since then he's been every bit as good of a friend, and today's guest comes from that friendship. Mr. Kevin Galloway is a longtime practitioner of both karate and taekwondo, now operating a school and hosting a competition in Oklahoma.

Mr. Galloway opens up about life, his family, his students and what makes a good instructor. The stories range from the emotional to the humorous, and you'll probably find yourself laughing along - and maybe even tearing up.

Today we're announcing a brand new colorway for our gear - Horizon. This is our first colorway using our exclusive UniqueDip color process, which guarantees that every single piece of gear is a little different from the rest, just as you are. Horizon is a slick blue and white blend that is sure to be a hit. Read more at the official announcement, here. Check it out, or the rest of our colors, at

For full show notes, please visit:

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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Episode 144 - Difficult Students

Conversation and Strategies on Handling Challenging Martial Arts Students - Adults & Children

Difficult Students - Episode 144

Today's episode is completely off the cuff - no notes, no transcript no guest - just host Jeremy giving you his thoughts on handling challenging individuals in your martial arts school. These tips apply whether you're an instructor, school owner or student. Thanks for listening.

Check out this episode!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Episode 143 - Mrs. April Pettengill

Mrs. April Pettengill is an ITF Taekwondo practitioner & school owner from Northern Vermont who started training later in life.

Mrs. April Pettengill - Episode 143

The whole idea that you learn in martial arts, that you have integrity, and you do what you have to do and take responsibility for that, that...that's a big deal.

Mrs. April Pettengill is not our typical guest. While she's a passionate martial artist, like everyone that comes on the show, she's not a lifelong practitioner. In her own words, she came to taekwondo later in life and originally didn't think it was for her. As time passed she realized that she'd found her calling, eventually taking over her instructor's school. She now teaches adults and children and seems to enjoy every minute of it.

Today's product of note is our super-comfy sweatpants - Cloud9. Check 'em out!

For full show notes and other episodes, please visit:


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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Episode 142 - James Mitose (Profile)

James Mitose (Profile) - Episode 142

It’s time for episode 142 of whistlekick Martial Arts radio, and we’re going to profile a man who’s come up in several conversations over the last few months, James Mitose.

Let me introduce myself. I'm whistlekick’s founder but I’m better known as your host on this show. My name is Jeremy Lesniak. whistlekick makes the best sparring gear you can buy as well as some great apparel and accessories for practitioners and fans of traditional martial arts.  I'd like to welcome all of you new listeners and thank everyone that’s come back.

All our past episodes, show notes, and some other good stuff is at From that site, you can sign up for our newsletter, and I hope you do because we offer exclusive content to subscribers, discounts and it's the only place to find out about upcoming guests. Today’s episode has a full transcript and some old photos of our subject.

For transcript, photos, show notes & more, please visit:

Check out this episode!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Episode 141 - Grandmaster Rick Alemany

Grandmaster Rick Alemany is a prominent figure in the world of American Kenpo Karate.

Grandmaster Rick Alemany - Episode 141

"I just set a goal that I wanted to be the best that I could be."

It was from the efforts of two past guests that we get to hear from Grandmaster Rick Alemany today. Both Professor Brannon Beliso and Mr. Daniel Hartz coordinated with each other and with our guest. They then reached out to us to coordinate it. Personally, I'm glad they did, because I truly enjoyed my conversations with him. Prior to the episode recording, I had a few calls with him, to coordinate schedule and talk about the show. Each time I came away feeling that this man is someone special, and someone I was honored to speak with. I hope that you enjoy hearing what he says and that your reaction is as positive.


For full show notes and other episodes, please visit:

Check out this episode!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Episode 140 - Self-Defense Tools

...That doesn’t mean the training of weapons is only for practical purposes, but for this episode, we are going to limit the conversation to that. We’re actually going to restrict our conversation to non-obvious self-defense tools, which excludes firearms, stun guns and pepper sprays. While these are great tools, and I carry two of the three often, they’re definitely weapons. It’s hard to claim otherwise, which makes them a bit less appropriate for a martial arts conversation.


For a full transcript, photos & show notes, please visit:

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Monday, November 28, 2016

Episode 139 - Conversations with Master Brendan Goodall

Past guest Master Brendan Goodall returned to chat with Jeremy about a variety of martial arts topics.

Conversations with Master Brendan Goodall - Episode 139

For today's episode I had a chat with Master Goodall as we drove out to evening plans on Thanksgiving Day. We talk about a variety of martial arts subjects from motivation to instruction, to working with kids. You can check out our previous episode with Master Brendan Goodall, all the way back on Episode 10.

Check out the show notes at

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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Episode 138 - Martial Arts Family

We're all part of a martial arts family, simply by sharing the common bond of training for self-improvement.

Martial Arts Family - Episode 138

For a full transcript and other episodes, please visit

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Monday, November 21, 2016

Episode 137 - Sensei Brandon Benenati

Sensei Brandon Benenati - Episode 137

I've known Sensei Brandon Benenati for a couple years, first introduced to him by Master Adam Grogin, from all the way back on episode 5. I had the chance to attend 2015's Super Summer Seminars with him and really enjoyed his personality and approach to martial arts. He's a dedicated, passionate martial artist who truly enjoys his life - and his training.

On today' episode, we talk about where he's come from, where he's headed, and why martial arts continues as something he's pursuing.

Our featured product today is our Original Sparring Gloves - the lightest, most durable (and comfortable!) sparring glove you can get your hands on. (Get it!) Available in several colors, find them over at

For more show notes and other episodes, please visit:

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Monday, November 14, 2016

Episode 136 - Sensei Katie Jordan

Sensei Katie Jordan is a Shotokan karate practitioner from Maine, now living in Massachusetts.

Sensei Katie Jordan - Episode 136

I really think competition makes people better. You see different fighters, you see different styles, you see what works for people and what doesn't.

I first met Sensei Katie Jordan in 2015 at a competition. Since that time I've had the opportunity to watch her referee, compete and otherwise embody martial arts. Sensei Jordan is a woman who had dedicated her life to martial arts training, and that dedication shows. On today's episode, we hear about her deep love for the arts, for her instructor and for the many people she's met along the way. What we hear today is insight and passion that shows a tremendous level of maturity. Enjoy.

Did you know all whistlekick products ship for free from Every single item you buy comes with free shipping - even exchanges. That means that even if you get the wrong size or color, we'll send you a replacement for free. We want to be sure that you love your whistlekick stuff, and free shipping makes it easier to love. Check out everything we have today at

For the rest of the show notes and other episodes, please visit:

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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Episode 135 - Women in Martial Arts

Most of our guests are men, it's true. Some have even accused the martial arts realm of being inherently sexist. We talk about this and more today.

Women in Martial Arts - Episode 135

On today's episode, we discuss why there are so few women on the show, sexism, the case against mandatory white training pants and a lot more. While this episode is not the grand conversation of women's issues in martial arts that we hope to have, it is the primer to set the stage for that conversation. 


Check out this episode!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Episode 134 - Kyoshi Jose Dimacali

Kyoshi Jose Dimacali - Episode 134

I'm not your friend, I say. I'm better than your friend - I'm your instructor. Because friends sometimes steer you the wrong way. Instructors are going to try to bring you to the right path.

I first met Kyoshi Jose Dimacali in 2015 at the Twin State Martial Arts Championships. We were still offering the 60-Second Pushup Challenge, and Kyoshi was encouraged to participate by his instructor, Hanshi Richard Bernard. He absolutely dominated the men's division that day (74), and it was one of the few times that Hanshi Bernard didn't take away the victory.

However, that was not the first time I had heard of Kyoshi. People spoke very highly of his skill and his dominance when it came to his forms performances. Over the next year, I had the opportunity to speak with him several times and I realized that not only is Kyoshi Dimacali an excellent competitor, but an excellent martial artist and a great person. Today's episode solidifies my opinions of him as he tells an emotional tale of martial arts, family, and motivation. I hope you enjoy it.


Today's featured product is our pullover sweatshirt. Available in 5 colors, these cotton-blend hoodies hold up amazingly well and keep you cozy whether it's a bit chilly at the house or help you warm up before training. Find them at

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Monday, October 31, 2016

Episode 132 - Mr. Daniel Hartz

Mr. Daniel Hartz - Episode 131

Daniel Hartz Earl Smith
Mr. Hartz just after having Sensei Smith demonstrate a choke. Wearing a NoSweat Tee.

You may recognize the name of today's guest from his appearance on Episode 100. Mr. Daniel Hartz was the interviewer for my episode of the show, and it's been an honor to have him back for his turn at the table. While there are no firm rules about who we have on the show, we generally only extend the invitation to black belts. Mr. Hartz recently earned his black belt at a weekend-long testing ceremony I was fortunate enough to participate in.

On today's episode, we learn a lot about not only Mr. Hartz, but about what it is that draws people to martial arts and keeps them there. As a recent black belt, Mr. Hartz doesn't have the decades of training many of our guests do, which gives him a different perspective on training. He's very open about himself and his love for the arts, which I suspect will resonate for most listeners. It certainly did for me.


Today's featured product is our polyester, base-layer shirt - NoSweat. They come in a variety of bright colors as well as traditional colors, like black, white & gray, which are great for wearing under your uniform while training. They help keep you more comfortable by wicking the sweat from your skin and letting it evaporate. Get yours at

For full show notes and other episodes, please visit:

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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Episode 131 - Martial Arts Etiquette

On today's episode, we discuss the important of etiquette in a martial arts class. We also tackle how to handle attending class with a different group of people, where martial arts etiquette might be different.

Martial Arts Etiquette - Episode 131

For a full transcript and other episodes, please visit:

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Monday, October 24, 2016

Episode 130 - Sensei Fumio Demura (Interview)

On episode 107 we released a profile of Sensei Fumio Demura. After several conversations with people that knew Sensei, it didn't seem likely that we'd be able to have him on the show. It's no secret that his health isn't great and, despite that, he's still very busy. So we went ahead and released our profile episode to honor him and all of his accomplishments. He's certainly a figure that martial artists should know.

From that episode, the folks at The Real Miyagi, the documentary outlining Sensei's life, reached out to us. After some back and forth they were able to put us in touch with Demura Sensei by email... and the rest is (now) history. What follows is an uncut discussion between Sensei Fumio Demura and host Jeremy Lesniak.


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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Episode 129 - Dealing with Setbacks

Advice on how to handle martial arts related setbacks.

Dealing with Setbacks - Episode 129

For more episodes, and a full transcript, please visit:

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Monday, October 17, 2016

Episode 128 - Renshi Lisa Magiera

But that front kick that's done on a bag isn't truly owned by the student until they're in a free-thinking, sparring situation and they see the opening and they're like "Oh, now it's time for a front kick."

Renshi Lisa Magiera occupies an interesting place in the martial arts world, at least for listeners to this show. Over the episodes, we've spoken of various guests in a familial sense, as they tie to my place in the martial arts world. We've heard from older siblings, Uncles, and others. Renshi Lisa Magiera is best described as my sister.

Just a short time after I left Maine for College, Renshi moved to the area and starting training at the karate school I grew up in. She ultimately purchased it and continues to operate it today. She learned the same things by the same people, and we have many things in common because of that. Interestingly, we had very little overlap as my College visits to home rarely involved martial arts, as I was there for holidays and weekends. We've built a strong friendship over the last few years, though.

This episode is a lot of fun, for both of us, and hopefully, everyone else enjoys it, too.


Today's whistlekick product of note is our shin guards - pre-formed to the shape of your shin, comfortable, double-layered and very easy to clean. Check them out at or on Amazon.


For full show notes and other episodes, please visit:

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Monday, October 10, 2016

Episode 126 - Mr. Dale Frye

Mr. Dale Frye, aka "Sunshine," is a world champion kickboxer turned actor and stuntman.

Mr. Dale Frye - Episode 126

I said, wait a minute. We just sat here and beat on each other for six rounds, and it was fun. And it's like, maybe we need to be looked at or something.

Mr Dale Frye has done a lot. From winning world-titles in kickboxing to an acting resume that's been impressive for decades. Whether it's kicks or stunts or acting, Mr. Frye, also known by his fighting name, Sunshine, has left his mark. We had a good chat and I think you'll enjoy it.  Let's welcome him to the show.

Today we're featuring our awesomely-comfortable sweatpants. They're perfect for anyone that has legs and gets cold. Available at




For full show notes, please visit:


Dale Frye

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Monday, October 3, 2016

Episode 124 - Shihan Grant Campbell

I first met Shihan Grant Campbell during the March 2016 Superfoot black belt gathering in Florida. It was during this same assembly that I met Kyoshi Kevin Hudson, and, of course, Sensei Terry Dow and Bill Wallace were there. I met a lot of people that weekend, and everyone was very skilled, and a great person to work with. There was one person, though, that stood out for me in the way he helped me through that weekend.

We've all worked with martial arts practitioners that seem to understand us, to know our journey, and to make us better. Shihan Campbell was that person for me, at least on that weekend. I enjoyed his help with the physical aspects of our training, but also really appreciated his humor and stories during meals and downtime. I knew that he was someone we needed to have on the show.

The scheduling took some time, as he's very busy with training, teaching, and travelling, but we made it happen. Listen in, you'll see that it was worth the wait.

Today's featured whistlekick product is our full line of shirts. Quite a few different styles to choose from, including large and youth sizes. With something for everyone, there's no reason not to have a few whistlekick shirts in your drawer or closet.


For full show notes and other episodes, please visit:

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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Episode 123 - Jean-Claude Van Damme (Profile)

What are you doing? I know what you’re doing. You’re getting ready to listen to today’s episode of Martial Arts Radio. Well, here we are. Episode 123 is coming at you in just a moment, and it’s all about Jean-Claude Van Damme.

I'm whistlekick’s founder but I’m better known as your host, Jeremy Lesniak. whistlekick, if you don’t know, makes the absolute best sparring gear, apparel and accessories for practitioners and fans of traditional martial arts.  I'd like to welcome all of our new listeners and thank everyone that’s come back again.

All of our past podcast episodes, show notes and a lot more are at From that site you can sign up for our newsletter, and I really think you should, because we offer exclusive content to subscribers, discounts and it's the only place to find out about upcoming guests.

When we take a look at our sales, we’re seeing a lot of our sparring helmets go out to people that do MMA, kickboxing and other sports that are really outside traditional martial arts. Why? Probably because there’s nothing more comfortable and protective than a whistlekick helmet. Just like the rest of our gear, it holds up amazingly well. Check them out at


For a full transcript, photos and other show notes, please visit:

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Episode 122 - Renshi Craig Sargent

Renshi Craig Sargent - Episode 122

Over the last year and a half, there have been guests that I've wanted to get to know better. I've known today's guest for a few years, and despite quite a few conversations, I felt like there was a lot more than I knew. It wasn't more than 15 minutes into today's episode before I realized my instincts were correct- Renshi Craig Sargent had a lot more to say than I'd heard during our brief talks.

Right from the beginning, he opens up, and he takes us on a ride like few have with this show. I can say I know Renshi Sargent much better, now, and I look forward to seeing him more at tournaments and other events.

Today's featured product is our brand new Pro Hoodie. Comfortable, lightweight polyester fleece with a colorful logo and a little something extra in the hood. Find them on

For full show notes, please visit:

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Episode 121 - Question & Answer #1

On today's episode we answer four burning questions submitted by the audience.

Question & Answer #1 - Episode 121

Today’s episode will be a bit different- because we’re always trying to change things up and bring you some variety. If you follow us on social media, you know we ask a lot of questions – because we want to know what you think about things.

But through those questions comes conversation, and questions coming back to us. And today we’re going to answer some of the questions that you’ve written in. If you like this show and want to see more of this format, let us know and, ideally, send in a question yourself.

Here are the questions we tackle on today's episode:

Q: What do you think Bruce Lee’s career would have looked like if he was alive today?

Q: I’m 18 and love martial arts. I’ve been training since I was 9 but now I’m at college and don’t have very many options to continue my training. There’s a martial arts club on campus but it’s very different from what I’m used to. I’m missing my dojo back home but it’s too far to drive. What should I do?

Q: How long should I stop training if I become injured? I’ve recently messed up my shoulder and it’s getting better, but I really miss my training. Can I just go in and take it easy?

Q: If you had to spend the next year training alone with only one famous martial artist or actor, who would it be?

On today's episode, we mentioned our episode on Martial Arts training in a car, Episode 95.

Check out this episode!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Episode 120 - Hanshi Bruce Juchnik

Hanshi Bruce Juchnik is a living encyclopedia. When you talk about the most famous martial artists - Joe Lewis, Robert Trias, Chuck Norris, Bill Wallace, James Mitose - he's right there in the mix. In some of the stories, he's on the fringes, but can tell you about the major players and what really happened. In others, he takes center stage and helps connect the dots on some of the most important elements of our past.

And history is very important to Hanshi Juchnik. He knows where he came from and he believes you should, too. As important as punching and kicking is, that's how important knowing your lineage is to Hanshi Bruce Juchnik. It was a pleasure to have him on the show and connect many of the different stories we've already heard, as well as point us in the direction of some guests we'll be having on in the future.

Today's featured product is our best seller - our sparring boots. No toe strap, double reinforcement, extra ventilation, durable materials, comfortable design... if you're used to other foam sparring boots, you'll be shocked at how much better these are.

For full show notes and other episodes, please visit:

Check out this episode!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Episode 119 - Group Chat: McDojos

McDojos, and all that they mean to the martial arts community, are the topic of conversation today on our first-ever group chat.

Group Chat: McDojos - Episode 119

Today's episode is a bit different - it's our first group conversation. A few weeks ago, we were approached by Sensei Robert Ingram. Sensei Ingram is the man behind the McDojo Life brand. McDojo Life is a martial arts entertainment group that brings you humorous martial arts content. Most of their content is published through social media. McDojo Life has quite a large following, and for good reason - their stuff is funny!

We also brought back a past guest, whistlekick's good friend & host of the Martial Thoughts podcast, Sensei Jaredd Wilson. Jeremy joins the two of them to discuss McDojos, integrity in martial arts instruction and instructors and a lot more.

For those unfamiliar with the term, a McDojo is a derogatory term that refers to a martial arts school that doesn't live up to the standards others set. It's completely subjective, and we discuss that as part of the show. We had a great conversation and all three of us enjoyed the time together. If you like this format, please let us know and we'll look at doing more of them. Thanks for listening and have an amazing day! 

During the episode, we talked about Episode 69, our episode where we talk about martial arts instructors & integrity.

On today's episode, we reference the Redneck Jiu Jitsu YouTube Channel

For More Information on Sensei Ingram and McDojo Life

You can find McDojo Life on Instagram, YouTubeFacebook & Twitter. Soon, the website will be active.

For More Information on Sensei Jaredd Wilson and Martial Thoughts

You can find Sensei Jaredd Wilson on Episode 76, his previous podcast appearance.
You can find the Martial Thoughts podcast here, website.

Check out this episode!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Episode 118 - Kancho Matt Brown

I first met Kancho Brown at a multi-instructor seminar in early summer of 2016. I was impressed with his skill, but more so his personality. We quickly became friends and I found myself thrilled at his stories and sense of humor. I knew he was someone that needed to come on the show, and we spent a few months coordinating schedules... BUT... he's here now and it's time for his tales. Let's welcome him to the show.

Today's featured product is our premium sparring glove - the best foam sparring glove available. Check them out, and all of our products, at


For full show notes and other episodes, please check out:

Check out this episode!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Episode 117 - Tony Jaa (Profile)

Hi. Guess what? It’s time for another episode of whistlekick Martial Arts Radio, and this is episode 117, and it’s our long-awaited profile of the amazing Tony Jaa.

I'm whistlekick’s founder but I’m better known as your host, Jeremy Lesniak. whistlekick, if you don’t know, makes the absolute best sparring gear, apparel and accessories for practitioners and fans of traditional martial arts.  I'd like to welcome the new listeners and thank everyone that’s come back again.

All of our past podcast episodes, show notes and a lot more are at From that site you can sign up for our newsletter, and I really suggest you do so, because we offer exclusive content to subscribers, discounts and it's the only place to find out about upcoming guests.

You’ve probably heard me talk about our sparring gear before. Heck, it’s the whole reason I founded whistlekick. But what you may not know, unless you’re subscribing to the newsletter (hint-hint!) is that we now have our top-notch sparring gear in a brand new color. Blue! It’s an awesome blue, and the gear looks incredible. Check it out at

So, today we’re talking about Tony Jaa. When his name pops up, people think about the Ong Bak movies and his unique martial arts choreography. But how did he get started? What makes him tick? Well, I’ll tell you.

For full show notes, including photos, videos and the rest of the episode transcript, please visit:

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Episode 116 - Mestre Efraim Silva

As with a number of our guests, it was from a news article that we first learned of Mestre Efraim Silva. Native to Brazil, Mestre Silva has been living in Connecticut for a number of years and has been spreading Capoeira throughout New England via his school. It took us some time to find a day to record as he's very much in demand teaching seminars throughout the United States.

It was, to be blunt, very much worth the wait. Mestre Efraim talks of his early challenges in Brazil, his struggles to open a school here in the US and the positive changes he has had in the lives of his students. It's a powerful episode and one that may leave you feeling inspired and, at times, overwhelmed. It certainly did for me. Enjoy.


Today's featured product is our full line of things to go on your head. Winter hats, ball caps - there's something for everyone. You can check out all of our hats at


For full show notes and other episodes please visit:

Check out this episode!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Episode 115 - Money & Martial Arts Competition

You’ve probably heard me mention our line of NoSweat shirts before. Super lightweight, incredibly comfortable, these go great under your uniform – and we carry black, white and gray just for that purpose – as well as any other time you want a comfortable, lightweight tee. You can also find them in red, blue, green and a few other colors. Check them out at

We’ve talked on this show about competition and its role in martial arts. We ask our guests about their competitive experience and we’ve even done full episodes on martial arts tournaments.

One of the things I’ve seen lately on social media revolves around criticism of the way money is handed out at competitions. Some are calling for equal payouts for men’s and women’s divisions. Others are calling for parity between the adult and senior divisions.

Money is, of course, important. While I would agree with the adage, “money doesn’t buy happiness,” it’s hard to be happy when you don’t have any. Let’s explore the ties between money and competitive martial arts.

Check out this episode!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Episode 114 - Mr. Gershon Ben Keren

Mr. Gershon Ben Keren is a Krav Maga instructor, author and school owner.

Mr. Gershon Gen Keren - Episode 114

It really doesn't matter how you solve that problem, whether you solve that problem by picking up an improvised weapon, whether you solve that problem through de-escalation or you solve it through disengagement.

Gershon Ben KerenFrequent listeners know that we try to bring on people from different martial arts. It's important to be a well-rounded martial artist, and part of that involves learning about the different perspectives that different martial artists have - especially those that train in less-common arts. While we've had a few guests on the show that trained in Krav Maga, none of them have defined themselves as Krav Maga practitioners. And until recently, I wasn't even aware of how old Krav Maga was. So, when Mr. Gershon Ben Keren came to my attention as Krav Maga practitioner who started training long before the current wave, he seemed the perfect candidate to have on the show.

While Mr. Ben Keren isn't here to represent Krav Maga, being the first person steeped in that art on the show carried a bit of responsibility with it. I was very honest with him of this, but also let him know that the episode was about him and not his chosen art. I think we both did a good job of placing him first but also giving you some information on the history of the style, which was important in giving you context for our guest.

I really enjoyed getting to know Mr. Ben Keren, and with his school only a few hours away, it's just a matter of time before I pop by for a visit. Let's welcome him to the show.

karate shin guards
whistlekick Shin Guards

Today's featured product is our shin guard - without a doubt the best foam shin guards available. Double-thick, extra reinforced, super-durable and an ergonomic, comfortable shape. If you like your shins without bruises, these are the best option. Find them on our website or at Amazon.

For show notes and other episodes, please visit:


Check out this episode!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Episode 113 - Different Training Environments

Martial arts training in different locations - and different types of locations - can yield strong benefits.

Different Training Environments - Episode 113

Show transcript below.

What is up everyone? It’s time for another episode of whistlekick Martial Arts Radio, and here we are with episode 113. And today we’re going to talk about training in different environments.

I'm whistlekick’s founder but I’m better known as your host, Jeremy Lesniak. whistlekick, if you don’t know, makes the absolute best sparring gear, apparel, and accessories for practitioners and fans of traditional martial arts.  I'd like to welcome the new listeners and thank everyone that’s come back again.

All of our past podcast episodes, show notes and a lot more are at From that site, you can sign up for our newsletter, and I really suggest you do so, because we offer exclusive content to subscribers, discounts and it's the only place to find out about upcoming guests.

whistlekick-sweatpantsAs the weather starts cooling, you might be in the market for something warmer – whether you’re headed to training, the gym or just looking for something comfortable, our sweatpants are it. Seriously, people love these things. I have a few pairs and through the winter months, they’re pretty much all I wear.

Let’s talk about your training. Specifically, where you train. If you’re like me, like most people, the vast majority of your training is at your dojo, dojang, academy, training hall or whatever you call it at your school. You might have mats or a hardwood floor. But the surface probably doesn’t change. The lighting is probably the same and if you’re like most schools, you always face the same direction.

For some martial artists, this routine can pose a problem. It really comes down to two things – engagement and practicality.

By engagement, I mean that your surroundings have a lot to do with the energy you invest to your training. Different people, different locations and different sights, sounds and smells seem to wake people up and inspire them to train harder.

By practicality, I mean that we adapt to our surroundings and aren’t quite as adept at taking action in strange environments. This doesn’t just go for martial arts, but for anything. It’s not a martial arts problem, it’s a human being problem.

Let’s talk about the engagement challenge first. If you’ve been listening to the show you know that I’m an advocate for training with different instructors, attending seminars and otherwise varying your education. Of course, that will require you to go to different places and you’ll learn differently because of those environments, but what about the rest of the time?

One of the most interesting things I ever saw in a martial arts class was when an instructor had a kid’s class turn 90 degrees and face a different wall. It was like a different group of children. They were suddenly attentive, powerful and really invested in the class.

About 10 minutes later, as the energy level waned, the instructor did it again. Sure, there was likely some benefit from the small break the kids had, but I have no doubt that looking at a different wall was enough to wake up the children’s senses. In fact, I’ve done this myself when I teach children, and even adults, if they seem to be fading.

There are other ways to up the engagement in your regular-old training facility. Changing the lighting can be huge. Adding a colored light or turning off some of the lights completely changes the space. Drawing the shades, kicking parents and visitors out for just one night, and even putting sunglasses on everyone can make a huge impact. Anything that alters the sensory input will prompt a response. The longer someone has been training, chances are, the stronger the response.

Let’s talk about the actual physical space now. You can change it all you want, but at some point, you have to consider that it’s exactly the same space. There’s benefit to training outside that space as we’ve already discussed.

Where, though, can and should you train?

If you want to freak out a younger or newer student, take them to a crowded park and ask them to do a form. Chances are, they’ll panic. Will they panic if they’re attacked in that same place? Chances are they’ll be more willing to use their skills, but that anxiety that comes up from people watching them is still important to address.

Training outside, in different weather conditions, with strangers watching, adds a whole new dynamic to training. If you’ve ever been part of a demonstration, you’ve probably witnessed this whether you realized it or not. People act differently in different environments. Some people seem to draw strength from training in a wooded environment, others do better during a beach training.

My challenge to you is to go out and try training in different environments. In fact, I’m going to give you a checklist right now and I’d urge you to try checking them off in the next month. Even for 15 minutes, try practicing in your car, in a public park, in the woods, at the beach or a pool, in front of your house, in your bedroom and on top of something high-up like a tall building. Try and do at least one of these at night, one during a good rainstorm, one while it’s hot and another while cold. Be present during your training and see what you observe. There are lessons to be learned from each of these and all of them make you a better martial artist.

The elements and locations that you find most challenging are the ones that will yield the greatest benefits if your practice embraces them.

I’d love to see photos of listeners training outside, training in the rain or in other non-conventional places. Do you have a favorite location to train outside of your school? Where is it and why do you like it? Whatever your comments, let us know. You can comment on the show notes at or on social media - we're on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & Instagram - all with the username whistlekick.

If you want to be a guest on the show or maybe you have an idea for a show topic, go ahead and fill out the form on the website. And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter so you can stay up on everything we do. You can learn more about our products at, like all of our great shirts, and you can check out our awesome line of sparring gear there or on Amazon.

That’s all for today, so, until next time, Train hard, smile and have a great day.


Check out this episode!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Episode 112 - Kyoshi Kevin Hudson

It was during my time at the Superfoot camp in Florida in March of 2016 that I first met Kyoshi Kevin Hudson. A tall man with a southern accent and a constant smile, he quickly became one of my favorite people I met that weekend. He quickly showed himself to be a skilled and passionate martial artist, which are the two primary criteria for coming on this show. It took a little bit of time to make the scheduling work, but it was worth the wait.

This episode is one where we hear a lot about Kyoshi Hudson's love- not just for Martial Arts, but for people & for life in general. It's hard not to feel good after speaking with him, and that comes through in this episode. Enjoy.


Today's featured products are our sweatshirts - pullovers and zip-ups available. Comfortable, stylish, cozy. What else could you ask for?


For full show notes and other episodes, please visit

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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Episode 111 - Karate in the Olympics

Karate will be in the Olympics in 2020 in Tokyo, Japan. Let's talk about what that means to the martial arts.

During the show we reference the following websites.

Official Tokyo 2020 Olympic Page on Karate -

Official World Karate Federation (WKF) rules -

Black Belt Magazine pieces on how the Olympics have impacted Judo and Taekwondo

Today's featured product is our line of tee shirts. Check them out at our online martial arts store.

For more information, other episodes, an episode transcript and a lot more, please visit:

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Monday, August 15, 2016

Episode 110 - Mr. Simon Scher

We love guest suggestions from the audience. So when one of our listeners suggested Mr. Simon Scher as a guest, it didn't take long for us to realize we had been missing out in not inviting this impressive man on the show.

Once we realized he was only a few hours away from HQ, we ended up attending a Superfoot seminar together and even have some collaborations in the works. Mr. Scher is well known for his prolific social media releases, including photos and video of him kicking everything in sight. He's a kind and thoughtful man, with a great sense of humor.

Enjoy the episode and when you're done, check out some of his videos. They're well done and entertaining. While he does have a Taekwondo background, his instruction offers something for people of all arts. Personally, I've found Mr. Scher to be a great guy and I'm looking forward to more collaborations with him in the future. ~jeremy

Today's featured whistlekick product is our sparring helmet. Our helmet is much more flexible than other brands, which means it's more comfortable to wear. Adequate ventilation means less sweat, too. Check them out on our website.


For show notes please visit:

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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Episode 109 - whistlekick Update Show

There’s nothing fancy or special about today’s episode – but it is the first episode where we’ve told you what’s going on at whistlekick behind the scenes. Like this episode? Hate it? Let us know. It will help us determine whether to do it again. Thanks for listening!

Check out this episode!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Episode 108 - Mr. Tony Blauer - Part 2

This is part 2 of our episode with Mr. Tony Blauer. Please listen to part 1 first.

Check out this episode!

Episode 108 - Mr. Tony Blauer - Part 1

Mr. Tony Blauer is here to upset the apple cart a bit. Some will claim he's not a martial artist, but if you check our definition of a martial artist, you'll see that he certainly is. What Mr. Blauer has done exceptionally well throughout his career is look at martial arts, combat, and self-defense in a different way. He's not someone who will simply accept the words of another. That's not to say he's not respectful, but he challenges convention when he sees it to be appropriate. In a sense, he's a martial arts researcher.

What follows is our longest show yet. Mr. Blauer gave an incredible amount of his time and geared the conversation to our audience - traditional martial arts & martial artists. You may love this episode, which has been split into two parts, or you may hate it. Regardless, you're going to think about martial arts, your training, self-defense and more. Our intention in bringing you this episode is not to steer you to sign up for anything from anyone. (Disclosure: we have never, and will never, taken any financial incentives from guests for them coming on the show.) Our intention is that you listen, consider Mr. Blauer's words, and look at your life and your training.

For the clean version of this episode, please visit:

Today's featured whistlekick product is our sparring boots. With sizes from the smallest child to the biggest bigfoot, we have something for you. No toe strap, excellent reinforcement, and far better materials than what you're used to. These are the most durable, comfortable foam sparring boots you've ever used.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Episode 107 - Fumio Demura (Profile)

Not long after moving the US Demura got a gig doing martial arts demonstrations at the Japanese Deer Park, a local attraction in California. The shows were different from martial arts demonstrations of the day, which showcased martial artists coming close but not making contact. Demura’s demonstrations featured people reacting to this near contact, making it look like a fight. While there were likely others offering demonstrations this way, these demos at the Deer Park were certainly popularized by Fumio Demura and he’s sometimes credited with developing the method.

He was the stunt double for Pat Morita, who played Miyagi, in the karate kid movies. It was Chuck Norris who introduced Demura to the production people for The Karate Kid. He was originally intended to be Miyagi, but he knew his English wasn’t good enough. From there he became the stunt double.

 It’s hard to talk about Fumio Demura without mentioning the amazing movie from 2015, The Real Miyagi. What started as a crowdfunding project really turned into an amazing film. It’s a well-done documentary on the life of Shihan Demura and it’s available on Netflix as well as DVD. The cast is a who’s who of martial artists and martial arts actors, including Billy Blanks, Pat Johnson, Dolph Lundgren, Pat Morita, Christine Bannon Rodriguez, Steven Seagal, Bill Wallace, Michael Jai White and many more.

Check out this episode!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Episode 106 - Mr. Alex Gillis

Over the course of this show, we've had a few trends with mentions of movies & actors. But when it comes to books, there are only a few we've heard about consistently. Joe Hyams Zen in the Martial Arts, Miyamoto Musashi's The Book of Five Rings and Alex Gillis's A Killing Art. The first two authors have passed away, but Mr. Gillis is alive and well, so we invited him to come on the show.

You can learn a lot about Mr. Gillis from the way he wrote the book, and you can learn about the book from our conversation with the man. Thoughtful, thorough and dedicated are words that you can use to describe either.

For full show notes, please visit:

If you're a hat person, you need a whistlekick hat. There's really no other way to put it. We have a few different styles of both baseball cap-style hats as well as winter beanies. Check them out at the website,

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Episode 105 - Helping People Find the Right Martial Arts School

Lately, I’ve been noticing something that’s really starting to irritate me. Someone will mention their desire to explore martial arts, usually on social media. What comes back is a barrage of “my school is best” and “my art is best” posts.

Now, we’ve talked a lot about that but when we talk about it in the context of a potential martial artist, all we’re doing is turning them off from ever training. See, people don’t like to make bad decisions. And if multiple people that they respect offer contradictory opinions… they’re likely to make no choice.

And if you’ve been listening to the show for a while, you know that one of our goals here at whistlekick is to get more people to train. After all, martial artists make the world a better place.

So it really does all of us a disservice to answer that question – What martial art should I do – with such a direct answer. If you sold cars, houses or even cheese – would you even answer the question, what car, house or cheese should I get?

Of course not. You’d ask questions. In sales, they’re called qualifying questions. And guess what? If you’re even thinking of answering the question, you’re a sales person. And you have a duty to the person asking the question, the people you train with and the martial arts community as a whole to help them correctly.

Just as you shouldn’t teach at a martial arts school if you’re not willing to give your students the best instruction you can, you shouldn’t engage with someone on the question of what art to take.

Let’s now go through the questions you should be asking and how to handle this whole situation.

For full show notes, please visit:


If you’re involved in a school that spars, chances are you’ve clashed shins with someone. Man, does that hurt. There are plenty of shin guards on the market, but ours are the only ones that are comfortable to wear, light-weight, double reinforced and actually shaped to fit your shin. When I’m at events I demo them by shin kicking door frames. Seriously, these things are great. You can learn more at



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Monday, July 25, 2016

Episode 104 - Sensei Ashida Kim

Today's episode is with well-known martial artist and ninjitsu practitioner Sensei Ashida Kim. While I had heard his name before, I'll confess that I didn't know a lot about him. When a past guest suggested he would be someone good to speak with, I did a bit of research and found that this man's resume is pretty incredible. While much of the writings on the internet about Sensei Kim are very strongly opinionated - both in his favor and not - I was more concerned with his stories. As we always do on the show, we give our guests the opportunity to speak freely and talk about that which they want to. That's exactly what we did here - and it's a great episode.

Sensei Kim is a prolific author and has written a number of books still available. We discuss a few of them during the episode and you can learn more at his website, linked below.

Today's featured whistlekick product is our line of tee shirts. We have something for everyone, in a variety of styles and sizes. Check them out, and the rest of our martial arts sparring gear and apparel, at

Check out this episode!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Episode 103 - Muscle Memory

Muscle memory is when your body does something automatically. Muscles remember what to do by repeating something many times. Sometimes this is called motor learning. In martial arts, this is the ability to, say, throw a punch without thinking about all of the small things required - which knuckles to use, twisting the hand, the retracted hand, etc. 

There's a bad side to motor learning - like when throwing a technique, someone throws it to the same place without thinking. Every time.

There are ways to expand muscle memory and not be locked in to only a few patterns. Practice things differently. Routine is the enemy. It’s not that we don’t want muscle memory, it’s that we don’t want it to limit us. Work different heights, different body placements, different combinations. Strange combinations. Different speeds. When you slow things down you can focus on the movements and make adjustments. That's something we should all be doing anyway.

Jeremy offers his favorite drill for combatting the negative effects of motor learning.

Today's featured product is our sweatpants.

Check out this episode!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Episode 102 - Datu Tim Hartman


"Martial arts develops character. Martial sports reveals character."

Welcome to episode 102 of Martial Arts Radio, where today we get to hear from Datu Tim Hartman. Datu Hartman is a living legend in the world of Filipino martial arts and has offered numerous seminars across the globe. As a lifelong practitioner of Filipino arts, Datu Hartman has watched the growth of the various disciplines, including arnis, escrima, kali and the various approaches and styles to these arts. We hear about the man's past, what keeps him inspired to train and why he's still so passionate not only about martial arts, but about passing on what he's learned to newer students.


Today's featured whistlekick product line is our suggestion. They're available in zip-up and pull-over, in quite a few colors and sizes. What do they have in common? Style, comfort and quality, just like everything we make.


For full show notes, including links, photos and video, please visit:


Check out this episode!